Copper Studios

Terms and Conditions


  1. All parents must complete an online enrolment form when joining the school with clear information regarding emergency contacts and any relevant medical history. 
  2. A copy of primary and emergency contact numbers will be kept on class registers.
  3. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify Copper Studios of any changes to their emergency contact details
  4. In case of a fire emergency, all teachers have a clear understanding of the procedures to follow.
  5. Copper Studios will undertake regular assessment of risks regarding our premises and any concerns will be raised with the owners.
  6. It is Copper Studios' responsibility to keep a fully equipped First Aid Box within the building. In case of an incident, an Accident report must be completed.
  7. All teachers are required to have up-to-date First Aid training
  8. If required the school will contact the emergency services first, then the parent/guardian of the student(s) involved by the telephone number on the class registers.
  9. Parents understand that dance is an active sport and injuries can happen. The school accepts no responsibility for injuries sustained by any means other than a teacher’s negligence.
  10. Pupils will be supervised during class time only and parents/carers must ensure the safety of their children in the car park, waiting, changing and toilet areas.
  11. We hold no responsibility for children and young adults using the grounds around the building. 
  12. Children are not permitted in 'staff only' areas.
  13. Students/parents or guardians should inform the teacher of any special health considerations or existing injuries before participating in class
  14. Parents must be responsible for ensuring their child’s punctuality. 
  15. Students must arrive 5 minutes before class to allow time to use the bathroom, dress, remove jewelry, and neatly put their hair back.
  16. All students must be READY TO DANCE at the start of each class. Late students may only enter with permission from the director/teacher and may be asked to sit and observe class.
  17. Dress code must be observed at all times, especially footwear for safe dance practice.
  18. Only indoor dance shoes should be worn inside the studio to protect the floor and for health and safety reasons.
  19. Shoes must be worn when using the toilet facilities.
  20. Pupils should not wear any jewelry that may pose a risk to themselves or others (stud earrings and jewelry worn for religious or cultural reasons are acceptable).
  21. No food (or chewing gum) is allowed in the studio. Water is permitted in cap bottles.

22. No child will be allowed to leave the studio with anyone other than a parent unless confirmed with the teacher before class either verbally or via email.

23. Students and parents are responsible for their belongings. Do not bring valuables into the studio or waiting area. Copper Studios is not responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced property.

24. All students MUST be picked up within 5 minutes of the end of class.

25. When enrolling students online you permit for us to take photos/videos of students to share on social media and use for promotional print material. 

Class Etiquette:

1. Eyes and attention must always be on the teacher.

2. Be appreciative of corrections and apply them.

3. Be kind to your classmates. Rudeness is unacceptable.

4. No talking or leaning on the barre during class.

5. Never stop in the middle of an exercise.

6. Leaving class before it is over is not acceptable.

7. After class, say “Thank you.”



Students are required to wear plain black uniform including Copper Studios T-Shirt, Black Joggers, Black Leggings, Black Leotard, Black Shorts and Jazz/Ballet Shoes.

Students who identify as gender non-conforming may choose the dress code they are most comfortable with.


1. Payments are split over 12 months, via our automated recurring payment system. Late payments or outstanding fees will lead to us not allowing students into sessions. 

2. We offer the first class as a free taster session. After this payment must be set up via Stripe/ClassManager. Payments are split equally split over a 12 month period, which is automatically collected every month.

3. At Copper Studios, we offer a convenient payment plan that allows you to evenly distribute the cost of tuition over the course of 12 months. This ensures that the financial commitment remains consistent and manageable throughout the year, despite any breaks or closures we may have.

During the summer break, when the studio is closed for three weeks, and the Christmas break, when we take a two-week holiday, the monthly payments continue as usual. This helps us maintain the high-quality facilities, resources, and staff that make our classes exceptional.

We understand that you might wonder why you are paying for classes when they are not running, but it's important to note that your membership with Copper Studios goes beyond just the class time. It includes access to our experienced teachers, continued development of skills, rehearsal/production days, and ongoing support throughout the year.

3. If you wish to cancel a student's place at Copper Studios you are asked to pay a 1 month 'cancelation period' in which students can still attend during this time, unless otherwise permitted by the Copper Studios team.