Elevate Dancers

Terms and Conditions

Temple Terrace Recreation Center (TT Rec):


Tuition is reflective of Elevate Dancer's pricing and is the same for members and non-members.

However, if a dancer is not a registered member of the TT Rec, a non-member facility usage fee equal to 50% of tuition will apply. This fee is billed separately and will require a check written out directly to "City of Temple Terrace".


All dancers will be required to wear appropriate dance wear including shoes to class. Some of these items may be purchased through Elevate Dancers for your convenience or you may purchase them elsewhere. However, it is important that the dancer have them and be wearing them by week 3 of class. 

Temple Terrace Presbyterian Weekday School (TTPWS):


Your dancer must be an enrolled student at Temple Terrace Presbyterian Weekday School to register for classes. 


Terms and Conditions:

By filling out this registration form I am submitting my interest to register myself/my child to start classes with Elevate Dancers. I also understand that while Dancers are placed according to their Grade/Age group, depending on their experience level, they may be moved to another class at the Instructor's discretion.

Release of Liability:

Despite precautions and best efforts, accidents and injuries may occur. I/we realize that participation in dance classes and activities could involve some possible personal injury. I/we (the dancer and parent/guardian) assume all risks related to the use of any and all spaces used by Elevate Dancers, LLC.

I/we agree to release and hold harmless Elevate Dancers, LLC, the Hillsborough County School Board, all schools, teacher(s), assistants), affiliates, officers, employees, representatives, partners, agents, owners, dancers, staff members, and facilities used by Elevate Dancers, LLC from any cause of action, claims, or demands now and in the future. I/we will not hold Elevate Dancers, LLC liable for any personal injury or any personal property damage, which may occur on the premises before, during, or after classes. Furthermore, I/we agree to obey the class and facility rules and take full responsibility for my/our behavior in addition to any damage I/we may cause to the facilities utilized by Elevate Dancers, LLC.

In the event that I/we should observe any unsafe conduct or conditions before, during, or after my/our classes, I/we agree to report the unsafe conduct or conditions to an Elevate Dancers, LLC staff member as soon as possible.

Refund Policy:

In general, there are no refunds, however, Elevate Dancers reserves the right to make exceptions for extenuating circumstances.  In most of these cases, an account credit would be issued rather than a refund and it must be used by the end of the following dance season.

School/Location Closures:

Elevate Dancers abides by the Hillsborough County Public School's, Temple Terrace Family Recreation Complex's, and Temple Terrace Presbyterian Weekday School's calendars and hours of operations.  Should there be a closure for Holidays, Weather, or any other reason (scheduled or unexpected), classes will be cancelled accordingly.  As there are no refunds, if necessary to keep our dancers on track to learn the recital routines, a make-up class may be scheduled (please note: the make-up class may not necessarily mirror the usual class time or day of week).