King Slocombe School of Dance

Privacy Policy


1.0 The School recognises and accepts its responsibility for providing a safe and healthy workplace and environment for all its employees and students.

2.0 The School will take all steps within its power to meet their responsibility, paying particular attention to the following:

2.1 Equipment and systems of work that are safe

2.2 Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all employees to contribute positively to their own safety and health at work

2.3 A safe place of work and a healthy working environment

3.0 The School reminds its employees to take care of their own safety and that of other workers and students and to co-operate with the School to enable it to carry out its responsibilities successfully.

Responsibilities and duties in matters concerned with safety:


The ultimate responsibility for all school safety organisation rests with Tina Pilgrim and Donna Buchanan

Obligations of Teachers

1.      To adhere to the Council for Dance Education and Training Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers of Dance (appendix 1) and to the policies and guidelines of the professional bodies to which they belong (The Royal Academy of Dance/The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance)

2.      Ensure that classes are of a size appropriate to the levels and techniques being taught.  Students in each class should be of compatible age and/or standard

3.      Ensure that facilities provided are adequately maintained and provide:

·        suitable flooring appropriate to the technique taught, with a safe surface; designed and constructed to minimise the risk of injury

·        adequate heating levels

·        suitable, secure and safe area for changing

  1. Be prepared to deal with medical emergencies and keep records in the accident book at the main premises, KingSlocombeSchool
  2. Keep a record on the main premises of the name and address of:

·        all students taught on the premises

·        any person assisting in teaching or looking after students

·        any musicians in employment

·        any persons living at the premises

  1. Keep a register of each class
  2. Be aware of and follow the fire evacuation procedures for the main school and other venues used
  3. Co-operate with other employees in promoting improved safety measures in the school
  4. Report immediately (at least within the same day) an safeguarding incident or concern involving an employee, student, visitor or volunteer to the Designated Safeguarding Officer – Donna Buchanan





Obligations of pupils


  1. To observe standards of dress consistent with safety, i.e., appropriate dance wear precluding unsuitable footwear and jewellery
  2. To observe all the safety rules of the school and in particular the instructions of teaching staff given in an emergency
  3. To use and not wilfully misuse, neglect or interfere with things provided for their safety
  4. To report anything they might consider hazardous or dangerous

Fire evacuation procedures

1.      If you discover a fire raise the alarm by breaking the glass of the nearest fire alarm call point.

2.      On hearing the fire alarm all children will leave the school buildings under the direction of their teachers and will assemble outside the Unitarian Hall, Victoria Street.

3.      The Principal or Deputy will telephone for the Fire Brigade or details another member of staff to do so.

4.      When the children are assembles the roll will be called.  Should there by any absentee an immediate search will be made.

5.      Until the Fire Brigade arrives the staff should, after the children are safely evacuated and accounted for, attack the fire with the hand appliances available, but without jeopardising their own safety.


1.      Dial 999

2.      When he Exchange Operator answers say ‘FIRE’ and give your number if required to do so

3.      Await connection to the Fire Brigade

4.      When the Fire Brigade answers say ‘FIRE’ at KingSlocombeSchool, 8 Emmanuel Road, Cambridge

5.      For fire drills advance notice may be given to the Fire Brigade and a practice ‘999’ call made.  STATE CLEARLY ‘FIRE DRILL’

First Aid and Injuries

Qualified first aiders are Donna Buchanan, Julia Buckley, Emina Nicklin and Sandra Adderley.  The person responsible for checking first aid supplies is Julia Buckley.

A first aid kit is available in a cupboard in the main school office and an ice pack in the fridge in the kitchen on the first floor.

Parents/students must inform the Class Teacher of any injuries before class commences so that the teacher can make an assessment of suitability for dancing.

If anyone should become ill or suffer injury as a result of an accident, the procedures below should be followed:-

1.      First aid should be rendered, but only as far as knowledge and skills admit.  The patient should be given all possible reassurances and if necessary removed from danger.

2.      The first aid room is the main school office.  If necessary one of the first-aiders should be summoned immediately to tend the patient.

3.      In the event of an accident requiring expert medical treatment, the parents should be informed if possible and the situation explained to them so they can make the appropriate arrangements.  Where this is not possible, the member of staff present will arrange for the child to receive appropriate treatment, if necessary by summoning an ambulance using the “999 service”

4.      In the event of a child being quite seriously injured but sent home at the end of the lesson, care should be taken to inform the parents by telephone or in person that injury has occurred.

5.      As soon as possible after the incident an accident form should be completed.

6.      In all cases of dealing with a serious injury or giving messages, staff are advised if possible to have a witness beside them to confirm their actions and the nature of the messages given.

Safe Dance Practice

King SlocombeSchool will employ teaching staff with experience and qualifications appropriate to the levels and techniques to be taught.  Student teachers will be trained and supervised to ensure maintenance of the school’s teaching standards.  We will endeavour to recognise physical anomalies/differences and limitations, modifying the teaching and seeking medical advice where necessary.  We will provide anatomically safe teaching and choreography and physical corrections will be attempted in a careful and sensitive manner. 

Data Protection

King Slocombe School will request and record pupil’s names, date of birth, address details, medical information and parent contact details and will place them on their computer database and manual card records and registers for general school administrative purposes including parent contact, payment records, submission of details to examination boards for examinations and to the Local Authority for licences for shows.  King Slocombe School will not share information with others unless they have gained your express permission.  Information re past pupils will be archived for historical records.  In case of concern, please contact Tina Pilgrim.   


Child Protection/Safeguarding


Updated January 2018