By submitting this form, I confirm I am enrolling my child/ ward in Filmbites Screen Academy. I give permission for my child/ ward as above to participate in all Filmbites activities.
I understand that Filmbites may sometimes leave the premises for location shoots (parents will be advised of the details of this beforehand) and will not hold Filmbites or any of the teachers liable for any injury my child may sustain while in their care.
I realise my child may be working with latex, food dye (which can cause staining) and theatrical make-up components and as far as I am aware my child does not have any allergies that may be associated with these materials and I will not hold Filmbites or their teachers responsible for any staining, damage or injury which may occur.
I agree that all movies, costumes and props made or bought by Filmbites during the course will remain the property of Filmbites.