Footworks Dance Bloom Studios

Privacy Policy

Under data protection law, individuals have the right to be informed about how we use the personal data we hold about them. 
Footworks Dance understands that your privacy is important to you and that you care about how your information is used and shared. We respect and value the privacy of everyone who enquiries about or uses our services and will only collect and use your data in ways that are useful to you and in a manner consistent with your rights and our obligations under the law.
Any personal information you share with us will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act and we will regularly review our privacy policy. Footworks Dance will not share your data without your permission and we will never sell your data.
This privacy policy tells you what to expect when we collect your data.
All individuals associated with Footworks Dance [staff, parents, students] have the right to:
1 Access their data easily
2 Have their data rectified/updated upon request
3 Have their data removed
4 Restrict any processing of their data
5 Move their data
6 Object to their data being used
This privacy policy explains how we collect, store and use personal data about our customers [parents and carers] and students.
Footworks Dance, Bloom Studios, Unit 10a The Wolds Business Park, Skerne Road, Driffield, YO25 6AG, we are, for the purposes of data protection law the “data controller”.
The lead contact for data protection is Claire Hayton.
We are registered with the ICO registration number ZB284339.
The personal data we hold

Personal data that we may collect, use, store and share about pupils includes, but is not restricted to: 
Contact details, emergency contact details, date of birth
Results of exams and medals, and internal assessment
Students timetables 
Students attendance
Details of medical conditions
Safeguarding information
Financial records, when and how payments are made
Why do we use this data?
To maintain business records
General business administration
To comply with the law regarding tax, safeguarding and other business requirements
Support students learning
Monitoring progress
To share with necessary 3rd parties
Keep you informed of news and events
Invoicing and payment records
We will only collect customers and student’s data were necessary and when the law allows us to. We may process data in situations where we will ask for explicit consent. We will make this clear when we ask for consent and this consent can be withdrawn at anytime.
When we seek to collect information from you that is not mandatory we will explain the possible consequences of not complying.
How we store this data?
Information is collected at registration.
Information is gathered from the details provided in your initial enquiry, by email or telephone.
We store personal data about our customers and pupils using a Data Processor called Class Manager this is an online data processor who store the data, via a cloud based server which is hosted in the UK and is GDPR compliant. For more information on Class Manager Privacy Policy visit

Collecting data
The data is collected when customers join the dance school and from time to time we may request further information, if so we will explain why and how the data will be stored. We will also record exam results and reports from events such as competitions.
Data Sharing
We do not share information with 3rd parties unless the law or our policies allow us to.
We may share personal information with:
The local authority to meet safeguarding obligations
Examining boards or 3rd parties associated with events that the dance school is a member of, such as WLDF, ADFP.
Event organisers that require details for their records for us to be able to be involved.
We will share joint responsibility with the exam board the ISTD/IDTA as data processors for the exam entries and exam results and production of certificates and comment sheets.
Customer and student’s rights regarding personal data
Customers have a right to make a ‘subject access request’ to gain access to personal information that the dance school or exam board holds about them.
Customers can make a request with respect to their child’s data where the child is not considered mature enough to undertake their own rights over their own data [ usually under the age of 12] or were the child has provided consent.
Customers also have the right to make a ‘subject access request’ with respect to personal data the school holds about them.
We will: 
Give you a description of it
Tell you why we are holding and processing it and how long we will keep it for
Tell you who it has been, or who it will be shared with
Tell you how long we will hold your data
Once a student no longer attends the dance school and all outstanding invoices are settled the personal details of the customer and the student will be removed from the database.
We will hold onto financial records in line with HRMC guidelines
We will hold onto accident reports until students are 21

Your rights
Under data protection law, individuals have certain rights regarding how their personal data is used and kept safe, including the right to:
Object to the use of personal data if it would cause, or is causing damage or distress
Prevent it being used to send direct marketing
Object to decisions being taken by automated means
In certain circumstances have inaccurate personal data corrected.

Take control of how your data is used
We will use your data to send you invoices and news and information.
We ask for explicit consent to:
Share the relevant data with the ISTD/IDTA, for the purpose of, booking exams and medal awards
Give permission as a joint data controller with the IDTA/ISTD/ADFP/WLDF for dancer’s names and ages to appear on timetables, which will be displayed in the dance schools waiting room.
Give permission as a joint data controller with the IDTA/ISTD for dancer’s names to be printed on certificates.
Give permission as a joint data controller with the IDTA/ISTD for dancer’s names, date of birth, P.I.N and exam results to be stored securely by the ISTD/IDTA general secretary.
Give permission for the necessary dancer’s data to be given to 3rd parties when taking part at events.
Use data to add the dancer’s names to appear in our show programmes.
Use data to update our star of the day/birthday board.
Use data to display information on our noticeboard.
Use photos and videos as a tool for further learning.
Use photos and videos to promote the dance school in marketing material, in printed form, or by email or on our social media platforms.
Have your child appear in our annual show video which is sold as a DVD to Footworks families.

If you wish to opt out of, or limit what we send to you and how we use your data please email us at [email protected] or [email protected].
If you think that our collection and use of personal information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate, or have any other concern about our data processing, please raise this with Mrs Claire Hayton.
You may also wish to contact the Information Commissioners Office [ICO] for help or advice. You can find them at