Attendance Policy
Competition athlete
Competitive athletes are required to attend practice on a regular committed basis. Acceptable reasons not to attend class include sickness, bereavement, holiday, major injury, school event/performance, family emergency, night before an exam, such as GCSE, not standard school tests. Please note you are expected to let the coach/ club know if your child will not be attending as early as possible. School events or holidays should be given at least one weeks’ notice. Sickness as soon as you realise your child is not well enough for class.
Unexcused absences include homework, poor time keeping, didn’t feel like it, other sports training, minor injury, such as sore wrist/ cut knee.
If your athlete does not show up to class without letting us know or if it is an unexcused absence they will be given a strike. If your child gets three strikes they will be moved from their competitive team onto a recreational one. In addition to this if your child’s attendance falls below 60%, regardless of excused or unexcused absences, they will be moved off their competitive team. This is because as a team all athletes rely on each other and the team will suffer due to poor attendance. This is something we as a club cannot allow for the sake of all athletes involved. If your child is removed no refunds will be provided for competition fees, class fees or uniform paid up until this point.
In addition to this if your child misses class they are likely to miss learning a section of their routine. Please note for youth age group upwards we will not be going back over the section because of absences, as this holds back the rest of the team. It is the responsibility of you and your child to ensure someone else is asked to take videos or notes and catch them up the following week.
If your athlete does not attend competition they will automatically be removed from the team, unless a valid reason is given. If your athlete is sick you must provide a doctor's note to confirm this. In addition to this if you cannot attend a travel competition due to sickness or an emergency we will require proof of booking confirmation to confirm you actually intend to go. If these rules are not followed your athlete will be removed from the team and will be unable to tryout for the competition teams the following year.
Recreational athletes
When term payments are made you are committing your athlete to that term. If you decide not to attend that is your choice, but your athletes' space will be held for that term. If payment is not made your athlete will lose their space. If your athlete is signed up to summer showcase they will be expected to attend class and let us know if you cannot attend. If you regularly do not attend you will not be able to perform in the showcase.
Adult Attendance
We understand adults have very busy schedules with work, childcare etc. We also hope that you understand cheerleading is a team sport which requires all members’ attendance to work on stunts, pyramid etc.
All we ask is that you let us know at least 24 hours in advance if you cannot make it to class (unless in an emergency situation). This is to allow us to plan around your absence.
We also ask that despite your busy schedule you show commitment to the team. This means that you attend as many training sessions throughout the season as you can, if your attendance falls below 50% you may be asked to leave the team.
Dress Code
Athletes must be appropriately dressed and prepared for exercise when they come to class. Athletes are required to remove all jewellery, or have it covered with plasters. Athletes are required to have long hair tied back, they will be told to get their hair tied up if they come into class with it down. No denim is to be worn in the gym, no skirts/ dresses. Coach approved cheer shoes are to be worn. White trainers can be worn instead of purchasing expensive cheer shoes but they must be approved by a coach to ensure they are suitable. Some competitions will not allow you to compete with inappropriate shoes.
Athletes should arrive to class with water. Chewing gum/ food is not permitted, unless informed otherwise by a coach or medically required.
Athletes who require inhalers or medication during class should be sent to class with this in case it is needed in an emergency, coaches must be made aware of any medical needs.
Behaviour Policy
All athletes and parents are expected to conduct themselves in a polite well-mannered way, encouraging other athletes and teams. For the past few years Nemesis has been like a family environment for our athletes, we intend to keep it that way. Abuse of staff will result in athlete/ parent removal from the team and potentially the club. Bullying could lead to your child being removed from their competitive team and potentially the club. Anyone found to be portraying the club in a negative light, including on social media, will be removed from the club. This includes bad mouthing staff, the club, other athletes or other teams/ clubs.
Communication is key if your child is having a problem with another team member or staff at the club, this must be communicated to us in order to attempt to resolve this.
Payment Policy
All payments must be made on time. Pay as you go classes are not an option. All term payments must be paid in full in on or before the first day of term via cash, card, Coacha subscription, or PayPal. PayPal pay in 3/ PayPal Credit is an option which can be used by anyone via our PayPal link. Failure to make payment will result in removal of your child from class.
Competition entry, bus fees, uniform fees must all be paid on time. If all club entries are not paid on time, the club faces an additional charge or will not be able to enter/ order. The club will not pay additional charges because individual athletes cannot pay on time. If an athlete’s fees are not paid on time the athlete’s order/ entry will not be put through, meaning they will not be able to compete at the competition.
Once competition entries, bus money, any money that goes to any external party has been paid it cannot be refunded as it has been paid out by the club. When paying a term payment you are committing to that term and no refund will be provided should you decide to drop out mid-term.
All clothing/ merchandise orders must be paid for in advance or will not be ordered.
Arrival/ Collection Policy
Athletes are expected to arrive at the gym no more than 10 minutes early for their class. Classes will be ongoing so athletes are expected to wait in an appropriate manner. If any athletes need to be dropped off early this should be communicated and approved by coaches. Please note if the child is disruptive/ distracting to the class they will not be permitted to come in early again.
When collecting from the gym all primary school age children will need to be collected from the bottom of the stairs. There are no fifteen minute gaps between classes this year so coaches cannot escort athletes out to their car. A parent/ guardian will need to come in and collect them. There will be no exception to this rule regardless of whether children tell coaches they are allowed to leave or not. When collecting children, parents should not open the door at the top of the stairs. You must wait for the coach to open the door at the end of the class.
If athletes are regularly picked up late this will result in a late collection fee. If you are more than 15 minutes late to collect your athlete from the gym more than twice in a month this will result in a late collection fee of £5. This is because we have coaches who will be held back from getting home and have to give up their free time to wait with your child.
Athlete insurance
Individual athlete insurance is available for all club athletes. The club is fully insured as a club it does not take out individual athlete insurance. Individual athlete insurance covers personal accident, loss of earnings and can cover things like physio appointments. Our club insurance is through Insure4Sport. Insurance providers must cover stunts and tumbling to be valid for cheerleading.
Activity and participation
I understand that by signing up to Nemesis Cheer and Dance my athlete will have to take part in physical activity.I understand that like any contact sport, cheerleading does have an element of risk in participation. By signing this document I indemnify Nemesis Cheer and Dance from being responsible for any injuries that may occur, providing that the activity complies with the clubs code of conduct and safety rules. I understand that all drills and progressions are designed to help me/ my athlete progress, I understand progress my take time results are not instant. I will let Nemesis Cheer and Dance coaches know of any important changes to my / my child's health, medication or needs. In the event of illness, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered where considered necessary by a nominated first aider or by suitably qualified medical practitioners. If I cannot be contacted and my child should require emergency hospital treatment I authorise a qualified medical practitioner to provide emergency treatment or medication. I understand it is my responsibility to ensure my information is up to date so that emergency contacts can be used if needed and ensure I receive all information relevant to myself/ my athlete’s participation.
Competitive athletes
I, (parent or guardian of athlete if under 18) understand that I am committing to Nemesis Cheer and Dance competitive teams for the season 15th July 2024 – 1st July 2025. I agree to attend all competitions for my athlete’s team this season. I have read and accept the terms and conditions outlined and agree to follow the policies and rules of the club. I understand failure to do so will result in the removal of my athlete from the team.
Recreational athletes
I (parent or guardian of athlete if under 18) have read and accept the terms and conditions outlined above and agree to follow the policies and rules of the club. I understand failure to do so will result in removal from the class.