The Hannah Cassidy School of Dance

Privacy Policy


The Hannah Cassidy School of Dance is dedicated to protecting your personal information. Our team is committed to providing a safe environment for our students, parents, visitors, staff and anyone who comes into contact with us, both physically and online.  This statement relates to all information supplied to us via enrolment forms, email correspondence and letters.


Whenever you provide such information, we are legally obliged to use your information in line with current legislation concerning the protection of personal information, including the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and UK Data Protection Act 2018.  


We follow the 7 data protection principles: Fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, minimisation, accuracy, accountability, storage and security.


Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency: Any processing of personal data will be lawful and fair. It will be transparent to individuals that personal data concerning them are collected, used, consulted, or otherwise processed and to what extent the personal data are or will be processed.


Purpose Limitation: Personal data will only be collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.


Data Minimisation: Processing of personal data will be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.


Accuracy: we ensure that personal data is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.


Storage Limitation: Personal data will only be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for as long as is necessary.


Integrity and Confidentiality: Personal data will be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security and confidentiality of the personal data


Accountability: The Hannah Cassidy School of Dance take responsibility for the processing of personal data and how they comply with the GDPR,



In line with our Safeguarding Policy, we must have receive and store the following information about anyone in our classes:


- name

- date of birth

- parent's email address

- parent's contact number

- medical conditions


This information is used to ensure we can create workshops that are suitable for all of our students. 



Your information is used in a number of ways:


- To contact you regarding new opportunities, changes to services and deal with enquiries - this includes complaints

- For administrative purposes including: sending term letters, notifying you of changes to the classes you are signed up for etc.

- To contact you about an application you have made

- In an emergency relating to your child (i.e. illness or injury)

As and when we need to use your personal information for reasons other than the ones specified above, we will ensure that we notify you first. You will be given the opportunity to withhold or withdraw your consent for the use of your personal information for purposes other than those listed above. 


The Hannah Cassidy School of Dance does NOT share your personal information with any third parties for marketing purposes. We do NOT sell your data, and neither do we buy data from third parties.



Everyone registering for classes with The Hannah Cassidy School of Dance has the right to opt out of data storage. However, if you wish to do this, we will be unable to contact you in an emergency or to notify you of events and opportunities for your child.


Should you so wish to do this, you must remain on site at all times during your child's classes in case of an emergency and we will be unable to register your child for shows or productions.



We may hold or use personal data on the grounds of ‘legitimate interest’. This means we can process personal information if we have a genuine and legitimate reason and we are not harming any of your rights and interests. This includes information we are legally required to store even after a request to be forgotten:


-     Names and postal address related to invoices (MUST be kept as it is required for HMRC legal tax purposes)

Medical information is sensitive data and held on the grounds of legitimate interest. This data will only be processed and stored by The Hannah Cassidy School of Dance when completely relevant to ensure your child’s safety whilst taking part in our classes. This data will be erased after request to be forgotten, or at any time if it becomes irrelevant.



Anyone under the age of 18 will require the permission of their parent/guardian to supply us with their personal information. 


Certain uses of images are necessary for publicising and updating other parents of The Hannah Cassidy School of Dance services and activities. Parental consent is always required for photos/videos of children to be taken. 


Parents have the option to opt-out of photography and videos of their children being taken, stored and used by the school on the registration form and can change this at any time. 


Photographs and videos may be used on:


- School website

- Social media

- Flyers and posters

- Other advertising


Any images taken by instructors will be sent directly to Principal Hannah to be stored by the school and deleted from the phone of the instructor.



The Hannah Cassidy School of Dance will store your information on our mailing list unless you decide to opt out. If you choose to leave the workshops, your information will be stored for one year after leaving for insurance purposes.


In line with GDPR, we will keep the information you supply on your enrolment form on a password protected document and paper enrolment forms will be securely stored in the office.


Other storage of data may include:


- Wix (website host)

- Outlook (email host)

- Facebook

- Instagram



When asked to submit your enrolment form, there will be an option for you to select which types of communications you consent to receiving The Hannah Cassidy School of Dance, and in some cases how you wish to be contacted. You have the right to change your preferences or opt-out of consent at any time by contacting us at [email protected]


The accuracy of your personal data is important to us to ensure we can keep you notified of any changes/events and you hold the right to update any information held by us. Please help us keep our data records up to date by notifying us of any changes at [email protected]


Under the General Data Protection Regulation you have the right to request full access to any personal information held about you. If you wish to make a Data Access Request or if you would like to request the right for The Hannah Cassidy School of Dance to delete any personal data stored about you, please contact [email protected] You must provide description of what information you wish to see alongside proof of identity. 


This Privacy Policy can be updated at any time. If there are substantial changes to your rights, you will contacted immediately. 


This Policy was created: 01/04/2022

This Policy was reviewed 02/04/2024