South Side Theatre Academy

Terms and Conditions

This is part of your agreement when joining South Side. Attendance at our academy is open to all subject to the following conditions:

Code of Conduct for Students and Parents/Guardians

Teaching Staff

South Side reserves the right to change the teaching staff whenever necessary.

Class Groups

South Side reserves the rights to alter class groups and ages as required. Students will only be able to move up age groups early if agreed by the South Side team. 


Fees & Notice



Child Collection Policy

  1. Contact the 2 contacts on our register. If the parent/carer is not reachable, and it is 15 minutes past the end of the class finishing time, the emergency procedure will be taken.

  2. Leave a message with the parents/carers.

  3. If classes, have finished we will take the child to the nearest police station in a taxi.

  4. Leave a message for the parent/guardian to say where the child will be. 

Waiting List

Students on the waiting list will be contacted in order of the list. If students are unavailable, and don’t respond to an email invite within 48 hours, the next students on the waiting list will be contacted and the first to make contact will receive the place.

Localised Lockdowns & Pandemics

If South Side cannot deliver classes due to force majeure or government directive, we shall implement online classes via video conferencing software as a replacement. No refunds will be offered.

Disclaimer: Our terms and conditions are subject to change without prior written notice. South Side Theatre Academy retains the right of final decisions and interpretation of terms and conditions.