` Terms & Conditions
Agreement to the Terms and Conditions
1. By enrolling yourself or pupils in the school, parents/guardians of pupils attending classes are taken to accept these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions are available on the website for pupils or parents to check at any time.
Data Protection
2. The Heights Ballet & Theatre School holds information about our customers to enable us to carry out our business as a dance education and training organisation. The information includes the contact details supplied to us and may also include information on examiners, courses and pupil’s records.
3. The Heights Ballet & Theatre School will not disclose your information to third parties except where the law allows or requires, or where you have given your permission for the school to do so.
Contact Details
4. Parents must keep their contact details up to date through their customer portal. This can be found at www.thinksmartsoftwareuk.com/customer_portal/dance/heights/?tab=home_tab. This is essential to ensure that we have the correct contact details in case of an emergency.
Fees and Refunds (The fee structure is published on the website and is available, in hard copy format, on request)
5. A fee is charged for each class in which your child is enrolled, on a termly basis, although second classes in the same dance genre are either discounted or free of charge (See clause 20 below).
6. Students are expected to attend all of their selected classes throughout the term. An invoice for the correct fee will be raised for the whole term and must be paid by the first day of term.
7. Where a student joins a class part way through a term, fees for the remainder of the term will be invoiced on a pro rata basis and must be paid within 5 days of the receipt of the invoice.
8. Please note that refunds will not be given for non-attendance due to sickness, injury, holidays or study during academic exam periods e.g. GCSE’s or A Levels. However, please discuss any cases of long term sickness or injury with Miss Ambery.
9. If a class has to be cancelled by The Heights, due to the sickness of the teacher for example, or other unforeseen event, the school will endeavour to reschedule the class. This may be on a different day or at a different time to when the class was originally scheduled and may involve an extension to the term dates. No refunds will be given in this case.
10. If a class is cancelled due to circumstances beyond the school’s control, such as extreme weather (in both winter & Summer), or a problem with the Community Hall, reasonable efforts will be made to reschedule the classes affected but if this is not possible then no refunds will be given. Sometimes it is necessary to temporarily change the time and/or day of a class for one week, from that published in the timetable. Should this occur, as much notice as possible will be given to pupils and parents. The pupil and parents will agree to meet at their new time on that occasion. If they cannot then no refunds will be given.
11. In the unforeseen event of a pandemic (e.g. COVID-19) or natural disaster where factors beyond our control prevent both staff and students from attending lessons at the hall, classes will be provided through Zoom Video Conferencing software where possible. We will endeavour to keep to the normal timetable where appropriate and will give as much notice as possible where lesson times may be altered. Pupils will take part in digital lessons at their own risk, as The Heights cannot take responsibility for injuries incurred in private homes. Pupils are expected to maintain the usual standards of uniform and hair during digital lessons. It is expected that pupils attend these lessons in place of physical lessons, and attendance will still be taken. Normal class fees will still be charged and no refunds will be offered for those who don’t partake.
12. Please note that prior to shows, it is normal policy to add, change or amalgamate classes and venues in order to be able to rehearse. We expect all pupils to attend and their normal class fees will still be charged.
13. Our preferred payment method is by Credit/Debit card via our automated secure online system, the details of which are on the invoice. This method uses Stripe payments, and as such incurs a small percentage charge to each payment made. This method requires no further administration on our part.
14. Please note that we do not accept any liability for cash given to teachers or any other persons not authorised to receive money.
Late Payment
15. In order for our facilities to be paid for and our staff remunerated, payments must be received by the start of the term or 5 days after receipt of the invoice for pupils enrolling midterm. Reminders will be issued but, please note that if payment has not been received within 4 weeks of the salient date, the school may resort to the small claims court in order to recover the outstanding debt and any additional expenses incurred by the school in having to take this course of action. Pupils whose account is in arrears may not be allowed to participate in any classes until the account is paid in full.
16. If a written reminder has to be issued, due to payment not being received in accordance with these terms and conditions, then the school reserves the right to apply a £50 charge to the account. A further £20 a week will be levied for each week that the account is in arrears. Please speak to Miss Ambery if you have any financial difficulties.
17. The school reserves the right to withhold exam results and / or certificates if there are outstanding amounts on an account.
Right to attend, change classes, withdrawal and termination of attendance.
18. All pupils are required to participate in Ballet Class to participate in other dance genres. This excludes Musical Theatre.
19. Pupils taking Ballet, Tap and Modern Theatre lessons should note that from the beginning of Y3, it is essential that pupils attend at least 2 exam classes per week of the same genre. This is in order to achieve the required standard in exams and in show preparation. All second classes are discounted or free of charge. Please see our up to date fee list on the website.
20. At the beginning of each term all pupils will automatically continue to be enrolled in the same classes that they had been attending in the previous term (taking into account any progression through the grades following exam successes) unless the school has been instructed otherwise. (See clause 22 below).
21. Parents/guardians are required to give one term’s written notice if they wish to withdraw a pupil from classes. Failure to inform the school of withdrawal will result in the pupil being liable for a term's fees. Written notice may be given by e-mail. Please note that verbally advising a teacher will not be accepted as notice of intention to withdraw from a class. This also applies to pupils wishing to drop individual genres while remaining in other Heights classes.
22. If the student wishes to change class or start an additional class, the parent/guardian must give their consent in writing to the dance school administrator. A new invoice, which reflects the agreed changes, will then be issued.
23. Joining classes midterm is at the discretion of the teachers. It may not be a feasible time to commence a class if they are already starting show work for either the Musical Theatre or the Main Show. It would be unfair on all pupils if a newcomer was expected to perform in a show to the high standards rehearsed by the existing pupils, after only a few lessons.
24. Should parents wish to withdraw their child from classes for 1 term during the coronavirus pandemic due to personal concerns about the spread of the virus, then they are required to pay a placeholder fee of £20 to The Heights in order to ensure that a place is available for you in the desired class the following term.
25. Physical contact may be necessary by members of the teaching faculty when giving corrections. If you have any concerns regarding this matter, please contact the school's administrator.
Register / attendance and absence
26. A register for each class is maintained by the teacher and records pupils' attendance for health, safety and security reasons.
27. Staff should be informed of pupils’ planned absences with respect to lesson planning and provision.
28. At the Heights, pupils undertaking lessons in either Ballet, Tap or Modern Theatre are expected to take exams throughout their time at the school. Exams are not considered to be optional in any but the most extraordinary circumstance, as they are crucial for a pupil’s development and failure to take them will lead to pupils falling behind their peer group. Teachers will have the final say as to whether a pupil is ready for a specific exam or not. Sometimes, pupils are required to attend an exam rehearsal class that helps them to be more prepared and confident with the situation.
29. Pupils will be advised of the date of their exam and their allocated time slot, with as much notice as is possible. They will be expected at the venue one hour before their allocated time in order to physically and mentally prepare. Failure to arrive on time may result in the pupil missing the exam. Please note that the exam date is set by the exam board, depending upon the availability of their examiners and cannot be changed by the school. There is some leeway available to the school in the allocation of time slots but it is essential that any problem with the time slot allocated to a pupil be raised with the school as early as possible. Once the finalised lists have been forwarded to the examiner, no further changes can be made, except withdrawal of a pupil from the exam. (Please see clause 27 below)
30. If a pupil is unable to attend on the date given, due to a prior commitment, the school will endeavour to reallocate them to the next appropriate exam session.
31. If a pupil is unable to attend the exam on the day, due to illness, then we will try to for the next session of exams, on presentation of a doctor’s note.
32. All fees should be paid in full 10 weeks prior to the exam date and are non-refundable and non-transferable to another pupil or to another exam session once the fees have been submitted. This is a stipulation of the examining body and applies even if the session has to be rescheduled for any reason, including severe weather conditions.
School Performances
33. All pupils are expected to participate in the performances relevant to their classes.
34. Preschool-Reception pupils will be charged a hire fee averaging around £15 per genre for costumes used during the show.
35. Each upper school pupil will be expected to purchase costumes supplied by The Heights Ballet and Theatre School. Costumes can vary between £30 - £55 (on average) depending on the age of the pupil and each performer will require 1 costume per class they attend. All costumes will become the property of the pupil after the last performance.
36. Additional roles/genres may be subject to costume hire fees at the discretion of the principal. Any damage to the costume will have to be paid for by the pupil’s parent/guardian.
37. Costumes will be invoiced for in the term preceding the show and can be paid for via credit/debit card using the Stripe payment system. Where possible, The Heights will arrange for payment plans to help split the cost of payments for those needing it.
38. Pupils are expected to attend all rehearsals/extra rehearsals. There is no reduction if a rehearsal is not attended by the pupil. All usual class fees will cover the week day rehearsals between the dress rehearsal and Show weekend.
39. An additional show charge of around £40 is charged to each performer (with a discount for siblings at the discretion of the principal) to cover the cost of a show t-shirt for each pupil, a professional recording of the show, and the cost of additional dress rehearsals.
Health & Safety
40. It is the responsibility of parents to inform the school of any medical conditions or injuries that may affect a pupil’s ability to participate fully in a class before the start of that class, in order that staff can be aware of this and modify the pupil’s activity accordingly.
41. If a pupil is unable to attend classes due to illness, parents/guardians should advise the school via message/email.
42. Pupils who have been unwell with a condition that could easily spread must not attend classes until they are free from infection. This includes D&V, in which case pupils should not return to lessons until 48 hours after their last episode of D & V.
43. The school should be advised immediately if a pupil contracts a contagious disease such as chicken pox, slapped cheek syndrome, measles, rubella, glandular fever etc. as other pupils (and their families) and any pregnant staff need to be advised.
Code of Conduct
44. The school reserves the right to refuse any student prior to or after enrolment if unacceptable behaviour is displayed in class or towards other pupils, teachers and adults whilst participating in dance related activities. No refund will be given if a student is asked to leave due to unacceptable behaviour.
45. Correct Uniform including footwear is required. This is official uniform used for training and exams. All uniform can be found at hbs.mydancestore.co.uk All pupils are expected to own a Heights Onesie, T – Shirt, Sweatshirt or tracksuit.
46. A smart appearance is required including hair. All pupils standard 1 and above must wear their hair in a neat bun for ballet and high ponytail for other classes. Pupils with shorter hair will be advised accordingly. Pupils will be required to remove all nail varnish before exams and shows.
47. On health and safety grounds, watches & jewellery should be removed before class. Only studded earrings NO hoops are allowed to be worn during class. No jewellery or earrings may be worn during exams and performances
Conversing with Staff
48. If you wish to speak to a member of staff please could you email us at – heights4danceteachers.com to arrange an appointment. Teachers are not allowed to hold a meeting without another member of staff being present. Staff will not be able to converse at the start of, or between, classes.
49. All other queries will be answered by email to ensure that all details communicated are correct. Miss Ambery is happy to organise a telephone call if you prefer.
Changes to the Terms and Conditions
50. The school reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions.