Kingsbridge Gym Club
Terms and Conditions
Charity No: 1069625
Kingsbridge Gym Club is a member and follows the policies and good practice guidelines of British Gymnastics. The Club is also affiliated to the South West Amateur Gymnastics Association and Devon Amateur Gymnastics Association.
All Members must abide by the following terms and conditions in addition to the other policies The Club adopts.
By booking or attending any Kingsbridge Gym classes, or by partaking in a competition/event arranged by The Club, Members accept these terms and conditions and payment terms.
New members are invited to come along for a free trial to get a feel for The Club. To book into a free trial class CLICK HERE (there will be a link). Only 1 trial class allowed per person.
If unable to attend a booked trail class, please contact The Club immediately by calling XXX
To become a member, book into a class via The Clubs booking system (Class Manager). CLICK HERE. The coach will advise what class is best suited to the Member at the end of the class or an email will be sent.
If there is a class waiting list your name will be added, as soon as a space becomes available an email will be sent with the booking details.
All participants on a trail visit are covered by The Clubs insurance.
Club membership shall be deemed to start from the date of acceptance of an application. Please note: members can only start attending classes when their British Gymnastics membership/insurance has been paid in full. If a Member has not paid their membership, they will not be able to participate in a class.
Club membership is open to all on a non-discriminatory basis.
All Members are asked to pay a yearly membership fee of £25, which is renewable each January. If a Member joins part way through a year the fee will be discounted
· Full Year - Jan – December - £25
· ¾ Year – April/May/June – December £18.75
· ½ Year– July/ August/ September - December £12.50
· ¼ Year – October/November/ December - £6.25
Membership shall be deemed to have ceased, If a Member misses 4 consecutive classes and has not put forward a reason acceptable to the Management Committee.
To cancel a membership, please email [email protected]. A minimum of 1 months’ notice is required.
An invoice will be sent once the class has been booked. The initial invoice will be for the full yearly fee owed, however there is the option of paying in monthly (standing order) instalments which is due on the 1st of every month. A payment plan will be set up and sequential invoices sent monthly. Please set up a standing order to avoid late payments. All the details will be on the first invoice. For all payment queries, please contact [email protected]
If fees are overdue by more than 30 days this may result in membership suspension and the Member unable to partake in their class or other club activities.
There are no refunds for classes missed by a Member, or replacement class arranged unless agreed with the head coach in advance.
If a class is cancelled by The Club, alternatives will be offered whenever possible.
In cases of extreme weather/ unforeseen circumstances it may be necessary for The Club to cancel classes, if it is not deemed safe to open the gym. Although, The Club will make every effort to offer replacement classes however are unable to guarantee this. The Club is unable to re-imburse any cancelled classes for this reason.
The Club operates over a 52 week/year, with a 48 week ‘centre open’ period. The Club is closed for two weeks over Christmas, one week at Easter and one week in July. Members will not be charged for these dates.
The Committee shall decide on the annual subscription and fees. No refunds will be given unless at the discretion of the Committee.
If The Club is forced to close due to COVID-19, all memberships will immediately be put on hold.
Members must arrive promptly, ready to start the class on time. Members will not be permitted to attend the class if they arrive more than 10 minutes late. This is due to missing the essential warm up.
Members under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult to and from classes. Members are the responsibility of the parent/guardian until registered in the gym hall.
Under no circumstances should any gymnastics (or any physical activity or sport) be undertaken in the bathrooms or in any other part of the premises.
No food, including chewing gum, to be eaten during the class.
Parents / guardians are not permitted in the instruction area or performance area, without express permission from the Coach.
Members must wear sensible clothing; leotards, or full leotard, long or short sleeved, leggings, full length vest tops or dance shorts. Members should not wear loose clothing, skorts, skirts, crop tops or tops with sharp prints on.
Hair is to be tied back securely.
Remove all jewellery, including earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings.
It is acknowledged that in some circumstances, it may be impossible to remove a ring and/or dermal piercings. Should this be the case; the ring must be sufficiently covered with protective tape; and the piercings covered sufficiently in order to eliminate any risk.
A Club leotard is available to all Members. This will incorporate The Club colours of Navy, Royal blue and White. The wearing of Club colours is encouraged but not essential during normal Club classes. To purchase club uniform please CLICK HERE
Members who are entered for competitions or displays shall wear appropriate clothing of a pattern to be determined by the Head Coach in agreement with the Member.
If a Member has more specific needs or a medical condition; it is the parent / guardian’s responsibility to ensure all the medical information is completed on the booking system and also make the head coach aware of it. Parents / Guardians must also notify The Club of any change or deterioration of any such medical condition or disability. This information will be kept confidential and handled with discretion.
Emergencies – it is the parent / guardian’s responsibility to keep The Club informed of their emergency contact details.
The Club shall obtain and maintain in good repair any such equipment and apparatus as may be required and for which funds are available.
Equipment and apparatus shall conform to The British Gymnastics Association or to F.I.G. standards.
No Member may use Club equipment or apparatus on appointed premises without a qualified coach being present and overseeing work on any such equipment or apparatus.
Risk assessments are in place and up to date.
The Club will ensure that all staff are suitably trained and are aware of Child Protection and Health, Safety and Welfare issues and the relevant policies/practices. A qualified first aider and first aid kits are present at The Club and any accidents or incidents are reported and followed through the correct channel.
The default method of communication with Members is email, by agreeing to these terms they accept emails from The Club about gymnastics, fees, events, etc.
Information given to The Club is held in accordance
with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the General Data
Protection Regulations. Please see full details in The Clubs data protection
Kingsbridge Gym Club collects and stores data relating to Members. (Addresses, DOB, Contact details, Payment details etc.) The Club need this information to ensure the membership records are kept current, to advise when fees are missed or if a Member becomes ill in class.
The Club will ensure this data is protected and will advise all Members immediately if the data appears to have been used by 3rd parties.
The Club will never share the data with any other organisation or marketing companies.
For further
information about GDPR please visit
All coaches, volunteer helpers and committee members (if in direct contact with the children) are DBS checked.
The Club has a Child Protection & Safeguarding policy. If you have any concerns please email [email protected]
As with all sports and physical activities minor accidents and injuries can occur. Gymnastics involves risks and that although mats and extensive safety equipment are provided, this may not prevent injury.
Due to the nature of the activities and apparatus used (height and motion), The Club must advise Members that the possibility of serious injury does exist.
It is vital that all Members follow the coach’s skill instructions, training rules and club policies to enable safe training and in order to reduce the possibility of serious injury.
By attending a class or bringing a child for attendance, it is deemed that the Member assumes and ACCEPT ALL RISKS associated with such participation in the sport of Gymnastics. They also consent to any emergency treatment required during a class. Any treatment will be given by a qualified first aider and/ or trained medic.
Injury: The Club is fully insured against Personal Accident claims.
In order for The Club to comply with data protection regulations, it is necessary to obtain photo consent from all Members to use their images or words for the purpose of promoting The Club. Members give consent by ticking the photo consent box on the booking system. Once this box is ticked, the Member is agreeing to the photo consent policy outlined in this document. A Member should only tick the box if they are 100% happy to allow The Club to use the Members images and do not feel any pressure to tick the photo consent box.
The Club may use Members Image on the website, on social media, in e-newsletters, in newspapers, in magazines, in leaflets, posters and presentations.
A Member can withdraw their consent at any time by unticking the photo consent box and emailing [email protected]. The Club will take reasonable steps to delete the images including removing it from The Clubs website or social media accounts. Please note that withdrawing consent does not mean that any use of images based on consent prior to its withdrawal would be unlawful.
The Club retain images for three years unless a Member withdraws their consent prior to that date. After this time, The Club will review all images and they will be deleted or archived if reflect important events in the club's history that of public interest.
Cancellation of membership - Kingsbridge Gym Club reserves the right to rescind membership/participation.
Classes – The class timetable and class content may be changed at any time by The Club
Variation – The Club may revise these terms and conditions from time-to-time.
Law and jurisdiction – These terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and any disputes relating to these terms and conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Disolution / Winding Up - Should The Club close for any reason, the assets of The Club will be sold and the balance not allocated to creditors will be distributed equally to Members.