Medowie Gymnastics

Terms and Conditions

Terms of Registration

All the information you will need regarding our club, policies, procedures, codes are detailed below. We know it is tempting to skip through this information, but it is important to establish what you can expect from us and what we will expect from you. At the conclusion of this section are the waivers. Please download and refer to this information during your time as a member of our club. 



  1. Club Emails & Your Email Address Policy
  2. Payments & Fees Policy
  3. Active & Creative Kids Redemption Procedure
  4. Uniform Policy
  5. Drop Off & Pick Up Policy
  6. Discipline Policy
  7. Medical Attention Policy
  8. Covid-19 Policy
  9. Photography Policy
  10. Complaint Policy
  11. Privacy Policy

Codes of Conduct

  1. Parent/Guardian Code of Behaviour
  2. Participant Code of Behaviour


  1. Updates to the Term of Registration
  2. Medical Information
  3. Risk Waiver

Club Emails & Your Email Address Policy

Medowie Gymnastics will communicate regularly with you regarding things such as relevant information regarding your child, upcoming fees, competitions invite, class changes, withdrawals and anything contained within these Terms of Registration through email.

It is your responsibility to make sure your email is correct in the parent portal and to update your email when required. If you are not receiving emails, please check your spam and parent portal email address you have registered is correct and then notify the club if this does not resolve the situation.

The club will take no responsibility for parent inaction that results in fees being charged, admin or bank fees being deducted of refunds due to a parent failing to stay up to date on emails from the club.

Payment & Fees Policy

Medowie Gymnastic require that all families set up a mandate through GO CARDLESS (GC). By doing so you agree to allow Medowie Gymnastics (the club) to schedule direct debits from your account for full term fee & payment plan fees, exit fees, late fees, penalty fees, competition fees, uniform fees, or any other outstanding fee.

GO CARDLESS transaction fees of 1.8%+0.40 per transaction will be passed onto the customer when utilising multiple payments for term fees. When making one payment for full term fee amount Medowie Gymnastics will absorb GC fees.

  1. Fees are charged per term. Medowie Gymnastics follows the NSW school terms.
  2. A resubmit fee of $10 will be incurred more than 2 failed payments through GG per invoice. Resubmit fees will be charged and processed on a separate invoice.
  3. Fees will be prorated from week 4.
  4. Gymnast with overdue fees due to payment failures will not be permitted to take the floor until such time that account has been settled or payment arrangement made.
  5. No classes will run on Public Holidays. Term fees will be adjusted accordingly.
  1. Gymnastics Australia Insurance and Registration is payable to the club. The club will register the child into the Gymnastics Australia database for the current Colander year.
  2. Insurance & Registration fee is not a pro rata fee and as such will be the same price for the year no matter when a child joins the club i.e. the fee for joining in Term 3 same as joining in Term 1.
  3. The equivalent of the upcoming years Insurance and Registration fee payment will be processed when re-enrolment is confirmed to secure your child's place in the following year - meaning we have not received your email notification of child's withdrawal from class the following year by the cut-off date. This fee is charged on the first Monday after the end of Term 4.  Ample notification is given to parents regarding this fee through emails and signs in the club. It is your responsibility to read emails from the club and take appropriate action in a timely manner to notify the club to avoid this fee if you are not returning in the upcoming year. 
  4. The Insurance & Registration fee will be processed as a singular payment on a separate invoice to Term Fees unless an Active Kids Voucher is used. In this case the remaining balance of the fee will be added to Term Fee invoice.
  1. When the term is completed your child/ren's enrolment will automatically rollover to the following Term. Upcoming Term Fees will be charged on the first Thursday of the school holidays. 
  1. Withdrawal from upcoming Term is open in week 9 and the cut-off date for withdrawals from the following term will be the last day of the current term. This opens a two-week withdrawal timeframe. Withdrawals received after this time will incur an Administration Fee of $25.
  2. You are required to withdraw your child/ren from the following term class in email to the club by the cut- off date to avoid term fees being process.
  3. Voluntary withdrawal from classes during the Term will incur a two-week Exit Fee.
  4. Notification of withdrawal must be made via email to club administration at [email protected]
  5. No verbal, Facebook messenger or text message withdrawals will be accepted.
  6. Automatic withdrawal from the club will take place at the end of the term where the family has paid for the term and the child has not attended the last 5 classes in the term and no communication from the family has been received.
  1. When a family has left the club with outstanding fees due those fees will remain on file and be charged to any future enrolment or; 
  2. Outstanding fees may be sent to Gymnastics Australia's Debt collection department. When the debt is passed over the club will not have any further control or dealing with the family. This will add a record to your credit file and further fees from the debt collection department.
  1. No refunds will be given for missed sessions due to family holidays during term time.
  2. No refunds less than the equivalent of two weeks Exit Fee plus GC transactions Fees plus Administration Fees will be given due to failure to advise the club that you want to withdraw your child from class during the term.
  3. Any one payment processed through GC where the club has absorbed the GC fees and then the parent has changed their mind, any refunds offered will be subject to incur the GC fees that Medowie Gymnastics has paid on the transaction plus $15 Administration Fee for Term Fee refunds and $25 Administration Fee for Insurance and Registration Fees processed at the end of the year for upcoming year.
  4. Any request for refunds must be made via email to club administration at [email protected]
  1. Two makeup classes permitted for recreational programs per term when prior notification of absence is given.
  2. Makeup classes do not carry over to the following term. 
  1. This procedure will be implemented when an unexpected closure is enforced onto the Club due to Government Restrictions. 
  2. Upcoming Fortnightly Payments will be cancelled
  3. All funds paid for classes not run will be credited to accounts until we re-open.
  4. When classes resume credits will be applied to remaining weeks in the term.
  5. Term Fees will be re-invoiced and any balances due will resume through GG.

Our normal withdrawal policy will apply to anyone wishing to withdraw from the club. 

Active Kids and Creative Kids Redemption Procedure

Medowie Gymnastics is an approved registered provider for Active Kids Vouchers for all gymnastics classes and Creative Kids Vouchers for Free G classes only.

Follow these steps to redeem. 

A. Vouchers MUST be emailed within 24hours of official new enrolment into a class to be applied to the term fees.  A $25 Administration Fee will be applied to invoices that have to be edited and reissued after this time or:
B. Voucher MUST be emailed by the voucher cut-off date to be applied to following term fees. Voucher received after this time will incur a $25 Administration Fee to use or the full amount can be credited to your account for use towards future Fees.

1. Email your voucher to [email protected]
2. In the Subject for the email put your child's name followed AKV
3. In the email you MUST include your child's DOB - please double check you have the correct year of birth and not the current year before sending
4. Send one email per voucher per child

Once the information has been received your Fees will be adjusted and re posted in the parent portal, and you will be reissued your invoice.

If the steps above are not followed the voucher cannot be redeemed. 
A $25 Administration Fee will be charged for any additional time spent chasing up details to redeem a voucher.

No voucher details will be accepted through Facebook messenger or text message.

Uniform Policy

It is expected that all children attend class IN SUITABLE ATTIRE WITH A FULL WATER BOTTLE and a pair of socks for the Trampoline - no socks no trampoline. 

Recreational Gymnast may wear the following: fitted active wear - tops, singlets, shorts, and pants, Leotards and Bare Feet.

WAG Competitive Gymnast must wear appropriate attire to training session: Leotards or fitted active wear. No loose fitted clothing will be acceptable at any training session. Long hair must be up in a pony, excessively long hair must be braided or plaited. 

If the hair is out and gymnast cannot put it up in an appropriate manner or gymnast is not dressed appropriately for training the gymnast will have to sit out and observe the session.

WAG gymnast from Level 2 up will need to purchase grips for the bar and from Level 3 purchase a bar bag with bar training equipment in it to protect their hands.

Unacceptable attire for all classes:
Large ill fitted tops
Tassels, sequences, anything dangling from clothes

Unacceptable Jewellery
Any earring that is not a stud

All long hair MUST be up in a tie

Your child will be asked to remove any unacceptable item or if needed the parent will be contacted and asked to provide the right attire so the child can participate in their class. Your child's safety is always our priority. Inappropriate attire in the gym is a safety hazard.

Drop Off and Pick Up Policy

  1. Children will be signed in and out by the coaches.  Due to Covid-19 we require parents of school age gymnast are to drop and go.  If your child has difficulty waiting for designated class breaks to go to the bathroom then you must stay onsite in the foyer to assist your child.
  2. Children enrolled in class only are to be dropped off through our entry through the courtyard.  
  3. Parents/carers are to leave through the main foyer entrance of the Church. If they have escorted their child to the door for drop off. 
  4. Parents and siblings that remain on site must stay in the Church Foyer. No access is permissible to the Church Auditorium, the courtyard, or the playground under construction.
  5. Parents are to pick up their children promptly from the front of the Church main entrance (our exit) please do not come back into the courtyard entrance or exit through the courtyard exit.
  6. When classes are finished, and a parent /caregiver is onsite either in the building or waiting at the front. Care and responsibility of the child passes back to the pickup adult and no longer the responsibility of the coach or the club. Children and families are not to remain in the main gym area or church auditorium.  Children are not to play on any gymnastic equipment outside of their class time no matter where it may be set up. It is expected that the parent/caregiver directs the child/ren to follow these rules and leave the gym accordingly.

Children whose Parent/Caregiver is not outside during the pickup time will be bought back into the gym to sit and wait for their pickup to arrive. Under these circumstances the Parent/Caregiver must come back into the gym to pick up the child and must let a coach know. Late pickup will incur a Fee of $15 per 15 minutes. In the case that a child has remained onsite for 2 hours with no contact from parent/care giver the appropriate services will be notified to collect the child.

Discipline Policy

As we strive to meet the 4 f's in our classes - Fun, Fitness, Foundations and Friendship we have procedures in place to address behaviour that is negative toward the class, program, coaches, or club. All members of our club are expected to talk to other members and their families, coaches, and all club staff with respect.

All members of our club are expected to talk to other members and their families, coaches, and all club staff with respect during and after class.

We want to engage your child in positive participation therefore certain phrases are encouraged not to be used during class.  We appreciate your support to reinforce these positive mindsets to your child/ren to assist in the learning and enjoyment in their class and understanding of our expectations.

We have outlined the most common language we come across along with what we believe is the root feeling, belief, or response the child wants and the opposing positive language or action to be encouraged by club and family.

Negative vs Positive Language

  1. I'm bored = I did not pay attention vs I must pay attention.
  2. This is boring = I don't know what to do because I did not pay attention, or I do not understand why I need to do this vs I will ask my coach to explain again or explain why again.
  3. I can't do it = I need more practice vs I need to get my coach to help me again.
  4. I don't' want to do it = I do not feel confident in myself vs I need to get my coach to explained to me again so I understand what to do and then I know I can do it. 
  5. I have already done it = I did it once poorly that's enough vs I need to keep doing it and get more practice so I can do the skill perfectly.
  6. 'Coach look at me' = I am not really thinking about what I am doing I just want you to look at me vs I need to slow down and focus on what I've been asked to do and do it as best I can when my coach comes to look at me.

Our Procedure for negative or disruptive behaviour during class has 3 stages.

  1. Stage 1 - Depending on the coach and nature of the incident the gymnast will be given 1-3 verbal warnings. Coaches will aim to redirect the child's attention away for the disruptive stimulus. We encourage all gymnast to fully participate in class for the entire duration.
  2. Stage 2 - Timeout for minutes equal to age e.g., 7 years old = 7 min timeout. Two timeouts max in class 
  3. Stage 3 - Parent/carer is called to come and pick up a child from class.

Coaches will address each incident within these guidelines and make decisions to call a parent at any time if they believe it is in the interest of your child, other children in the class, the coaches, and the club.

Medical Attention Policy

In instances where an ambulance is required Medowie Gymnastic duty of care will be to provide medical assistance ASAP whether the family carries current Ambulance Cover.

Covid - 19 Policy

All parents must agree to abide by all procedures we will have in place to meet our obligations under our Return to Gymnastics Policy. Parents must understand that these procedures are fluid and ever changing. We will keep you up to date through email regarding our guideline's.

Photography Policy


  1. A. The NSW Law
  2. B. Photography In Our Club (Club Policy)

A. The NSW Law

In New South Wales and Australia, generally speaking, there is no law restricting photography of people (including children) in public spaces as long as the images are not considered as:

Where a sporting event is held on a club's private property, privately owned land, a school or council owned facilities, the owners of private property or venues are able to restrict or ban photography.

Where a sporting event is held on private property not owned by the organisers, there needs to be a discussion with the owners to determine a mutually agreed photographing policy. There is nothing, however, to prevent a person from photographing outside the property boundary unless it is taken for indecent purposes, as previously discussed.

Many facilities do not allow the use of mobile phones (regardless of whether they have camera features) in change rooms and some local government pools require permission for photography anywhere in their venue.

If a person is taking photographs inappropriately (e.g., breaching the restrictions or ban in place for that private property or venue), then venue management can request the person to stop. If the person refuses, the police or security may be called to escort them off the property (without threatening violence, detention, or confiscation of the camera or film).

(Please note that this information has been adopted from the information sheet 'Acquiring and Displaying Images of Children' released as a part of the Australian Sports Commission Harassment Free Sports Information Sheet Series 2007. The information is not intended to be, nor should it be relied upon as a substitute for legal or other professional advice. Organisations and individuals should seek legal advice in relation to these issues if they have any questions)

B. Photography in Our Club (Club Policy)

Medowie Gymnastics advises all participant and coaches that their photograph may be taken during classes and be used in Medowie Gymnastics publications and on the corresponding website.  If an individual does not want their child/ward photograph taken they should indicate this, in writing to [email protected] at the time of enrolment.

Only Medowie Gymnastics staff and/or volunteers or professional photographer engaged by Medowie Gymnastics are authorised to take photos on the gymnastic floor.

Medowie Gymnastics permits parents and spectators to take photographs from the spectator area provided all shots are appropriate. Parents should only take images (still and moving) of their own children unless they have the express approval of the parents of other children. Parents who suspect that other spectators are taking images of their child, or taking photos of another child that is not the child of the person taking the
image, may report the incident to the Club Manager or Senior Coach. For the purpose of this clause the taking of such images is considered inappropriate behaviour and shall be dealt with in accordance with Clause 10

No photographer, including but not limited to, professional photographers, management, coaches, volunteers, or members of the media, shall have unsupervised or individual access to children.

Medowie Gymnastics shall not publish a person's name, or personal information such as their residential address, email address or telephone numbers with photographs unless prior permission has been sought and given. No information about hobbies, likes/dislikes and school shall be posted with a child's photograph as this information has the potential to be used as grooming tools by paedophiles or other persons.

Medowie Gymnastics will take photographs at gymnastics events for use on the Medowie Gymnastics
website and other publications. If notified by a member that they do not wish to have their photo taken, Medowie Gymnastics will not take the member's photograph.

Medowie Gymnastics will endeavour to ensure that the photos published on the Medowie Gymnastics website and print publications reflect the diversity of the organisation and our members.

Medowie Gymnastics is concerned with the health and well-being of its members, and as such should exclude images that may be deemed offensive or unflattering. Furthermore, Medowie Gymnastics will not actively publish imagery which suggests the use of tobacco, alcohol, and prohibited drugs. In selecting photographs for use in Medowie Gymnastics publications and the Medowie Gymnastics website, Medowie Gymnastics shall not intentionally expose any person to hatred, ridicule, or contempt.

Medowie Gymnastics shall take all reasonable steps to reduce the ability to duplicate images of children used on the website.

The Manager or Senior Coach will approach suspicious photographers and ask for the following information:
* Name, which can be verified by inspecting the driver's license.
* Whether the individual is a parent or family friend of a participant, and who that participant is;
The Manager or Senior Coach should advise the person that a complaint has been made regarding the photo's being taken. The Manager or Senior Coach should subsequently provide the person with an opportunity to verbally respond to the claim.

If the Manager or Senior Coach is unsatisfied with the response provided, they may ask the person to refrain from taking photos, the camera or other videoing device may be confiscated, or the Manager or Senior Coach may ask the person to leave the venue. The Manager's or Senior Coach's decision is final.

An incident report should be completed by the Manager or Senior Coach to report of any reports of inappropriate photography whether acted upon by them or not. The report should be provided to the Senior Management as soon as practicable following the incident.

'Inappropriate behaviour' means images which are considered:

  1. indecent (such as "up skirt" or "down blouse" photographs taken covertly in change rooms, toilets, or other invasions of privacy);
  2. being used for voyeurism or made for the purpose of observing and visually recording the other person's genital or anal region
  3. protected by a court order (e.g. child custody or witness protection)
  4. defamatory
  5. being for commercial purposes (person's likeness is used to entice people to buy or it appears they are endorsing a product). This may require a Model Release/Consent Form to be signed. Consensual photos of a child (including your own child) also contravene Criminal Codes and censorship laws if the child's is photographed in a provocative or sexual manner.

'Photography' means any still or moving images taken by a camera, mobile phone, video, DVD recorder or any other medium used to take still or moving images.

Compliant Policy

We are committed to handling any complaints quickly, seriously, and confidentially.

  1. Information about a complaint will only be given to people directly involved
  2. Everyone involved will be advised of the need for confidentiality
  3. Information will be kept securely and only on an employee's file if they are discipline
  1. Fair treatment for all is paramount
  2. The complaint will be handled fairly and in good faith
  3. Any person complained about has the right to know the details of any allegations made against them
  4. Both/all parties will have the opportunity to give their version of events
  5. No judgments will be made, or action taken until all relevant information has been assessed
  6. All sides are allowed support and representation
  7. All allegations will be investigated before a decision is made
  8. Complaints must be substantiated before any disciplinary action is taken
  1. People involved in a complaint will be protected from being victimised    
  2. Victimisation will be disciplined
  3. Anyone found making malicious or false complaints will be disciplined

We encourage you to go through the following options to resolve your complaint. At any time, people can make a written complaint to the Member Protection Officer at Medowie Gymnastics.

Try to resolve the problem yourself by talking to the person or people involved. You may find that their behaviour was unintentional and will stop if you ask. It is recommended that you speak with the coach in charge of any group at the beginning or end of the class if your complaint is involving a child that is not your own.

Talk to the MPIO if you:

  1. Think there is a chance of quickly stopping the problem before it develops
  2. Are likely to have an ongoing working relationship with the person you are complaining about
  3. Want them to talk confidentially to the person you are complaining about and convey your concerns
  4. Want them to bring you together with the other party to conciliate
  5. Want to discuss options and outcomes
  6. Need to protect others

Make a written complaint to the MPIO if:

  1. You have tried to resolve the problem and failed
  2. Your allegations are very serious
  3. Your allegations have been denied and you want to substantiate them
  4. You want the complaint investigated
  5. You have been victimised for complaining
  6. You are complaining against a senior person and an investigation will help you ensure you are not disadvantaged

You will need to provide exact details and any evidence of your allegations, which will lead to an investigation. You are allowed to have support people with you at any interviews or meetings.

Our MPIO's are volunteers from our club's members who have taken formal training to fulfil this role. An MPIO will provide confidential information and support to anyone who has a problem or thinks they may have a complaint. An MPIO can advise you on ways to resolve a problem and where to go for more help.

  1. A documented report of your complaint
  2. No judgments made
  3. Explanation of the complaint procedure
  4. Find out how you would like it handled
  5. Decide who is the appropriate person to handle the complaint or appoint     someone to investigate
  6. Reassurance of your protection from victimisation
  7. Options on support or representation
  8. Immediate removal of offensive material
  9. Conveyance of your concerns to the person/people you are complaining about    and ask for their version of events
  10. Try to conciliate the parties to reach a satisfactory agreement for all
  11. Seek further information and interview any witnesses
  12. Find whether the complaint has substance
  13. Recommendation of an outcome including disciplinary action
  14. Consideration of staff education and training
  15. Monitoring of the situation

AGREEMENT - Complaints can be settled by agreement between the people involved.
NOT SUBSTANTIATED - If there is not enough evidence to decide if the allegations happened or were likely, no disciplinary action will be taken. Medowie Gymnastics may:

  1. Monitor the situation
  2. Consider education or training
  3. Medowie Gymnastics will not take action on anonymous complaints

DISCIPLINARY ACTION - If there is found to be breach of our policy or the law, we may discipline those responsible.
If a complaint is found to have been false or malicious, we may discipline the person making the complaint. Untrue allegations could lead to legal action for defamation.
The level of discipline will depend on:

  1. The severity and frequency of the discrimination or harassment
  2. The weight of the evidence
  3. Whether the behaviour was intentional or malicious
  4. Existence of any prior incidents or official warnings
  5. Whether there are any mitigating circumstances

Discipline could involve:

  1. Counseling
  2. Apologising
  3. Warning
  4. Loss of promotion or wage increase for a period
  5. Demotion, suspension, probation
  6. Dismissal
  7. Disaffiliation or de-registering
  8. Other appropriate discipline measures

Anyone disciplined will have a record of the complaint and the outcome placed on their file.

Records, notes, or reports will:    

  1. Be kept confidential
  2. Not kept on employee files unless there is disciplinary action
  3. Be filed in a confidential system with limited access
  1. Confidential support and information is available to all parties from contact people at any time during the complaint handling process, although a contact person cannot be involved in the complaint handling for either party.
  2. At any time, anyone involved in a complaint can seek advice and bring representatives to any interviews or meetings.
  3. At any time, you have the right to contact an external agency for advice or help.  

Privacy Policy

Medowie Gymnastics acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals. The information collected on this form is for the purposes of registering or renewing membership and associated functions. Information provided in this form is collected, used, and disclosed in accordance with our privacy policy.

The information in this form may be used by us and other third-parties, or as required by law. By completing this form, you consent to us using the information in accordance with our privacy policy. Our services may be ceased if requested information is not provided. You may access and alter personal information in accordance with the privacy policy.

In accordance with the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector), the information contained within this submission will be used primarily for matters specifically related to participating in gymnastics and/or if a secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose and could reasonably expect disclosure.

To assist in providing our services, the organisations to which we disclose information include:

*Outsourced service providers who manage the services we provide you, including

*Gymnastics Australia

*Gymnastics NSW

*Marsh Advantage (Marsh) Insurers

*Sports Education Section (ASC)

*Jackrabbit CRM Software

*Xero Accounting Software

*Go Cardless

*Our professional advisors, including our accountants, bookkeepers, auditors, and lawyers

*Government and regulatory authorities and other organisations, as required or authorised by law

We limit the use and disclosure of any personal information provided by us to such organisations for the specific purpose for which we supplied it.

If you choose not to provide personal information, we may not be able to provide you with the services you require, or the level of service on which we pride ourselves.

Parent/Guardian Code of Behaviour 

As a parent of a participant in any activity held by or under the auspices of GA (Gymnastics Australia), a Member Association or an affiliated club, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event:

  1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others, regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background, or religion.
  2. Remember that your child participates in sport for their own enjoyment, not yours.
  3. Focus on your child's efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
  4. Never ridicule or yell at your child and other children for making a mistake or losing a competition.
  5. Show appreciation for good performance by all participants (including opposing participants).
  6. Show appreciation for volunteers, coaches, judges, and administrators.
  7. Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility especially when dealing with or in the vicinity of person under18 years of age, as your words and actions are an example.
  8. Respect officials' decisions and teach children to do likewise.
  9. Do not physically or verbally abuse or harass anyone associated with the sport (participant, coach, judge, management, volunteers, etc).
  10. Be a positive role model.
  11. Allow fellow parents the respect they deserve in their viewing or involvement in their child's participation.
  12. Be aware of the repercussions that any breaches of this code of behaviour may incur.

When spectating at an event outside of your club

  1. Review the photographic policy for the appropriate event, club or state Member Association before taking photos or videos of participants.
  2. Check on the appropriate event, club or state bodies' policy on photography of participants before taking photos or videos.

Participant Code of Behaviour

In addition to GA's (Gymnastics Australia) General Code of Behaviour, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by GA, a Member Association or an affiliated club and in your role as a participant in any activity held by or under the auspices of GA, a Member Association or an affiliated club:

  1. Respect the rights, dignity worth of fellow participants, coaches, officials & spectators.
  2. Do not tolerate acts of aggression.
  3. Respect the talent, potential and development of fellow participants and competitors.
  4. Care for and respect the equipment provided to you as part of your program.
  5. Be frank and honest with your coach concerning illness and injury and your ability to train fully within the program requirements.
  6. At all times avoid intimate relationships with your coach.
  7. Conduct yourself in a professional manner relating to language, temper, and punctuality.
  8. Always maintain high personal behaviour standards.
  9. Abide by the rules and respect the decision of the official, making all appeals through the formal process and respecting the final decision.
  10. Be honest in your attitude and preparation to training. Work equally hard for yourself and your team.
  11. Cooperate with coaches and staff in the development of programs to adequately prepare you for competition at the highest level.

Updates to the Term of Registration

I understand the club reserves the right to update the Terms of Registration periodically to continue to improve the service offered to me. I agree to all future reasonable updates to the Term of Registration whilst I am a member of the club.

Medical Information

I understand that it is my responsibility to inform and keep up to date any relevant current medical information and/or history about my child. I understand that this includes but is not limited to

  1. Action plans - Allergies, Asthma, Anaphylactic Reactions etc.
  2. Past and current Injuries - When a current injury impacts the child's ability to participate in classes the parent must email the club regarding the nature of the injury and continue to communicate with the club regarding when the child intents to return to classes. Under these circumstances only from the date when the parent notifies the club, the club will either suspend future fortnightly payments and /or credit remaining classes to family account. The parent must email the club a Doctor's Certificate clearing the child's return to gymnastic before the child can resume classes.
  3. Diagnosed or undiagnosed (suspected) medical, physical, or intellectual conditions that might have a bearing on your child's ability, safety, or behaviour in class.
  4. Social anxiety - if your child is anxious, shy, emotional, or socially awkward.
  5. The need to wear something during class that is outside the uniform policy.

Risk Waiver

Participation in Medowie Gymnastics programs requires participants to accept the following risk waiver:

I agree for me or my child/ward to attend gymnastic classes or school holiday camps and to undertake all activities and/or to participate in the above program/s. In the case of an emergency, I authorise the Medowie Gymnastics staff, where it is impracticable to communicate with me, to arrange for my child/ward to receive such medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary.

I also undertake to pay or reimburse costs which may be incurred for medical attention, ambulance transport and medication while my child/ward is attending the Club/enrolled in the program.

I understand that although Medowie Gymnastics attempt to minimise any risk of personal injury within practical boundaries, accidents do happen, and all physical activities carry the risk of personal injury.

I acknowledge that there is an inherent risk of personal injury in physical activities that will be undertaken at the club as part of the program, and I accept that risk.