Aussie Aths

Terms and Conditions

In registering my child/ren in Aussie Aths, I agree to the following terms and conditions of enrolment:


1.  Online registration and payment in full is required prior to the commencement of any Aussie Aths class or program.


2.  Participants may attend a free come and try class but must still complete the designated Free Trial online enrolment process.


3.  All Aussie Aths participants must be 4.5 years or older and have started school.


4.  Aussie Aths participants must enrol in the program that correlates with their school year, unless otherwise agreed with Aussie Aths.


5.  First time grade 6 participants should select the Aussie Aths Accelerate program, unless otherwise instructed by Aussie Aths coaches.


6.  Program enrolment is not transferable to another participant, and Aussie Aths does not offer refunds.


7.  All participants should come to sessions dressed appropriately – in sports wear suitable to the weather conditions, wearing runners and with a water bottle.


8.  Aussie Aths programs will be delivered in accordance with the Aussie Aths weather policy – available below.


9. Make-up classes are offered (up to 2 per participant per term), but are not guaranteed. They are available where absences are advised in advance. Please contact us to arrange a makeup class. Make up classes must be taken within the same term, and do not carry over to the next term. 


10. By enrolling your child, you confirm they are in physical condition to participate in Aussie Aths, and any medical or other conditions that may impact participation have been detailed during the registration process. We are an inclusive program catering to all abilities and can modify activities where there are physical restrictions and we are informed.


11.  Participants agree to follow the instructions and directions of the supervising coach at all times on site, before, during and after the coaching sessions and participate in a manner that does not endanger either themselves or others.


12.  As with any physical activity, there are inherent risks to participation. To the extent permissible by law Aussie Aths organisers and coaches do not accept any liability whatsoever for personal injury, property damage or any direct or indirect loss sustained by any participant as a result of his or her participation in an Aussie Aths program.


13.  Unless otherwise advised in writing to Aussie Aths, the use of participants details is agreed, including name, and also image and likeness, before, during and after the Aussie Aths program term for promotional, advertising, broadcasting or reporting purposes in any media, including enewsletters, social media and websites.


14.  Coaches in charge of the Aussie Aths session are authorised to consent to my child/ren receiving such medical treatment as deemed necessary in an emergency, including blood transfusion and administration of an anaesthetic if it is impracticable to communicate with me. I agree to pay all medical expenses and transport costs, incurred on behalf of my child, as a result of any condition or injury sustained by my child in an emergency.


15.  Parents or guardians must arrive on site to collect participants prior to the scheduled end time of the session.


16.  Aussie Aths has the right to change or alter any of these terms and conditions at its discretion




1.  Athletics is an outdoor sport and subject to variable weather conditions, year-round.


2.  Participants should wear sportswear and coverage suitable to the weather conditions – including sunscreen and hats in summer and warm clothes and wet weather gear in winter.


3.  Participants should bring a water bottle to all sessions, regardless of weather conditions.


4.  Aussie Aths sessions will run as scheduled in all weather conditions including in the rain, unless it is dangerous to do so; for example in extreme weather conditions such as hail, lightening or electrical storms.


5.  The ultimate decision for cancellation rests with the Aussie Aths coach who will consider the health and safety of the participants as the priority.


6.  On extremely hot, windy or rainy days, modified training sessions may be delivered or the duration of training sessions may be shortened at the discretion of Aussie Aths coaches. Parents should check in with the supervising coach upon their arrival at the session, as they drop off their child and prior to departing the venue.


7.  In the event of any ‘act of God’ conditions causing a cancellation of any Aussie Aths session/s, the applicable portion of participants enrolment fee is not transferable or refundable. Aussie Aths coaches may offer a make-up session if this is manageable within the constraints of the program schedule, but this is not guaranteed.