High Voltage All Stars

Terms and Conditions

1.       Assumption of Risk:

a.     Like any physical activity, participation in cheerleading, dance, tumble, or any other activity on the premises or in the public on behalf of or under the guidance of High Voltage All Stars does involve a certain amount of risk of injury. By permitting my child to participate (or by my participation) in the High Voltage All Stars program, I do hereby release High Voltage All Stars, its owners, employees, and volunteers, jointly and severally from all claims, demands, rights, and causes of action of whatever kind and nature arising through or from participation in activities as a participant of High Voltage All Stars.

2.        Medical Release

a.     I hereby authorise High Voltage All Stars, its owners, staff, and volunteers to seek emergency medical treatment for the participant if they cannot reach me (Parent/Guardian/Emergency Contact). Further, I will be responsible for all costs associated with this emergency treatment. I hereby declare any relevant physical/mental problems, restrictions, or conditions and/or declare the participant to be in good physical and mental health.

3.         Photography Release

a.     I understand that photos and/or videos may be taken occasionally at the High Voltage All Stars gym or events, and I agree to allow the said facility to use photos and/or videos of myself or student(s) for advertising, publicity, the website, and/or training. If you would like to opt out of this, please email [email protected]

4.        Agreement

a.     By completing registration, I agree that I am over the age of 18 years or the parent or legal guardian to the participants listed and that I fully understand and agree to the aforementioned High Voltage All Stars policies.


By enrolling at High Voltage All Stars and completing this document, you agree to adhere to all rules and regulations and consent to the terms outlined. Any violation of these rules may result in your dismissal from High Voltage All Stars.


1. Appropriate training/exercise attire and footwear are required in all classes.

Cheerleading shoes must be purchased for Competitive Cheerleading and Performance Team, and jazz shoes for Competitive Dance. Strictly no jewellery, hair must be groomed/tied off the face (safety for cheer), and no long nails. Dancing barefoot in classes is acceptable, or sneakers for hip hop; however, all students are expected to have jazz or lyrical shoes for competitions where applicable for routines.

2. All bags and personal items brought to training are your responsibility. High Voltage All Stars will not take responsibility for lost or stolen items. Lost property will be donated at the end of each term if not collected.

3. Mobile phone use during training is not tolerated.

4. Gossiping and bullying in any form about other teams, teammates, or staff will result in suspension. If you have any concerns or issues to be resolved, please address them with the High Voltage All Stars Staff or Management.

5. No profanity or abusive language is to be used at training, competitions, or anywhere that you are representing High Voltage All Stars.

6. Punctuality to training, competitions and all other scheduled events is a must.

7. High Voltage All Stars music and choreography will not be posted online without direct permission from High Voltage All Stars Staff or Management.

8. Taking photos of images of other children and posting them to your personal or other social media accounts or publishing them online is prohibited without permission from High Voltage All Stars and the person (over 18) or parent/guardian permission.

9. Every year, there are losses and additions of team members. The dismissal/addition of a team member is solely up to the High Voltage All Stars staff, where athletes or families have not adhered to rules.

10. High Voltage All Stars classes are closed unless High Voltage All Stars Staff has given permission.

11. You are responsible for knowing what is going on with your team(s). Please check your emails and the High Voltage All Stars Family Facebook group regularly.

12. Good sportsmanship will be shown at all times.

13. High Voltage All Stars students are not to use their competitive uniforms or costumes for anything other than competitions/performances scheduled by High Voltage All Stars without permission from Hight Voltage All Stars Staff or Management.

14. High Voltage All Stars students and family are not to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs at any High Voltage All Stars training session, competition, performance or event. Any student consuming alcohol or drugs whilst in High Voltage All Stars uniform, training wear or displaying any affiliation to High Voltage All Stars will face immediate suspension.

15. High Voltage All Stars staff and management may add or change rules at any time without notice and make additional rules mandatory to abide by, effective immediately. All students and families will be made aware of any changes verbally or via email.


17. Consistent lateness to classes is not tolerated. You are considered late if you are not on the floor ready to train when your training session begins – e.g. appropriate training wear, shoes on, hair up, and jewellery off.

18.1. 100% commitment is required of all team classes for both cheer and dance. Attendance is essential for any team sport, and any absences must be reported directly to [email protected]

Competitions (competitive students only):

18.2. 100% commitment is required of all competitive teams. Attendance is therefore compulsory, and any absences must be reported directly to [email protected]

Any more than two absences per term will result in dismissal from the particular team for the rest of the season for competition students.  A medical certificate must be provided if any student is sick or injured for two or more training sessions. If the student’s illness or injury is not detrimental to others’ health – students are still expected to sit in on training when in a competitive team.

19. All competitions listed are compulsory and at the discression of High Voltage All Stars Management. Competitions entered may be changed.

20. A run sheet for competitions is not given until one week prior, and it is still subject to change leading up. Athletes are therefore expected to make themselves available for the entire day/weekend.

21. Before each competition, notification of venues, arrival times, attire etc., will be provided to athletes. On the day, all athletes are expected to stay till the end of their specified presentations.

22.1. Parents, relatives, friends and athletes cannot speak with competition staff or management without permission from High Voltage All Stars staff and management. If an athlete or family member is found to be doing this, the athlete will face dismissal from teams. 

22.2. All travel to training, competitions or events is to be arranged by the athlete and/or athlete's parent or legal guardian.

 Financial Commitment:

23. High Voltage All Stars will invoice for tuition fees per term (according to school-based terms of the year). Fees can also be paid in full by week 3 of term 1 for classes from February to December. Competition entry fees, costumes, and uniforms will be invoiced ad-hoc. All fees must be paid within the stated time frame. Please enquire if you would prefer a different payment option (direct debit/bank deposit/cash). This will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. 

24. All fees (including but not limited to training, competition, uniforms, and costumes) are non-refundable – no matter the case. This is applicable in the event of dismissal, injury or discontinuation and COVID-19 suspensions of competitions and training. If an athlete chooses to leave a competition team before the end of the competition season, which impacts a team's ability to compete, there will be a $200 withdrawal charge if fees have not been paid upfront for the entire year. It is at management's discretion to charge or not to charge, depending on the circumstance of leaving a competition team.  

COVID – 19:

26. High Voltage All Stars staff, athletes and families will always adhere to all government guidelines concerning requirements surrounding COVID-19, including but not limited to checking in using the SafeWA and/or ServiceWA Apps; safe hygiene practices, masks; vaccination requirements.

27. High Voltage All Stars currently falls under the category of dance and fitness studio due to the nature of our classes; this is subject to change at any time.

28. High Voltage All Stars, in line with government requirements reserves the right to change its policies and conditions of entry at any time. 

29. If a lockdown and/or High Voltage All Stars cannot operate due to COVID-19 or any other government sanctioned restrictions, classes will change the format and go online via Zoom. Class content will be made safe for online participation and may be slightly different from normal in-person training due to being online. It is the responsibility of the athlete or parent/guardian to ensure adequate room and access to Zoom class; in the event of a Zoom Class being unable to take place due to staff being unable to teach makeup classes, when able will be rescheduled to an appropriate time. No refunds will be issued. 

You agree to the above terms and conditions when completing your enrolment forms. If you do not agree or have any questions, please discuss them with High Voltage All Stars Management.

Injury Management:

30. Please inform your coach of any injury before a training session. If you/your child is seriously injured, we ask that you discuss the details of the damage and the recovery process as advised by a medical expert with your child’s coach.

31. All injured competition athletes must attend classes (depending on injury/illness) to watch so they do not miss any critical routine additions or changes.

32. Should an injury occur, it is the responsibility of the athlete/parent to seek professional advice and proper rehabilitation. The athlete/parent must regularly communicate with the coach on the progress of the athlete’s injury.

33. High Voltage All Stars has the right to replace an athlete in training or for a competition if an athlete is injured and cannot train in the lead-up to a competition or cannot compete.

34. Athletes may be asked to be medically cleared to continue training depending on illness/injury.