Terms and Conditions
I, am the parent/guardian of the student above and will agree to the following:
- Naturally, all due care will be taken with your children while they are in class, however in the case of illness or injury, where parents are not contactable, we will seek medical advice and act accordingly where treatment is determined necessary.
- I agree that my child may be photographed for the program, newsletters and/or advertising for Kerry Moore School of Ballet.
- I agree that my children's examination/competition results can be used at our discretion for program, newsletters and/or advertising for Kerry Moore School of Ballet
- I will undertake to pay unconditionally all fees as they fall due
- I agree that my children will attend class in the correct uniform and shoes and have their hair in an appropriate safe hairstyle appropriate for the class.
- I agree that all teachers, students and other parents will be treated in a respectful manner.