Allana Renee Academie de Danse

Terms and Conditions


Most communication from ARAD is made through email. Therefore, it is important that you ensure your email is correct when filling out enrolment forms. If you’ve updated your email address since enrolment, please let us know.

Pick up

Students must remain in the building until parents/guardians arrive to collect them and inform the teacher when they are leaving. For the safety of students, we don’t want children to be waiting outside to be collected. Please pass on these requirements if someone new is picking up your child.

Medical Treatment and Injury

We take all reasonable measures to ensure students safety throughout classes, unfortunately in dance, injuries do sometimes occur. If an injury does occur during class, all reasonable efforts will be made to contact a parent or nominated guardian, quickly.

However, in the case of a medical emergency or in the event that a parent cannot be reached, medical assistance will be provided. This may include first aid being administered to your child, and or an ambulance being called if deemed necessary. If you do not wish first aid to be administered to you child, you must let the school know at the time of enrolment.


Fees are invoiced to parents by email during the first few weeks of term. Additional fees included are administration fees each term and any Costume and Performance Fees in Term 4 if participating in the concert. We expect all fees to be paid by the due date, or a 10% late fee will be incurred. If a student is sick, injured or decides to leave the studio, paid term fees will not be refunded.

Refunds, Makeup Classes and Cancelled Classes

Classes that are cancelled for any reason will be rescheduled if possible. If the class cannot be rescheduled students are entitled to participate in a makeup class of the same or similar level. If there is no second class available of a similar level or style and the class cannot be rescheduled, parents may request a refund for the cancelled class if the class does not fall within a class pass.

Refunds are not available due to injury or illness however makeup classes are available when students are well enough to return to dance.

If classes are cancelled due to Covid 19 for an extended period of 2 weeks or more, families will receive a credit towards the following terms fees unless online classes are running in replacement of in-studio classes.

Performances and Costumes

At the end of the year students are invited to perform in a concert production which showcases their skills. It is an opportunity for families and friends so be entertained and celebrate the work and dedication of the dancers throughout the year. Awards in various categories will be presented by Miss Allana to selected students in recognition of outstanding efforts during the year.

Social Media and Images

Parents have the option to tick the media release box during the enrolment process which gives permission for ARAD to use photos or videos of students on the website, social media pages and in advertising material. Parents may opt not to have their children’s videos/photos used by leaving the box unticked.

Parent Viewing Policy

Parents are welcome to stay and watch their child’s first class at ARAD if the child is feeling anxious, however for future classes it can be distracting to the students to have people watching during class and can lead to an unproductive lesson. ARAD has a class viewing day each year where we invite parents to come and see how lessons are run, and what their child has been working on. A notice will be sent out in advance to parents with details of the viewing day.

Student Placement in Classes

Student placement in class is generally based on age, however at the discretion of the Principal they may be moved to another class. It can be challenging to place new students who haven’t danced before with students who have many years’ experience. We want your child placed in a class that is safe and best suited to their experience. While we understand that some children like being in a class with their friends, when their ability doesn’t match the standard of the class, it can put them at a disadvantage.

If there is an issue with the class your child is in, we ask that you email and let us know about the problem so that we can try and resolve it.


ARAD teaches the Royal Academy of Dance, with exams being held once a year. Exams are available to all students 6 years and over. Students wishing to undertake ballet exams must attend at least 2 ballet classes a week, however a student’s readiness for an exam will be decided by their teacher and discussed with the Principal prior to application.


Students are expected to be punctual to all classes, waiting in correct uniform at the door of their class, before the class is scheduled to start.

If your child is unwell or absent for any reason, we ask that you inform the Principal as early as you can, either by email or phone.

If injured, please advise teachers so that they can make adjustments to class accordingly.

Chewing gum, jewellery or watches are not permitted in class, as they can cause injury to the dancer and other students. ARAD takes no responsibility for valuables left in the studio. We do end up with some lost property at the end of term so please name everything, especially water bottles and clothing.

We encourage students to bring a water bottle to class and cups are not available at all studios.

Students are allowed to bring food to eat between classes, but we ask that they don’t bring popcorn, chips or any food products containing nuts.

We ask for all students to be respectful towards our venues and to put all rubbish in the bin and clean up after themselves.

Uniform and Grooming

All students are required to adhere to the uniform and grooming standards outlined on the website, It is important for students to follow these guidelines as it helps teachers to see lines and shaping, and to provide better feedback and corrections in class. In addition to this, we request that students arrive and leave the venue in street shoes, and not in dance shoes.