Forest Of Dean Gymnastic Club

Privacy Policy

Forest of Dean Gymnastics & Fitness

Privacy policy

Forest of Dean Gymnastics Club (FODGC) is the data controller and is committed to complying with our legal responsibilities under data law and ensuring your personal information is kept secure.

It is important that staff and members area aware of this policy and read this privacy notice carefully as it contains key information about how and why we process (collect, store, use and share) information about you and your associated rights.

About us

 Forest of Dean Gymnastics & Fitness is a ‘not for profit’ organisation constituted as a Charity and Company limited by Guarantee.  Our members are gymnasts and fitness members who affiliate to the Forest of Dean Gymnastics Club and Fitzone Fitness Gym.   We provide a number of benefits to members including the opportunity participate in our activities, which include classes, challenges, competitions, fundraising events and other learning and development activities.

Our links with:

British Gymnastics (BG), South West Gymnastics Association (SWAGA) and Gloucestershire Amateur Gymnastics Association (GAGA)

We affiliate to other organisations who are connected with Gymnastics.  They provide competitions, events and training opportunities for both coaches and gymnasts.

 British Gymnastics (BG) is the governing body for the sport of Gymnastics.  BG offers award schemes, competitions and events in which our gymnasts and teams may participate.

British Gymnastics provides a website, Facebook account and online entry system for competitions which requires them to handle personal information on our behalf.   British Gymnastics is contractually required to ensure your information is secure and to only use the information to provide the services we have requested.

BG & SWAGA provide information for gymnasts, coaches and parents, as required, to enable events to take place and for the sport to operate.   This is necessary as individuals who participate in national and regional events need to hold British Gymnastics membership.   We also need to confirm with British Gymnastics that those individuals who are signed up for one of our activities meet the required criteria for participation, such as age and qualification and any mandatory safeguarding requirements.  This may require us to share information with British Gymnastics in line with the regulatory requirements to which we are subject as an affiliated association of BG.

GAGA provides competitions and squad training for gymnasts in Gloucestershire.  Information is required to enable the running of events and grouping of individuals by age or level as for the SWAGA & BG.

How we use personal information

We collect personal information about members of Fitzone & the Gymnastics Club including coaches, gymnasts, and any people associated with gymnasts, e.g. parents, guardians / carers, people with parental responsibility for gymnasts, coaches, officials, trustees, volunteers and people who provide services on our behalf.

Our core purposes include:

·         To conduct business and manage membership and to inform club members about activities in which they or their families can participate;

·         To provide gymnastics training, events and competitions and to invite individuals to participate, judge, coach, officiate or assist at relevant events;

·         To inform you of the activities that are offered;

·         To support learning and development of those involved in gymnastics and fitness;

·         To comply with applicable laws and protect legitimate regional interests and legal rights. This includes, but is not limited to the use of your information relating to legal claims and regulatory and compliance activity.

·         To support our county and regional associations we may provide information on the names and contact details of judges and to confirm that all participants meet the criteria to participate in County events. 

Affiliation to the Club

If you affiliate a child as a gymnast to the club, we will need the name and contact details of the person registering the child (parent / guardian).   This is required for contact in case of emergency.

If you are an adult we will need your contact details and those of another emergency contact.

To enable you to make payment for Club fees by BACS or Direct Debit we may need your bank details or the person making the payments bank details

We will use this information to process payment and to communicate with you about your club membership, invite you to participate in activities and to vote at our AGM.  It will enable us to send you information about activities and other benefits and services to which your affiliation provides.

If you would rather we do not send you this information directly by email, you can also find information on our website, notices or newsletters .

If you do not renew your affiliation, we will delete your information after one year, apart from the details of any financial transactions which we need to retain for 6 years after the end of the relevant financial year, in the event of a tax or banking enquiry.

Gymnastics Competitions and Events

Anyone who is a member of the Gymnastics Club who meets any relevant participation criteria may be entered in external or Club competitions.  We will require your child's name, date of birth, contact details and confirmation that you wish them to be entered.  We will use this information only to administer or enter the event. 

We will delete any entry information about events that you have attended after one year. With your consent we may use your contact details to send you information about other events that we believe may be of interest to you.

 To enter an external competition we will need a gymnast's name, DOB and gender, especially if we have to submit entries via the British Gymnastics online competition entry system.  This will automatically verify that the gymnast and coaches hold British Gymnastics membership and meet the required entry criteria.  The results of competitions will also be published on the relevant website.   Any publication of images of children will be done in accordance with the British Gymnastics Safeguarding Policy and guidance on use of images.

We will try to ensure that the gymnast and where relevant the person with parental responsibility has agreed for  the child to be entered into the event and understand how their personal information will be used.


Regional Squads and Residential events

If a gymnast is selected to participate in a county, regional or national squad, we will need to collect the gymnast’s contact details, emergency contact details and any relevant information including specific needs, emergency medical information and dietary requirements (if required).

We may also collect information about potential and existing squad member performance, including results in competitions, trials and assessments.

We will only hold this information while the gymnast is a current member of squad except where we are obliged to retain the information as part of a legal or insurance claim.


Information for Participation in Activities

We recognise our responsibility to ensure that individuals are safe to participate i, and while participating in gymnastics or other fitness activities.  We try to be accessible to people with disabilities, we may need medical information to ensure that anyone with a medical condition is not harmed through participation in our activities.  We may need to ask participants in some of our activities to provide details of and keep us updated about any relevant medical conditions/injuries and disabilities.

We will use this information for the following purposes:

·         To undertake risk assessments and make any appropriate adaptations e.g. to training programmes and to ensure your safety whilst taking part in any activities; and

·         To make reasonable adjustments to support people with disabilities to access the services we provide.

 We will only hold this information whilst you continue to participate in the activity, unless we are required to retain this information in connection with a legal claim.


Video and Photos during Training, Competitions or Events

During training, or at competitions and eventswe may video or take photos at the event as part of our legitimate interest to promote the Club's activities.  We may also publish this on our website, social media account, local media and in our communications.   Any video or photos of children will be published in line with our Safeguarding Policy. Any filming during training will be used for coaching purposes.   Occasionally there may be a professional photographer, approved by the Club, in attendance at events.

 Please let us know if you do not wish you or your child to be filmed or photographed or do not want your image to be published.

We will delete any images over 10 years old unless we consider them to be of public interest and should consequently be archived for historical purposes.   Where images have been published on social media, these platform providers may continue to process your data after our retention period has lapsed.

Videos taken at training sessions or at coach education seminars will be retained only for as long as they are required for that purpose.


Our website is maintained  by a company who  is responsible for ensuring the site is secure.   We do not use any tracking or analytics on our website.   When you use our website, your IP address is logged by the web server but they are not able to identify you from this information alone.


Sharing your information

We have a legitimate interest in sharing personal information with British Gymnastics to ensure the sport is safe and well-governed and where relevant to access support and advice.

We will not otherwise share your information with any other organisations unless we have your consent to do or to comply with a legal obligation or in exceptional/emergency circumstances where we believe that the sharing of information about you is vital to protect the data subject or another person including to safeguarding and child or another individual who is at risk. Any information that is shared will be strictly limited to what is required to ensure those at risk are protected from harm and will be carried out in accordance with the law and relevant government guidance.

Reasons we collect and use your personal information

The legal reasons we rely on to process information about you or your child are as follows:

·         Performance of a contract – where you sign up to a service we provide, we will need to use your personal information to provide that service.


·         Legal obligations – we need to process your information to comply with legal obligations.  This includes maintaining your account and asking you to provide information about any disabilities or medical information so that we can support access to our services and keep participants safe. 


·         Consent – To send out newsletters and to take and publish photographs at training and events.

We also process personal information for the following Legitimate interests:

·         To respond to any general queries and complaints;

·         To enable us to run the business of the Club and administer Fitness & Gymnastics memberships;

·         To support our gymnasts & fitness members by monitoring performance and individual needs;

·         To provide information to BG, SWAGA and GAGA for regulatory and operations purposes and to enable the Club to participate in relevant British Gymnastics activities; 

·         To hold emergency contact information for members;

·         To promote our activities by publishing information, photographs from our regional events , news and competition results on our website and through social and local media for publicity purposes

·         To respond to misconduct and safeguarding concerns.

If the information we are processing is a special category of data (e.g. health/medical data), in addition to the legal bases identified above, we require a separate agreement for processing this type of data.  We would usually rely on your explicit consent but may also, as a condition of membership, process this type of information where the processing is required to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim, to comply with employment law or where there is a substantial public interest.


Transfers of data out of the EEA

We may transfer your personal information to countries which are located outside the United Kingdom & European Economic Area (EEA) for the follow purposes:


·         In order to enter competitions and events


We will not transfer your information without your consent or to any country or organisation outside the EEA unless there is a European Commission adequacy decision for the specific country to which the data is transferred or where we can be certain that there are adequate safeguards provided for your information and individual rights standards that meet the GDPR requirements

Individual rights

You have important rights under data protection law. In summary these include:

·         To be informed about how your information is processed (set out above).

·         To access any personal data held about you.

·         To have your data rectified if it is inaccurate.

·         To have your data deleted (except if there is a valid lawful reason to retain it).  

·         To have your information restricted or blocked from processing.

·         To portability

·         To object to direct marketing and any processing based on legitimate interests.

·         To object to automated individual decision-making and profiling (we do not undertake these activities)


Click her to learn more about your rights you can visit

To exercise any of your rights or if you have any questions about our privacy policy please contact:

The management of the Forest of Dean Gymnastics Club

If you are concerned about the way we are processing your personal information, you have a right to complain to the ICO who can be contacted by telephone on 0303 123 1113.


Keeping your personal information secure. 

We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way.  We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine reason to need to know it.  Those processing your information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.                                                                                                                                 

We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify you and the ICO of any personal data breaches in line with our legal obligations.                                                       

Changes to the privacy notice                                         

We keep our privacy notices under regular review. We may need to change this privacy notice from time to time, if changes are made members will be informed via the Club website.                                                                                                                                                            

This privacy notice was published on 17th October 2022.