Okehampton Flyers

Terms and Conditions

Okehampton Flyers Gym, Trampoline & DMT Club 

Gymnast Code of Conduct 

For everyone to enjoy their time at the club, we expect all club gymnasts to: - Wear suitable attire for training and events, as described in our dress code - Ensure long hair is tied back and that jewellery is removed or taped 

- Inform the lead coach of any injuries/illness they have before the session begins - Show respect to their coaches and fellow gymnasts 

- Show humility in learning and listen carefully to instructions 

- Treat all equipment with respect 

- Remain in the gym/sports hall until the end of their session until they are collected by their  parent/guardian. 

We do not expect members to: 

- Chew gum, smoke, consume alcohol or take drugs during sessions or whilst representing the club - Use rude, threatening, racist or sexist language 

- Display threatening or intimidating behaviour towards other members, staff, officials or volunteers - Take part in or condone any behaviour that may impact or endanger others - Use mobile phones during sessions except in an emergency.

Disciplinary Procedure for Gymnasts’ Misconduct 

Every gymnast has the right to come to class and feel safe and have fun. Misconduct will be dealt  with in the following way following three banded levels:  


Minor disruptive behaviour  

Younger gymnasts such as pre-school age with diminished understanding, e.g. not taking turns,  climbing on apparatus, reports from other gymnasts they are saying ‘nasty things’, etc.  

Consequence: Coaches to give verbal warning to improve behaviour, may give one or two warnings  Full explanation will be given to gymnast throughout. Parent will be informed at end of session.  


Physical behaviour such as pushing and shoving others. Repeated bad behaviour throughout a  session or across multiple sessions. Verbal bullying, racism, swearing, inappropriate topics on  conversation, etc.  

Behaviour is affecting the safety or the experience of others in the gym/group  Previous warnings have been given during the session  

Consequence: Child will be sat out to miss turns. A full explanation will be given to the gymnast. The time sat out will depend on the severity of the misconduct and the age of the gymnast. 

Parents will be informed at the end of the session. 


Extreme physical violence such as punching, hitting, pushing others over, etc. Behaviour is affecting  safety or the experience of others in the gym/group. There is concern for the safety or welfare of  coaches/gymnasts  

Repeated poor behaviour, regularly sat out, previous parent meeting  

Consequence: Gymnast can be removed from the session and/or given suspension from future  sessions 

Full explanation will be given to gymnast and parent at time. Club manager will be informed and a  formal meeting will be held with parent on future date. Gymnast on report when returns to gym to  monitor future behaviour.

Okehampton Flyers Gym, Trampoline & DMT Club 

Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct 

We expect all parents/guardians of club members to:  

- Register their child on our online system, including completing emergency contacts, medical  information and consents 

- Encourage their child to learn the rules and participate within them  

- Discourage challenging and arguing with coaches and officials 

- Help their child to recognise progress and good performance, not just results 

- Set a good example by recognising good sportsmanship and applauding the good performances of  all 

- Ensure their child is dressed appropriately for the activity and has plenty to drink during sessions  or at events 

- Keep their contact details up to date and pay any fees for training before the start of each term  - Keep the club informed if their child is ill or unable to attend sessions 

- Share any concerns or complaints about any aspect of the club with the coaches and/or club  manager 

- Use correct and proper language at all times  

- Always ensure their child arrives on time for their session 

- Always collect their child promptly at the end of a session  

- Support their child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.  

We do not expect parents and guardians to:  

- Force their child to take part in sport 

- Punish or belittle a child for poor performance or making mistakes 

- Use bad language or inappropriate behaviour  

- Display threatening or intimidating behaviour towards other members, club staff, volunteers or  parent/guardians

- Attempt to undermine or override a coach regarding decisions surrounding a gymnast’s  programme. 

Disciplinary Procedure for Parents’ Misconduct 

Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated in the club and parents/guardians will receive a  warning should any such behaviour occur. Any parent/guardian receiving three separate warnings  will be asked to leave the club.