Rebekah Brown

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions of Service

Rebekah Brown Dance Academy

Rebekah Brown Dance Academy is a brand owned and operated by Rebekah Brown

Our terms and conditions of service (“Terms”) is this agreement

between Rebekah Brown (“Rebekah Brown Dance Academy”, "RBDA", “us” or “we”) and its customers (“you”) for the provision of dance classes.

Enrolling into classes with us means agreeing to, and complying with, our Terms. In the event of material or persistent breach of our Terms, we reserve the right to suspend or cancel your enrolment in our classes and services until such time that the matter can be resolved.

1. Provision of Classes & Services

1.1. We operate a weekly rolling timetable of classes throughout 40 weeks of the calendar year

(our “Classes”). In addition, we run other services such as uniform shop, holiday clubs, medal tests,

competitions, exams, workshops, shows and events (“Services”) on an irregular basis.

1.2. We are committed to delivering our Classes and Services at the highest possible level of

professionalism. That means you can expect us to be punctual, prepared, appropriately

qualified, to communicate effectively, and to be always welcoming and courteous.

1.3. From time to time, unforeseen circumstances may prevent us delivering a class or service

(e.g., teacher illness, accident, or injury). In such circumstances, we will always attempt to

reschedule the missed Class or Service.

1.4. If we are unable to reschedule a cancelled Class, your next bill will be automatically credited

to the value of that missed class using our Class Manager system.

1.5. Refunds will not be provided if we are forced to cancel Classes or Services due to

circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including, without limitations, natural disaster,

pandemic, epidemic, industrial action, war, civil unrest, terrorist threat.

1.6. We reserve the right to make change to these Terms as and when required, and without

prior notice or consultation. In such instances, we will endeavour to inform you of the changes

and how they affect you.

Class Membership

2.1. Our Classes are charged via monthly fee. This is the "Class Membership Fee"

2.2. The Class Membership Fee is invoiced on the 23rd of each month, and taken automatically by AutoPay on the 1st of each month.

2.3. You can cancel your Class Membership/s by providing Notice of Cancelation (refer to section 8) as per these Terms.

2.4. Because of the way the Autopay system is set up, the invoices will read “Due Date 2nd” of each month but will go out on the 1st of each month as stated in 2.2.

3. Annual Timetable & Holidays

3.1. We operate Classes throughout 40-weeks of the calendar year.

3.2. We take 12-weeks off per year, which generally fall during the Tameside School Holidays.

3.3. Our holiday weeks typically includes 1 week in October, 2 weeks at Christmas, 1 week in February, 2

weeks at Easter, 1 week at whit, and 5 weeks in summer.

4. Taster Classes

4.1. We offer a free taster class (“Taster”) so you can try a class before committing

to join that class on a continuous basis.

4.2. After completing your Tasters, you will be issued an invoice (your “Enrolment Invoice”) which

covers the remainder of the current Enrolment Period minus your free Taster.

4.3. Upon paying the Class Membership Fee you are committing to a rolling monthly enrolment in that

class (your “Class Membership”).

4.4. Taster bookings are available to new customers to do one free session of a class before choosing to enrol.

4.5. Taster sessions are available to customers with current membership if they are doing a Taster for a class they haven't previously enrolled in

4.6. Tasters are not available to customers who have previously been enrolled in a class and left. If they want to enrol back into class no free Taster will be offered.

5. Class Fees

5.1. Class fees are charged at a fixed monthly rate (Schedule 1). The rate is based on splitting

the cost of 40 weeks of classes per annum into 11 equal monthly payments (your “Class

Membership Fees”).

5.2. Your Class Membership Fees are payable every month September to July.

5.3. Your Class Membership Fees will be the same price each month, regardless

of the number of class weeks or holidays in that month.

5.4. If you cancel a Class Membership, and then re-enrol into the same class within 90 days of

cancellation, you will be charged for an extra month as a re-enrolment fee. This clause is

included to prevent abuse of the cancelation policy.

5.5. Class Membership Fees remain payable and will not be adjusted for the customers planned or

unplanned absences, including but not limited to, illness, injury, birthdays, holidays, events, work

commitments, or traffic.

5.6. In exceptional circumstances we may, at our discretion, pause or reduce Class Membership

Fees on a temporary basis. Exceptional circumstances could include things such as, extended

absence due to a newly diagnosed medical condition or operation or procedure, an

extended trip out of the country for a period greater than 1-month to visit your home country

or to visit family living abroad, or extended absence due to a bereavement. In such

circumstances, we may charge a retainer fee to keep your space in the class.

5.7. No fee will be charged in August however, your Class Membership will automatically roll on to

September unless correct cancellation procedures are carried out (See section 8).

5.8. We reserve the right to review and amend the rate of Class Membership Fees from time to

time at our sole discretion. In practice, this typically happens annually. You will be notified of any such



6.1. All Class Membership Fees are collected byusing the AutoPay function on Class Manager, which uses Stripe.

6.2. We will schedule only your Class Membership Fees to be collected automatically. We will

not schedule any other invoices for any other Services for collection by direct debit without

seeking your permission in the first instance.

6.3. Auto will be taken from the saved account on 1st of each month (September-July)

6.4. Direct debits will not be reversed or refunded after they have been submitted for processing,

except in the case of a billing error.

6.5. If you are a new customer, you will be required to sign up to our Autopay facility after

completing your Taster. The instructions for signing up will be included on the email that

accompanies your Enrolment Email.

6.6. If you have any queries relating to payments that are scheduled for, or have been collected

by Autopay, you can contact [email protected] and we will always seek to

resolve the matter with urgency.

6.7. You are have control of the AutoPay settings meaning you and can cancel it directly via your Class

Manager portal.

6.8. However, by cancelling your AutoPay set up, you will effectively be cancelling your

Class Memberships. Upon doing so, you risk lose your space in the class, so we always

recommend contacting us first to discuss and resolve any issues directly.

7. Transferring Between Classes

7.1. If your circumstances change, you may be permitted to transfer from one class to another

class in the same style, providing there is a suitable and comparable alternative.

7.2. When transferring between comparable classes there may be factors that affect when the

transfer can happen; for example, exam sessions, class capacity, or show rehearsals.

7.3. Transferring between comparable classes would not impact your Class Membership Fees.

7.4. You are not permitted to transfer your Class Membership in one style of dance to a Class

Membership in another style of dance.

7.5. If you wish to stop attending classes in one style and start attending a classes in another style,

then you should email us with Notice of Cancelation (See section 8) for the class you wish to stop, and

you should then sign up for you would like to start.

8. Notice of Cancelation

8.1. To cancel a Class Membership, please complete our "Notice of Cancellation Form". This is available

as a link on all invoice emails.

8.2. RBDA operate a 30 day notice period.

8.3. Upon submitting notice of cancelation, your Class Membership(s) will continue for the

remainder of the 30 days and you will be able to continue attending classes

until the last day of that 30 day period.

8.4. If your notice of cancellation overlaps an Enrolment Period (see section 2), your final bill will be amended to only include the days that are within your notice period.

8.5. Notice of Cancellation will only be recognised through completion of the Notice of Cancellation Form. No other form of communication will be accepted. Notice of Cancellation can not be implemented via Text, Messenger, WhatsApp, Email, Social media and other such informal methods.

8.6. To cancel any other Service, please email [email protected] to inform us of your

intention to cancel. Your right to refunds in the event of cancelation is set out below.

9. Refunds

9.1. Class Membership Fees are non-refundable and will not be adjusted or reduced for any

planned or unplanned absences (refer to 5.5 & 5.6).

9.2. If you cancel a Service that you have booked with us, any prepaid deposit for that Service

will be non-refundable.

9.3. If we cancel a Service that you have paid for in part or in full, then we will contact you to

discuss transferring the Service to another date or issuing you a full refund.

9.4. If you cancel a Service that you have paid in full, your eligibility for a full or partial refund

will be subject to the timeliness of your cancelation request and/or the specific terms of that

service, as described below:

9.4.1. Exams and Medal Tests – notice of cancelation must be given before the exam entry submission

deadline that we notify to you when inviting you to participate in a dance exam. If

you cancel your participation in a dance exam after the exam entry submission

deadline, no refunds will be provided as we are unable to receive refunds from the

examining body after exam entry submissions are made.

9.4.2. Shows – notice of cancelation of your participation in a show must be given before

the deadline set by us when we communicate show information. Any charges

incurred in relation to show participation after this date will be non-refundable.

9.4.3. Show Tickets – ticket purchases are made through a booking agency and will therefore follow the booking companies own terms and conditions.

9.4.4. Holiday Clubs, Workshops, & Other Services – notice of cancelation must be given

no later than 4 weeks before the start date of the Service. In such cases, the full

balance less the standard deposit for this Service will be refunded. Cancelations

made less than 4 weeks before the start date of the Service will not be refunded.

10. Promotions & Discounts

10.1. We may, at our own discretion, choose to offer promotional and/or discounted rates

(“Promotions”) to new and/or existing customers.

10.2. Such Promotions are available for the purposes, and for the duration, that we specify in our

communications about those Promotions.

10.3. We will not backdate, refund, or retrospectively apply Promotions to bookings that were

made before the promotion was launched.

10.4. We offer free Tasters (see section 4) for promotional purposes. Such rates are reserved for

Tasters only.

11. Student Conduct & Turnout

11.1. Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with these Terms.

11.2. Where there is a designated uniform for a class, students must wear that uniform for that

class, except with our prior consent.

11.3. Disruptive, disrespectful, and/or antisocial behaviour during classes, or on the class

premises, will not be tolerated. In such instances, we reserve the right to suspend or exclude

any student from participating in Classes on a temporary or permanent basis, at our sole

discretion, and without refund.

11.4. We have set out clear values and expected behaviours for our students, which

we will ensure students observe during classes and when under our care. However, we shall

not be responsible for student conduct at any time when outside of our care, including through

their interpersonal relationships via messaging and social media channels.

12. Guidance for Attending Classes

12.1. To ensure your belongings don’t get lost, we recommend that all items of uniform are clearly

labelled. We accumulate a significant amount of lost property, so unlabelled items may get

lost or taken home by another student. We are not responsible for lost items of property.

12.2. Students should stay hydrated and may bring water/juice to classes. However, no other food or

drink is permitted inside the dance studios, unless prior consent has been given.

13. First Aid & Medical Conditions

13.1. All our dance teachers are trained in Emergency First Aid and renew their training periodically

in line with the national minimum requirements.

13.2. A basic first aid kit is kept on the site of every class we run.

13.3. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Rebekah Brown Dance Academy and our teachers shall not

be responsible for any injuries or accidents that occur, which are outside of our reasonable


13.4. Where a student has a medical condition that requires administration of medication, it is the

parents’ responsibility to ensure that the student is either able to self-administer without

supervision, or to ensure that an appropriately trained adult is on hand to administer the

medication. In either event, we cannot be held liable and accept no responsibility for

administering such medication and/or the effects of such medication.

13.5 It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian (or that of the customer themselves if over 18 years old) to keep all medical information accurate and up to date. The customer is responsible to update information using the Class Manager Customer Portal.

14. Data Protection & Media Consent

14.1. We are a GDPR compliant organisation, and we will not share your personal information

with any other third party. The full details of how we protect your data can be found on our

GDPR Policy.

14.2. From time to time, we may take photographs and videos (“media”) of students in class for

instructional, demonstrative, and/or promotional purposes. Such media may be used on our

social media channels. By agreeing to these Terms, you hereby consent to the capture and

use of such media. You can withdraw your consent at any time, and at your discretion, in

accordance with our Privacy Notice.

15. Legally Responsible Adults

15.1. You, as the legally responsible adult (or “grown-up”), are responsible for ensuring that your

child is fit and healthy to attend Classes.

15.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that your child is on time, appropriately turned out for class,

and is collected promptly at the end of class.

15.3. Grown-ups have sole responsible for their children when their children are not in class under

the care and supervision of the teacher.

15.4. Children must not be left unsupervised at our studios, or any other dance class location,

before the teacher brings them into class and/or after the class finishes without prior arrangement.

15.5. When a class has finished, children will be returned to their grown-ups and the teacher’s

focus and responsibility will move on the next class. As such, grown-ups must ensure someone

is present to collect their child on time, immediately after class ends.

15.6. You must notify us as soon as possible before class finishes if someone other than yourself

will be collecting your child.

15.7. Children are not allowed to leave the class location unless accompanied by an adult, unless

the child is permitted by you to travel to classes independently and we have been informed

that such permission has been given.

16. Limitation of Liability & Disclaimer

16.1. By entering these Terms, you hereby waive and release us from all claims arising from injury

or illness of any manner resulting from participation in our Classes or Service, other than as

a direct result of our negligence.

16.2. Where you are aware of a mental or physical disposition that could affect you or your child’s

suitability for participating in our Classes or Services, you should seek professional medical

advice in relation to the suitability of the class before attending, and we cannot be held liable

for any claim arising from attendance at classes which are later deemed to be unsuitable.

16.3. We accept no responsibility and cannot be held accountable for any loss or damage of

personal belongings or property whilst attending a class or on the premises.

17. Governing Law

17.1. The performance and interpretation of these Terms, disputes arising under it, are governed

by the laws of England.

End of Terms

Policy Reviewed 23rd October 2023 by Rebekah Brown