Next Level Dance

Privacy Policy

Next Level Dance 

Privacy Policy 

Next Level Dance is committed to protecting your (including any dependants) personal information. We are dedicate to providing a safe environment for all customers, employees, casual and freelance workers and everybody who comes into contact with us, both physically and online. This privacy policy relates to the use of any personal information provided to us online or via application forms, letters or correspondence. 

Whenever you provide such information, we are legally obliged to use your information in line with current legislation concerning the protection of personal information, including the general data protection regulations (GDPR) and UK Date protection act 2018.

When you participate in or sign up to any of Next Level Dance’s classes, activities, workshops we may collect and store personal information about you. Depending on how you are engaging with us this can consist of information such as:
-      your name
-      email address
-      postal address
-      telephone or mobile number
-      date of birth
-      medical conditions (within reason)
-      contact preferences
-      still and moving pictures
By submitting your details, you enable us to provide you with the information regarding the services that you have selected and provide a safe teaching environment. 

How will we use your information?

We will use your information for a number of purposes including:
-      to provide you with information about our products, services and activities and to deal with your requests and enquiries, including complaints
-      for "service administration purposes", which means that we may contact you for reasons related to the service or activity you signed up for (eg, invoices, or change of details regarding a class you are enrolled in, etc) 
-     to contact you about an application you have made 
-     to process your application for employment and where applicable your employment once appointed
-     to post any relevant examination documents
As and when we need to use your personal information for reasons other than the ones specified above, we will ensure that we notify you first. You will be given the opportunity to withhold or withdraw your consent for the use of your personal information for purposes other than those listed above. 
Next Level Dance does NOT share your personal information with any third parties for marketing purposes. We do NOT sell your data, and neither do we buy data from third parties.

Next Level Dance may contact you: 

-     in relation to any service or activity you have signed up for in order to ensure that we can deliver the services to you.
-     to remind you of important deadlines and/or renewal notifications.
-     in relation to any correspondence we receive from you or any comment or complaint you make about our services.
-     to occasionally market products or services that we think may be of interest to you.
We will not hold more information than required and will ensure all personal data is kept up to date and used only for its specific purpose(s) as outlined above.

Taking, storing and using images of students:

Certain uses of images are necessary for publicising and updating other parents of Next Level Dance services and activities. Parental consent is always required before any photograph can be taken, stored or used and all are given the option to give consent for the school to take still or moving images and to use them in terms of marketing the school on:
-     Our website
-     Facebook page

-     Instagram

-     Flyers and programmes

-     Or Internally for progress tracking

If consent is given for a still or moving image of your child to be used for any of the external marketing purposes, please be informed that these are public domains and can be viewed by anyone.
Should an image be used in any marketing publication, website or social media site there will be no use of names alongside images other than in special circumstances (such as getting into a dance school, or other achievements). In these very special cases parental consent will be asked, and Next Level Dance will only ever use a first name to protect privacy.
Any images are only taken on devices belonging to the school and stored by Next Level Dance are stored electronically on a secure computer system. Any folder containing stored images has restricted access and held in password protected folders.
At any time consent can be withdrawn to the taking, storing or use of images by contacting [email protected]