Forest Of Dean Gymnastic Club

Terms and Conditions





These Club Rules are for the benefit of all members to ensure fairness, the safety and welfare of gymnasts and the efficient administration of the Forest of Dean Gymnastics Club (the Club).  They encompass the “Rules of Conduct and Etiquette” as laid down by British Gymnastics (BG) to which the club is affiliated.

All members are required to abide by the current Club rules and the Code of Conduct which applies to all members, users and visitors to the Forest of Dean Gymnastics Centre.



Membership is open to all persons accepted by the Club as members who have completed the Club registration form, paid the current Annual Membership fee and who sign to agree to abide by the conditions of membership.  Registration forms are to be completed by the parent / guardian of a gymnast under the age of 18 years.  

1.         Club membership is open to all persons wishing to participate in gymnastics or the associated activities offered, subject to the availability of a place in a suitable class

2.         Parents / guardians / members must read, sign & agree to abide by the current Club Rules & Code of Conduct

3.         Once accepted as a member, a gymnast will be offered a place in the Club in a class suited to their age & ability. This place will be kept until written notice is received, terminating membership (see rule 14 below).  

4.         On registration, members will become a first claim member of the Forest of Dean Gymnastic Club.  Gymnasts must register with British Gymnastics, online and may not compete for any other gymnastics club.  For safety reasons gymnasts may not train with/at another gymnastics club/coach without the express permission and prior agreement  of the Forest of Dean Gymnastics Club.

5.         If a member wishes to leave or change clubs, they must give the full, correct notice period (see rule 14 below) and have settled their account with the club.  They must abide by British Gymnastics (BG) rules regarding transfer to a new club.

6.         Parents must recognise and accept that, despite all safety measures taken, the sport of gymnastics does, by its inherent nature, carry a degree of risk of injury or accident. 



7.         The club operates on 4 terms with monthly fees.  Fees are calculated over a 43 week period for preschool and recreational and a 48 week period to competitive squad over the 12 months and charged on a monthly basis.  Fees do not normally include half term breaks or bank holidays for preschool and recreational classes.  Term fees do not include any of our fun holiday sessions or competition fees.  These are paid for separately on an individual basis.

8.         Term dates will be displayed in reception, on the noticeboard outside and on our website.  They will indicate half term dates, bank holidays and shutdown dates.

9.         Fees are to be paid each month, in advance on the 1st (or next working day).

10.      If no fee has been paid by the 7th of the month, a reminder will be sent by email and a £10 late payment fee will be applied to overdue invoice.

11.      Non - payment of fees will be referred to our Debt Recovery Agency who will add a charge for their services. This charge will be added to your debt for outstanding fees.  The Club reserve the right to terminate the membership of any gymnast due to non-payment of fees after the 10th of that current month.

12.       If a parent is experiencing financial hardship affecting their child's membership, alternative payment arrangements may be agreed.

13.      If a gymnast is absent or is likely to be away through illness, injury or other reason, parents are asked to contact the centre to inform the coach.   

14.    Please note that if a gymnast no longer wishes to continue training at the Club, please let the Club know in writing prior to the 25th of the month to enable the Club to cancel the invoice for the following months fees.  Any notice given after the 25th of the month will incur fees for the following month.

15.      Fees are not refundable for any reason.  Should act of God, adverse weather, war, disaster conditions, strike action, vandalism, pandemics or other adversity cause closure of the Gymnastics Centre by the company or Government, this shall not be deemed a breach of this agreement by the Club, nor shall the client be entitled to receive damages. 



16.      All gymnasts are required to affiliate annually, online, to the British Gymnastics as Associate members.  The membership fee must be paid directly to BG each annually.  This gives the gymnast Personal Accident & Public Liability Insurance and other benefits.

17.      No gymnast may receive payment for competition or allow their picture to be used for advertising without the permission of the Club or British Gymnastics.



18.      Parents or guardians must bring their children to the Centre and arrive in time to collect them at the end of class. Children will only be allowed to leave on the arrival of their parent. Parents should ensure that the class/session is taking place before leaving their child, especially during bad winter weather or in the holidays.

19.      Parents must leave an emergency contact phone number/s with the Centre.  If details change, e.g. address or contact number, it is the parents’ responsibility to update these on the Class Manager membership portal.

20.      Gymnasts are required to wear appropriate clothing in the gym, for example leggings/joggers/shorts and a tee but no denim, skirts, tights, metal studs/zips.  Club leotards are optional and available for purchase at reception.  Please note that if your child takes part in any competitions including the Club Championships, they will require the Club Leotard to compete.  We also have our online shop should you wish to purchase any of our merchandise:


21.      No jewellery or any kind of body piercing is allowed.  Earrings & body piercings must be removed by parents/gymnasts before class.  If newly pierced the gymnast can wear tape for a maximum 6 weeks, then they will have to be removed (tape can be purchased at reception).  No responsibility can be taken for any jewellery /valuables / phones. Hair needs to be tied up neatly for safety purposes. Plastic head bands, beads, bobbles & loose push in clips are dangerous and should not to be worn.

22.      Club discipline and behaviour is the responsibility of the coach in charge during training sessions and competition.  When a young child is accompanied by a parent / carer in class they are responsible for the child’s behaviour and discipline. Outside class times parents remain responsible for the behaviour and conduct of their children including siblings, and their safety both in the Centre and on the school site. 

23.      Gymnasts, parents, visitors & users of the Centre are required at all times to adopt a civil, courteous and non-aggressive attitude to staff and other members.  Bad language, aggressive or undermining behaviour will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action which may result in termination of the gymnast's membership.

24.      Members and their parents/guardians must agree to abide by the current Club & BG Rules.  They must show respect to coaches, judges and staff and for the decisions of coaches and officials both in training and in competition.  Parents and gymnasts must show respect to other club members and to members of other clubs. 

25.      No activity or behaviour by any person should cause danger, bullying or offence in any way to any other person whilst on the premises of the Forest of Dean Gymnastic Club.  Gymnasts must behave sensibly and safely at all times and with due regard to other users of the centre.


26.      All F.O.D.G.C. property and equipment must be used safely and treated with due care & attention. this includes obeying any signs displayed.  Any deliberate damage caused by a member will be charged to their parent/ guardian.



27.      The use of Facebook or other social media for denigrating or undermining the club, for bullying or revealing confidential information relating to the club, another club member or member of staff will result in disciplinary action which may lead to immediate termination of Club & BG membership.


28.      Photographs are only allowed with prior permission of the parent & Head coach. In the interest of child protection a parent may only take photos of their own child.    



29.      Gymnasts must not take / use any drug listed as an illegal substance and understand that over the age of twelve years they may be randomly tested at national competitions. 


30.      No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs is allowed on the premises. Smoking is banned. Eating & drinking is only permitted in reception. No glass bottles / chewing gum allowed.


31.      Any member accused of a serious breach of these rules, or who is convicted of a criminal offence on the property will be subject to the Club Complaints & Disciplinary procedure which is for the benefit of all members.



32.         This complaint procedure applies to all verbal and written complaints received by the Forest of Dean Gymnastic & Fitness Centre (FODGC).

Complaints are viewed seriously and will be dealt with as soon as possible, either by the Centre Manager, the Welfare Officers and where appropriate, the Board of Trustees. 

Normal procedure

·         The normal procedure will be for any complaint to be referred to the Manager or Senior member of staff on duty.  The complaint will firstly be discussed informally with the person or persons concerned, with the aim of resolving the complaint.  The complaint and outcome shall be recorded.


·         A written and or verbal report shall be given to the Welfare Team along with any written formal complaint (see Formal complaints procedure below)


·         The Welfare Team will either contact the complainant or inform the Chairman of the Board, with the aim of resolving the complaint.


Formal complaint


If a formal complaint is received, then the following procedures should be followed, and the complaint shall be raised with the Board at the first possible Board meeting.  Certain complaints may necessitate an Emergency Meeting of the Board.


1.       A formal complaint may be initiated by a written complaint to the Centre Manager or the club Welfare Officers.


2.       The complainant must inform the FODGC, clearly of the nature of the complaint and the background to the complaint.


3.       All complaints will be acknowledged by FODGC either by telephone, e mail or in writing as soon as        possible.  Such acknowledgement will state:


a)  the timescale within which the complaint will be addressed and normally resolved

          b)  the person/s who will be dealing with the complaint


4.       Following receipt of a formal complaint, the following procedures will take place by FODGC:


          i)   Acknowledgement of the complaint

          ii)  Issue of a Complaint Form

          iii)  Investigation of the complaint by appropriate professionals

iv)  If applicable, discussion by the Board as to action required to resolve the complaint

          v)  Notification of the resolution to the complainant in writing


5.       No substantive decision can be made until the full facts of the case are known. 


6.       When a complaint has gone to the full Board, the proceedings shall be confidential. 


   7.      If the complainant is not happy with the resolution, the escalation route would be to contact British Gymnastics:  [email protected]





Please check the box on your portal to say that you agree to the Club Rules.  If you have already signed a copy of the Club Rules, Forest of Dean Gymnastic Club will check the box and upload a digital copy of your signed paperwork