Park Street Performing Arts

Terms and Conditions

Enrolment is free for all students.

To help with show costs, we require a £10 costume fee from each student, per show. The show fee will be invoiced through ClassManager (usually within one month before the date of the first performance).

Absences and Class Payments

Class fees must be paid, even in absence, unless in extreme circumstances. We are a non-profit charity and prompt payment ensures that Park Street can remain open.

Invoices will be online from September, using the ClassManager system, making payment easier, after portal registration, you will receive a GoCardless direct debit mandate via email to complete, and fees will be collected automatically weekly or after a lesson.

Notice to no longer attend a class should be at least 7 days - if this is less, please be aware that any invoices already raised are still payable. 


In the rare event a class/session needs to be cancelled by the centre, credits will be raised to all students in the class who have paid for it.

Photographs, video and social media

In order to promote shows, celebrate successes or provide records for the school, the use of still or video photography of your child may take place in rehearsal or class. The photos/videos will be used to promote the school on our social media pages - Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and TikTok.

The taking of videos and photographs during performances is not permitted. Also if pictures of students involved in productions are put on social media these must only be of their own child/children. In most cases, Park Street shows have our own photographer present.

Behaviour Policy

At Park Street, we take the safety of our students very seriously and this includes their emotional welfare. To enable us to put on a show within a week we have high expectations in regards to behaviour.

We have 5 simple rules:

  1. Show respect to everyone at all times
  2. Follow instructions
  3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
  4. Keep yourself and others safe
  5. HAVE FUN!

We believe that good communication which is open, accurate and honest with parents is essential.

At Park Street, there is no place for violence, bullying (including cyber-bullying), harassment (racial, sexual or other), vandalism, rudeness or bad language. These behaviours will not be tolerated or passed off as “banter” or part of growing up.

Teaching staff and Mentors will remain vigilant to signs of bullying or harassment and all behaviours will be dealt with firmly in line with our behaviour policy. Students must tell their teacher in the first instance if they believe they are being bullied.

Park Street employs a number of sanctions to enforce these simple rules. This ensures a safe environment and a positive experience for all. The system we have chosen to use is the traffic light system.

All of our students begin their day on Green, a verbal warning will be issued in the first instance with the student afforded the opportunity to change their behaviour. Should a second verbal warning be required, the student will move up to Amber, however, there will still be plenty of opportunity to correct their behaviour so they can move back to Green.

Repeated poor behaviour will result in the student moving to RED. If a student moves to RED, parents will be contacted and informed of the behaviour which has led to this. Parents will have the choice if they wish to remove their child at that point or discuss other ways which may be helpful in addressing the poor behaviour.

There may be times when the student will need to be removed from Park Street immediately, this will happen if other students have been placed at risk or their behaviour is having a detrimental effect on the other students and preventing teaching from continuing. This will always remain a last resort and will always try to be avoided where possible.

The student will be welcomed back the following day and will begin on Green.

A student will receive an immediate RED warning in the following cases:

At every stage, the student should be involved in and informed of any action taken.

When dealing with the problems, our staff will:

  1. Separate the student from the behaviour
  2. Avoid confrontation
  3. Be firm rather than aggressive, shouting is not acceptable
  4. Listen and establish the facts
  5. Find out if the student is aware that their behaviour is unacceptable
  6. Encourage the student to reflect on the effect their behaviour has had on others
  7. Aim to repair the harm caused