Ascension Dance Academy

Terms and Conditions

Injury disclaimer: By signing up I acknowledge that dance is a rigorous sport that can result in injury. In consideration of the Company allowing the undersigned to make use of the venue and its facilities and equipment for the relevant purpose by which the Company allows, I agree to assume the foreseeable and unforeseeable risk of personal injuries related to activities in class and during performances. I agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless the Company, its owner and employees free from any and all liabilities, claims, cause of action, damages, or losses.

Drop Fee disclaimer:If your dancer drops a class, a 30-day written notice is required. You will be responsible for payment until the written notice is received and the 30 day period has passed.

Late Payment Fee: A $15 Late Fee will be charged for any payments not made within 5 days of the due date.

Returned Check Fee: $35