Kew Academy Of Performing Arts

Terms and Conditions

FEES   Full payment of fees for the forthcoming term is required within the first 2 weeks of term. Payment received later than the specified date will incur a £15 administration fee.   The Principal reserve the right to change price/times of classes but will always endeavour to give a half term’s notice.  Should it be necessary to cancel classes for any reason for which the Principal have no control, fee refunds or compensation cannot be given.

ATTENDANCE   Any student unable to attend a lesson should notify Vicky on 07967 341117 at least one hour prior to their class.   Commitment, good attendance and punctuality are expected throughout the term. Continued non-attendance or lateness may result in a pupil’s expulsion.

NOTICE TO LEAVE   Should a child wish to withdraw from a class, half a terms written notice  is required or a half term’s fees will be liable. Adult classes are exempt from this condition, however out of courtesy; we would appreciate some advance warning.

UNIFORM   By becoming a member of Kew Academy of Performing Arts, every student is required to wear the correct uniform to class.  Details of the individual requirements are available on the website.  All uniform is available to order from KAPA.

For all classes, please make sure your child’s hair is tied neatly of their face (in a bun for ballet) and all jewellery is removed.   The Principal or teachers cannot undertake any responsibility for the loss of or damage to any articles left on the premises. Parents should label all uniform appropriately.

STUDENT SAFETY   Students or Parents must inform the teacher of any injuries or illness prior to their class commencing.   Physical contact may be necessary when helping to demonstrate or correct dance movements.

BEHAVIOUR   Pupils are expected to conduct themselves in a disciplined manner whilst attending classes and be respectful to both teachers and fellow students at all times. This will ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone.   Mobile phones must be turned off or switched to silent if brought in to class.  The Principal reserves the right to exclude students from the school who are not responding to training, misbehave or break the school rules.

Equal Opportunities:      

KAPA operate on equal opportunities policy inline with guidance from Surrey County Council Policy.           

The Principal reserve the right to amend or alter these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

Copies of these Terms & Conditions are available for you to retain, on request.  Reviewed February 2025