Dance Direction QLD

Terms and Conditions


Terms, Conditions and Risk Management Policies (RMP)

Day means business days and weekend days including public holidays in Queensland

Term means the St Paul’s School term

Overdue fees means fees not paid within 14 days of receipt of statement

Dance Direction Queensland is abbreviated to DDQ


Fees are charged per term

A statement detailing the number of lessons and fees will be e-mailed in the first week of each term.

Fees are payable within 14 days from receipt of statement

Where a student commences tuition during the term, a pro rata statement will be e-mailed and

fees are payable immediately.

Where a student increases the number of classes they attend, the fees will be adjusted on a pro

rata basis for the balance of the term and any additional amounts will be due within 14 days of

receipt of the revised statement

Overdue fees will attract a $37 fee

No fees will be refunded for lessons that have not been attended

DDQ must be notified by e-mail before the end of term if a pupil wishes to discontinue a class or

classes, or leave the studio at the end of term. If this notice is not provided one terms’ fees ( at

the current term fee rate) will be charged in lieu of notice

Students, whose fees are outstanding without prior arrangement with DDQ, may not be

permitted to attend classes or studio activities until outstanding fees have been paid.


I will not hold DDQ or Jillian Southgate responsible for any injury or loss of property while

attending classes.

Disclaimer and Advertising Waiver:

“I hereby permit Dance Direction Queensland to use photography (and other media forms)

which may contain my image, for advertising purposes. I also acknowledge that at all times

whilst attending Dance Direction Queensland Classes both my property and my person shall be

at my own risk and I shall not hold Dance Direction Queensland liable for any loss of life,

personal injury suffered, loss or damage sustained to property or person, however such loss,

damaged or injury may arise or be caused, including negligence on behalf of Dance Direction

Queensland, it’s instructors, servants, or agents.”

Whilst attending DDQ classes both my property and my person shall be at my own risk and I

shall not hold DDQ liable for any loss of life, personal injury suffered, loss or damage sustained

to property or person however such loss damage or injury may arise or be caused, including

negligence on behalf of DDQ, it’s instructors, servants or agents.

Other conditions

No dance classes on public holidays, except by agreement with DDQ

Pupils are entered for exams entirely at Teacher’s discretion

Pupils, who are entered for exams and miss three lessons in a row, will not be allowed to

participate in the exam

Pupils must attend all classes in the correct studio leotard with hair securely tied up in a bun

Parents may attend the last lesson in Term 1 and 2 for viewing

DDQ Students may not take classes at other studios without permission from the DDQ Principal.

Photo Usage Policy

At Dance Direction QLD, we are committed to celebrating and showcasing the activities and

achievements of our students and staff. To that end, we may take photographs and/or videos

during classes and other events.

Usage of Photographs:

By participating in our classes and events, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. Consent to Photograph: You consent to having your photograph and/or video taken

during classes and events organized by Dance Direction QLD.

2. Advertising and Promotion: Photographs and videos taken may be used for

promotional purposes, including but not limited to, our website, social media channels,

marketing materials, and other advertising platforms.

3. No Compensation: You agree that no monetary compensation or royalties will be

provided for the use of these images.

4. Opt-Out Option: If you prefer not to have your photograph used for advertising

purposes, please inform us in writing at [insert contact email/phone number] prior to the

event or class. We will make reasonable efforts to honor your request.

5. Contact Information: For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please

contact us at [email protected].

By continuing to participate in our classes and events, you are deemed to have accepted the

terms outlined in this policy.

Acceptance of terms and conditions

By signing this online form you will be accepting our terms and conditions and Policy and

Procedures. We are unable to commence tuition without your acceptance of our Terms &


Policies and Procedures (P&P) DDQ have in place a number of P&P such as Child Risk Policy

and Disabilities Action Plan. Should you wish to view these, please contact DDQ.

Child and Youth Risk Management Policy (RMP)

1 Statement of Commitment

At Dance Direction Queensland (DDQ) we pride ourselves on providing a high standard of

dance training whilst also maintaining an environment that is safe, inclusive and supportive.

DDQ is an advocate for the rights of our students (children, young people and adults)

participating in our service and is committed to the safe protection and well-being of all. Our

teachers and staff are role models to our students and will treat them with respect, care and

understanding to ensure DDQ is and continues to be a safe and supportive environment.

DDQ aims to contribute to the development of all our students to assist them to achieve their full

potential in life.

2 Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct applies to all students, paid employees, volunteers, parents and visitors

who enter DDQ service area. Parents and students, when enrolling at DDQ , will be asked to

confirm agreement with the conditions set out in the RMP. The web site advises how to access

the RMP. Employees must read and sign the DDQ Code of Conduct before commencing work

with DDQ.The RMP will be fully reviewed annually to ensure it is effective and up to date with

existing legislation.

2.1 Code of Conduct for Children and Youth under the age of 13

As children and youth who are part of DDQ we agree that:

We will respect other children, young people and adults;

We will cooperate and obey the rules outlined by DDQ

We will respect other people’s property;

We will listen, openly receive instructions and try our best at all times;

We will control our temper;

We will have a say about what we are involved in;

We will speak up if we are worried or concerned about something;

We will not be a bully or accept any bullying that we see.

Students are required to go to the toilets in a buddy system or with a parent.

2.2 Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers and Students aged 13 years and over.

As a parent/carer of a student involved in the service provided by DDQ, or as a student over the

age of 13 years, I agree that:

I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person, regardless of their abilities, gender,

religion or cultural background;

I will respect the decisions of DDQ teachers and will teach my children to do likewise;

I will encourage the effort and performance of all students at DDQ;

I will represent DDQ in a positive and friendly manner at all times;

I will support all efforts to ensure DDQ remains a safe and supportive environment for all DDQ

students, teachers and parents.

I will raise any issues or concerns with DDQ in a positive and constructive manner;

I will not treat any student in an unfair, unjust or discriminatory manner;

I will not smoke on DDQ, St Paul’s School or Sandgate High School property;

I will not drink alcohol whilst on DDQ St Paul’s School or Sandgate High School property except

in within the parameters of an approved function where the service of alcohol to adults is


I will not use illicit substances whilst on DDQ St Paul’s School or Sandgate High School property

or whilst representing DDQ in any capacity.

I will not engage in inappropriate and/or sexual behaviour whilst on DDQ St Paul’s School or

Sandgate High School property or whilst representing DDQ in any capacity. Nor will I engage in

a manner which involves discrimination or bullying in any form.

I understand that I may be removed from DDQ premises, or activities , if I contravene the Code

of Conduct.

DDQ duty of care commences when students enter the class. Parents may choose to remain on

the premises during this period of time.

The standards of appropriate behaviour for DDQ employees are contained within Appendix A of

this strategy.

2.4 Managing students who exhibit challenging disability issues.

Refer to the Disability Management procedure, DDQ4.

2.5 Collection of students

Parents are advised on enrolment that they must instruct their younger children to remain in the

vicinity of DDQ whilst awaiting collection after lessons.

If their lift fails to arrive students must return to the studio and advise a teacher who will ensure

the child is cared for until the lift arrives.

Contact should be made with the parents if possible by phone.

Should the lift does not materialise the teacher must contact the Principal to establish a course

of action.

Should any unusual behaviour by a parent be noticed by a teacher (intoxicated, under the

influence of drugs, aggressive) the teacher must make every effort to involve other parents or

teachers to ensure the safety of the child. The Principal must be advised by e-mail if an event

occurs. The Principal will investigate and advise all concerned of any subsequent action


2.6 Transportation of Students

Parental consent is required if students are to be transported by DDQ staff.

Drivers must be licensed and vehicles must be registered/roadworthy.

Should any unusual behaviour by a driver be noticed by a teacher (intoxicated, under the

influence of drugs, aggressive) the teacher must make every effort to involve other parents or

teachers to ensure the safety of the child. The Principal must be advised by e-mail if an event

occurs. The Principal will investigate and advise all concerned of any subsequent action


2.7 Class sizes

DDQ aims to provide effective, controlled and safe teaching of students

Class sizes will vary with genre and age groups. Normally 1 teacher per class.

Depending on the intensity and level of tuition required there may, in some classes, be a need to

have two or more teachers.

3 Procedures for Recruiting, Selecting, Training and Managing Employees.

(See Risk Management Policy)

4 Procedures to minimise harm to students

See also App A & B regarding appropriate & inappropriate behaviour, and definitions.

DDQ remains committed to acting in a manner that supports the interest and well-being of its

students by:

Modelling acceptable behaviour within the context of a dance class;

Make sure all students are safe by monitoring their activities, providing adequate supervision

and ensuring their environment meets all safety requirements;

Take anything a student says seriously and follow up on their concerns;

Listen to students and let them know that DDQ teachers are available for them if they have any


Harm includes any form of sexual harassment, bullying or discrimination including verbally,

directly to the person, by social media or by phone.

Private lessons, by their very nature, are one on one tuition. DDQ will take all reasonable

precautions, such as ensuring teachers are fully aware of the DDQ RMP Code of Conduct, and

ensuring all teachers have a current Blue Card

5 Management of Breaches

(See Risk Management Policy)

6 Compliance with Blue Card System

DDQ will maintain a Blue Card register that will capture all employee and volunteer blue card

information. All information in relation to Blue Card applications will be kept confidential. See

Employee Blue Card Procedure DDQ 5.

7 Use of Social Media, Mobile Phones, Tablets and other devices

Usage in line with normal social values are accepted at DDQ. Our rules include:

No use during classes

No disruptive or noisy use of devises at any time whilst at DDQ activities

Facebook: This this updated by senior members of our staff.

Bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, and any other anti social behaviour using devices

will, under no circumstances, be tolerated.

8 Risk Management Plan for High Risk Activities / Special Events

DDQ manages a number of events throughout the calendar year where students are required to

be supervised by employees and volunteers. The Risk Management Plan in Appendix C

outlines the additional management actions DDQ has established to address high risk activities

associated with these events.

9 Communication and Support

The DDQ Child and Youth Risk Management policy is available for all parents and students to

view at the studio on request. DDQ welcomes any parent comments in respect of our RMP.

10 Complaints Procedure

10.1 Should a situation arise in which parents or employees wish to lodge a formal

complaint in respect of, for example:

Conditions of employment

Service provided by DDQ

For issues relating to Harm see Section 4

10.2 All complaints must be made by e-mail addressed to the Principal.

The Principal will acknowledge receipt of the complaint by e-mail

The Principal will investigate the complaint and within 10 working days will reply to the

complainant by e-mail, and arrange a meeting if required.

If a resolution does not result the Principal will record DDQ’s decision as final.

The complainant will have the opportunity to refer this to third parties, as appropriate.

11 Privacy

DDQ is committed to reasonably ensuring the privacy of appropriate information.

All personnel information of students, parents and employees is held by DDQ on our office

premises or at the main studio.

Data held on computer is only accessible by computer password to the Principal, and

nominated staff.

Data for students leaving DDQ is deleted on all current computer systems, but retained on

historical file for tax purposes.

Only the Principal, or nominated staff, are authorised to comment to the media regarding any

issues regarding DDQ

Appendix A: DDQ Employee, Volunteer, Student and Parent Behaviour Standards

Appendix B: Definition of Harm

Appendix C: DDQ Risk Management Plan for High Risk Activities / Special Events

To view the above appendix, please see Risk Management Policy at the studio.