Angie’s Dance Academy UK

Privacy Policy

Angie’s Dance Academy UK collects, stores and may use your personal information for administration, dance activities/opportunities and marketing.  We won’t share your information outside of ADA UK and our governing bodies (IDTA, Para Dance UK and Popdance) without asking you, except in certain circumstances required by law, a regulatory requirement or to safe guard you or your child.  We are obliged to keep your information secure and not to keep it for longer than necessary outside our normal operational requirement. Please note that your phone number maybe stored on ADA UK teachers’ personal mobile phones.

To ensure your student can participate fully, safely and enjoy a range of dancing opportunities and activities during your membership, we ask that you provide us with any relevant health information, details of any medical conditions, disabilities and/or special educational needs (SEN).

ADA UK needs your sensitive information to make sure we look after your well-being when you’re taking part in dancing activities.  ADA UK respects personal privacy and only ADA UK teachers and assistants, on a need to know basis, will see the information you give.  We won’t share any personal information with any third party outside of ADA UK and our governing bodies (IDTA, Para Dance UK and Popdance) without asking you, except in certain circumstances required by law, a regulatory requirement or to safeguard your child.  We securely hold all data on our database while you are an active member.  If your membership becomes inactive, we’ll archive this information in line with our data retention policy.  You have the right to ask for a copy of all data we hold about you.  This is known as a subject access request (SAR).  You also have the right to withdraw your consent for us to use any data or to ask us to stop using data, to which we must comply with within a reasonable period.  The law says ADA UK must get explicit consent when asking for sensitive information.  Please indicate below to agree to ADA UK collecting, storing and using the sensitive information you’ve provided above.