Motion Dance Academy

Terms and Conditions



All students must be registered on the Motion Dance Academy PortalLogin | Motion Dance Academy - Portal ( (under 18s must be registered by a parent/guardian). By registering you will be accepting these Terms and Conditions.  It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to keep contact details/personal information up to date on the portal.

A registration fee is payable at £25 per student. This should be paid as soon as possible after registration at eitherNEW STARTERS ONLY - Motion Dance Academy Joining Fee and New Starter Pack ( or by bank transfer following the instructions in this formMotion Joining Fee (BT) and Form.  As part of the registration, you will receive a Motion Dance Academy T-shirt and a Motion Dance Academy Personalised Bag.


Our classes are charged based on time. Monthly fees payable are calculated based length of class and the number of dance classes per year, split into 12 equal amounts (please note an additional 15mins is added for Acro classes, due to extra equipment/insurances). This means that payment is made on 1st of each month (or first working day) and is the same amount, regardless of how many classes are held in that month.  Payments can only be made via GoCardless and the customers must register the account from which they wish fees to be taken atGoCardless Sign Up, this will set up a monthly direct debit. From time-to-time fees may need to be increased and you will be given half a term’s notice of any increase, these are usually reviewed every September. Fees are charged based on all classes the child takes added together. Siblings will be charged based on the length of all their classes taken added together.

No refunds will be given due to not be able to attend class, except in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion and prior agreement of the Principal.

Cancelled Classes/Time Changes

Sometimes classes may need to be cancelled in exceptional circumstances. We aim to offer another class instead (this is usually done by extending the term one further week).

We aim to keep class times constant for all pupils but sometimes changing a class time and/or venue is unavoidable.  We aim to give half a term’s notice of such changes.  If, however, we have to change a class/time at short notice and your child has to leave the class because of this, the notice period (as below) will be waived.

Motion Dance Academy reserves the right to move all classes to online delivery.  As much notice of this as possible will be given.

Customer Cancellation of Classes

Motion Dance Academy has a 6-week cancellation policy.  Notice of cancellation must be in writing by email to [email protected] .  6 weeks of fees will be due from the date of written cancellation, students are welcome to continue in class until the end of the notice period. Please do not cancel your direct debit before the 6 week period has passed.  We will cancel your subscription after all due fees have been collected.  If you cancel your direct debit you will still be liable for any outstanding fees and a £10 administration fee will be added to the amount owed. Failure to settle outstanding fees promptly may lead to further administration fees being added to the total.


We do take photos and video footage of the children/adults from time to time and use it to help with marketing for the school.  We take photographs and videos of pupils during lessons, at displays, workshops and presentations, etc for publications which may include (but not be limited to) our school’s website and social media pages.  We will assume that upon acceptance of these Terms and Conditions that you give permission for you/your child to be included in such photos/videos.  If you do not give permission, please complete the “Withdraw Consent for Child(ren) to Appear in Photos/Videos for Motion Dance Academy” Withdraw Consent for Photos and email to the address on the form. If a child appears in any photo that we do not have permission to include, they will be distorted from the image(s) before publication. 

During watching week we ask that parents refrain from recording/videoing the class for child protection and copyright reasons.  Photographs can be taken with the class teacher’s permission but photographs showing children other than your own must not be shared on social media.


Uniform is expected at all classes.  All classes have a choice of two uniform options. Uniform requirements can be found atMotion Uniform | The Ballet Barre ( New pupils may attend no more than their first 3 classes in incorrect uniform. To ensure the correct uniform,  it should be purchased from our supplier The Ballet Barre, telephone: 07856860536, e-mail: [email protected], online shop:The Ballet Barre (

Personal Belongings

You/your children are responsible for you/your children’s belongings. It is important that all items (especially tap/ballet/jazz shoes) are named.  Although we store lost property that we find after class, we cannot be liable for lost, damaged, misplaced or stolen items.

Mobile phones should not be seen or heard in class.


Dancing is a physical skill and in order to help facilitate the student’s learning, the teacher may physically guide a movement by touch.  This will be in a professional manner and the intention of the contact will be made clear.  Please contact the Principal if you have any queries about this.

Collection from Class

Please collect from your child/children promptly at the end of class.  Any child whose parent/carer has not collected them will be kept in the studio but we may be unable to supervise them as the maximum room capacities do not permit us to have an extra body in the room.  Parents understand that if they are late picking up their child, their child will not be supervised and the parent takes full responsibility for their child’s safety and wellbeing should anything happen to them after their class time has ended.

All children of primary school age must be collected by a parent/carer from the studio door. Children of this age will not be allowed to meet parents in the car park.  Children of secondary school age, up to and including 17 years must have a completed “Parental Consent to Leave Studio” form Consent to Leave Studio Form from their parent/carer giving them permission to leave the studio alone.  Motion Dance Academy takes no responsibility for the child’s safety and wellbeing after leaving the studio in these circumstances.

Competition Team

Unlike most dance schools, Motion Dance Academy Competition Team is open to all students who have achieved Class Exam level onwards.  New students are only accepted at the beginning of September, the beginning of each academic year. Students joining the Competition Team will be asked to agree to further, separate terms and conditions, any breaking of these conditions will result in removal from the Competition Team.

Annual Show/Performance Opportunities

Motion Dance Academy performs an annual summer show.  All classes, with the exception of Early Movers are invited to take part.  Participation isn’t compulsory.  If students do wish to take part, they are expected to attend classes every week during show term.  If a student’s attendance is not acceptable, they may be removed from certain routines in the show, this will always be discussed with the parent/carer.

Motion Dance Academy occasionally performs at other events i.e., summer fetes. These are voluntary and open to all dancers.  Attendance is at your own risk and you will be expected to be responsible for getting your child to the performance and for their care, other than when they are performing.

Code of Conduct

We expect Motion Dance Academy’s Code of Conduct to be adhered to at all times.  We expect all dancers to:

Swearing/language that others may find offensive is not permitted in class.

Please remember to bring a water bottle to all classes.  Food is not encouraged during the usual lessons but in workshops and lessons lasting longer than 2 hours, we would advise students to have snacks with them.  If students have a medical issue that requires a more regular food intake, please let us know.

Parents and carers are asked to ensure that their children are well behaved at all times whilst getting ready for class.

Students and parents/carers are expected to demonstrate mutually respectful behaviour to teaching staff, fellow students and the premises.  Poor behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in the student being asked to leave the school.  Bullying is not tolerated and should be brought to the Principal’s attention immediately.


Please notify the Principal of any medical issues or learning difficulties that may affect your child’s learning, however big or small it should be.  This can help us to help them.  This information will only be shared with your child’s class teacher.

Any injuries should be discussed with the class teacher prior to, or at the beginning of class.


Motion Dance Academy offers examinations and medal tests for the National Association of Teachers of Dancing (NATD) syllabus.  Entry for any examination/medal test is at the discretion of the class teacher and the Principal.  Parents/Carers will be sent an invitation to examinations/medal tests when the required level is achieved.

Examinations are not compulsory but are encouraged.

Students wanting to participate in examinations must attend class regularly.  Any student that doesn’t attend regularly risks being withdrawn from the examination. Full details will be sent via the email invitation.

Watching Weeks

Parents are not permitted to watch the classes, as this can be distracting for students.  Parents may be allowed to watch their child’s trial class at the discretion of the class teacher.

We do usually have a dedicated watching week to show parents/family members what we have been learning.  These usually happen at the end of terms, with the exception of show terms.  If watching class, parents/adults are asked to refrain from talking and turn mobile phones to silent.  All calls should be answered outside the studio.  Any children accompanying watching adults should remain still and quiet during class.

Parent/Carer Contact Information

All communications will be via email and/or class group WhatsApp.  Parents/Carers must provide a valid email address/mobile number. It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to make sure these are always up to date. Any changes in contact information need to be updated on the Portal and it is also important to complete the “Change of Contact Details” form (located in the Motion Dance Academy Drive) to ensure all communications go to the correct place. Please make sure that Motion Dance Academy emails are not considered SPAM in order to not miss vital communications from the school. No responsibility will be accepted for things missed due to out-of-date parent contact details or Motion Dance Academy emails going into “junk” folders.


We hope that you will always be happy with our service and classes but issues happen sometimes and we appreciate the opportunity to put things right.  As we do not always have sufficient time to thoroughly address any issues raised at the end of classes, we ask that all persons with a complaint/concern attend a meeting to discuss and resolve with the Principal.  Should you have a complaint/concern, this is our complaint/concern procedure:

Please note: this is the only avenue of complaint.  Polite issues received via email/messaging service will be referred to the form but no action will be taken until the form is completed.  Aggressive/rude messages received via email/messaging services will not be replied to (please see conduct below). 

Conduct of Customers towards staff

Whilst we understand that you may not be happy if you have a complaint, we have a zero-tolerance policy on rudeness and aggression towards our staff.  Complaints can be dealt with in a calm and structured manner using the procedure above.  We do not accept aggressive/rude messages via email or messaging service.   If someone displays aggressive/rude behaviour at classes or during an arranged meeting (the meeting will cease immediately) the person will be asked to leave.  Anyone who is aggressive/rude to our staff, be that in person or via emails/messages, will be removed as a customer of the school and their child will lose their place in class without warning.

Data Protection

When you give us your information we promise to keep it safe and not share it with third parties.

We may use your data to contact you in relation to:

By accepting these terms and conditions you give consent to:


Dancing is a physical activity and contains a certain amount of risk.  Students taking part in any of our classes or events run by Motion Dance Academy do so at their own risk.

If students and/or parents break the terms and conditions, they may be asked to leave by the Principal and no refund given.

Our full Child Safeguarding and GDPR policies can be found on our website

The school rules are designed to enhance your children’s learning and enjoyment of the dance experience and help maximise their full potential.
If you have any queries regarding our policies, please contact the principal, Miss Mollie