Eleanor Moss School of Dance
Email: [email protected]
1. Invoices & Fees
- Fees are charged per school term (3 terms per year) and invoices are sent via email at the start of the term.
- There will be no alterations made to invoices based on student attendance unless discussed in advance with Miss Moss and agreed upon.
- Families with 2 or more students enrolled will receive a 10% discount on term fees if paid in full by the due date.
- An individual student enrolled in 2 or more classes will receive a 10% discount on term fees if paid in full by the due date.
- All fees are due within 4 weeks of the invoice date (after the initial trial lesson) unless you have obtained prior consent. A due date for payment will be shown on the invoice.
- After the invoice due date, Eleanor Moss School of Dance reserve the right to suspend a student's attendance in class until the balance is paid in full.
- No refunds will be given for any missed classes.
- There are no catch-up lessons provided for missed classes.
- Exam/Award fees must be paid prior to the school entering students for exams, awards, or presentations and they are non-refundable.
- The parent/guardian is responsible for all charges associated with their child’s dance class.
- If you are having problems with regard to payments please contact Eleanor Moss School of Dance as soon as possible to discuss the options available.
2. Changes to classes and Enrolment
- Students/Parents may request to change to a different class or attend additional classes. Written notification of class alterations must be given to Eleanor Moss School of Dance and all changes will be made at Miss Moss's discretion.
- In relation to the above, any difference in class fees must be paid by the invoice due date when a new invoice has been received.
- No classes will be held on Public Holidays.
- Class times are subject to change at the discretion of the teacher, and this is likely to happen generally on an annual basis.
- During enrolment please provide details of any relevant medical issues, allergies, and if your child is taking medication that they may need to administer themselves during class.
3. Class Attendance
- If a student continues to miss classes often (other than for illness) the school reserves the right to take them off the register and they will not be entered for awards and exams or participate in shows/sharings if the teacher feels they are not ready.
- If lessons are no longer required (or temporarily stopped) at least 3 weeks notice before the student’s intended end date must be provided, in writing. If notice is not given, the school reserves the right to charge the parent/guardian a 3-week fee (equal to 3 weeks' worth of the student's classes).
- If a student temporarily stops classes with the intention of returning, please be aware their space in class is not 100% guaranteed on return, as it may have been taken by a new student or someone on the waiting list.
- Students are strongly encouraged not to take prolonged breaks from classes, as this will affect the development of their dance technique and syllabus knowledge, and will result in them being behind on return, potentially delaying or excluding them from the next award/exam. Please contact Miss Moss if you wish to discuss anything that may result in your child being absent from class.
4. Unforeseen Circumstances
- If the school itself must close due to unforeseen circumstances (out of its control), everyone will be notified of closures and invoices will be altered accordingly. On the occasion where invoices have already been paid, the amount will be deducted from the next term's invoice or a refund provided.
- If on the rare occasion, we have to cancel a class that you have paid for, we aim to offer another class instead (usually by extending the term by one week). Otherwise, your account will be credited with a class for the following term.
- If classes are not able to run in person for an extended period of time, then all dance classes shall follow the timetable but run online and fees paid as normal. These classes shall be taken online via Zoom, and links will be sent via email prior to class.
5. Duty of care, Safety & Conduct
- Please be aware that due to the nature of dance and for your child's growth, development and safety it will be necessary at times to engage in physical contact with your child e.g. to give a footwork correction. This will always be done in an appropriate manner and with your child's best interests in mind.
- Eleanor Moss School of Dance provides for the safety and care of students whilst on the premises.
- Eleanor Moss School of Dance does not accept responsibility for students’ safety outside the premises.
- Eleanor Moss School of Dance attempts to minimise any risk of personal injury within practical boundaries, however, accidents do happen and all physical activities carry the risk of personal injury.
- All students and guardians acknowledge that while every care and safety measure will be taken, there is an inherent risk of personal injury in physical activities that will be undertaken at the school as part of dance classes and accept that risk.
- If young children require the toilet and parents are not around to take them, the teacher or teaching assistant may wait outside and help them if necessary. To minimise the need for this please check whether younger students require the toilet before class starts.
6. Contact Information & Communication
- Please provide up-to-date names and mobile numbers for emergency contacts (via online portal or by emailing Miss Moss at [email protected].
- Please also make sure your email address and postal address are kept up-to-date so we can communicate with you effectively. A secondary email address would also be beneficial for the school to communicate with you if there are any problems with the original email address.
The class change-over can get quite busy so if you do have any queries that can be resolved via email please send us a message. Some information like uniform and term dates can be found on our website:
7. Exams & Awards
- All pupils entered for awards or exams must be prepared to complete a 'Mock Exam' which will take place before the final exam/award.
- The mock exam is usually held 2-3 weeks before the exam date in the same small exam groups they will be examined with.
- Awards/Exams can be taken from grade pre-primary upwards and only once the required standard is attained will pupils be put forward for exams or awards.
- Grade 3+ students must be attending classes twice a week to be considered for an examination of the particular level they are studying. Students attending class once a week will be considered for an award when they are ready. Students below Grade 3 who are attending class less than twice a week may be considered for an examination but the teacher will make the final decision based upon each individual student.
- The teacher will make the final decision regarding the level and type of qualification that the student is entered for.
8. Damages
The signatory will be financially responsible for any damage sustained to Eleanor Moss School of Dance’s property and venues by the student or their guardian. The School will charge the signatory for any repairs, labour, or replacement as deemed necessary.
9. Responsibility
- The student and their guardian are solely responsible for their personal belongings and property whilst left on the premises.
- If you choose to park at one of the venues' car parks or alternative parking you do so at your own risk. Eleanor Moss School of Dance does not accept responsibility for any damage that happens within the car parks or parking areas of these venues. Please take care when entering the car parks, especially if they are near or full to capacity.
10. Photos & Videos
- From time to time we will take photos of students in class. Permission will be sought (through the registration form) from parents/guardians to take photos/videos of students where they may be identifiable.
- Eleanor Moss School of Dance may also take photos/videos for advertising purposes to be used on social media, websites, and print. We will only ever use photos of your child providing we have your prior consent.
- You may withdraw consent at any time by written notice to Miss Moss.
- We reserve the right to request no photos or videos be taken by parents in class or during performances.
- Uploading any images of students onto websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, or other social media is strictly forbidden. I am likely to be informed of anything which harms the school's reputation and will take appropriate action against those involved.
- On the rare occasion that requests are made for students to be photographed, interviewed, or videoed by the school or outside organisations, the school will make sure that the parents/guardians have signed the appropriate media consent form.
11. Uniform
- The correct RAD uniform must be worn for all classes unless otherwise stated by Miss Moss. Please ensure that shoes and dancewear are fitted correctly as badly fitted items are a danger to the dancer.
- No baggy or oversized clothing is to be worn in class.
- Students’ hair must be securely tied and off of their faces for class work.
- No jewellery may be worn for class, examinations, class awards, or shows.
- When acquiring uniform please do not purchase uniform from places or websites that have not been approved by Miss Moss, or veer from the specific uniform for their class, as this could result in students getting uniform that is not allowed to be worn for class or an exam and having to rebuy items.
Specific uniform information for each class can be found at: https://www.eleanormoss-schoolofdance.com/uniform If you are unsure what your child's uniform is please contact Miss Moss.
12. Additional Charges
Any goods or services provided on the day that are not included in the dance class fee (e.g. Uniform) must be paid for at the completion of the dance class on the day they are received or by the invoice date if an invoice has been sent or provided.
13. Bully & Cyber-bullying
Bullying or maltreatment of a student whilst studying at Eleanor Moss School of Dance is absolutely unacceptable. Bullying by electronic means (e-mail, text, Social Media, etc) will be treated like any other kind of bullying and further action will be taken.
14. Class Watching
Parents are not permitted to watch the dance classes apart from specific ‘viewing sessions'. Details of these 'viewing sessions' will be sent via email or communicated directly to parents. Students do better and have increased concentration when parents are not a distraction.
15. Breach of Terms & Conditions
Students and Parents/Guardians will be asked to leave without notice for any serious breach of the school’s terms and conditions or for any other serious misconduct.