Expressions Dance Company is committed to using the internet and social media to its full potential with the understanding that the internet/social media can be a useful tool but also presents some harmful scenarios in its use. Expressions Dance Company also recognizes that many students will have internet access on their own device and their use of their own device is not ours to police.
We take the privacy of our dancers very seriously and request that permission is sought from all other parents in attendance, in any child’s class by the filming parent, prior to posting any image via video or still camera on any public forum including, but not limited to; FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, WhatsApp etc. While we will make every effort to encourage this policy, Expressions Dance Company takes no responsibility for images shared by members / students / parents filmed during classes.
When in class, we ask all students to put devices on silent and refrain from using them unless asked to record or use for research. We encourage students to record exercises for home practice but firstly to record themselves doing the exercise or ask a classmate for permission to film them doing so. Secondly we ask students not to post anything on social media without their friends or classmates permission. This includes but is not limited to photos, videos, reels, tiktoks, snapchats.
Occasionally we may record your child’s image via video or still camera. All effort will be made by Expressions Dance Company to seek written permission for marketing purposes. If images or video is posted to social media, we do not use names or ages unless we have specifically asked for a parent/guardian’s permission.
Personal details supplied at the time of enrolment will not be shared to any third party without your written consent, except when payments are overdue and a third party may be brought in to seek payment.