Class Fees: Payable termly - eg. Term 1 = 10 weeks @ $18.50 = $185. Due: Prior to their first class (half term payments are welcome)
Family discount: 2nd child = 20%.
Payment can be made via:
Direct Deposit: BSB: 066000 ACT Number: 17190161 Name: Cygnets Dance (No fees attached)
Credit Card: Using the Parent Portal (Note: Processing fee attached)
Once paid, all fees are non refundable.
In allowing my child to participate in CYGNETS DANCE activities, I hereby assume all the risks associated with the performing arts. I understand the importance of myself and my child following the instructions and rules set by their instructor/s, and I agree to release CYGNETS DANCE and it's employees of any and all liability which may arise as a result of my child's participation in activities at CYGNETS DANCE.
All CYGNETS DANCE employees hold current First Aid Certificates and Working with Children Checks. By agreeing to this statement, in the unlikely event of an accident consent is given to administer first aid from a trained staff member.
All students are covered by DANCESURANCE.