Steppin' UP

Terms and Conditions


Once you have enrolled via our online portal, an invoice will be sent to you for your half-termly fees and your £30 [Exc VAT] membership fee and upon payment you will officially be a member of Steppin’ UP.  Your child(ren) will not be permitted to attend classes until the membership fee has been paid. This will secure their place with us and allow your family to access the many benefits of our Steppin’ UP membership.


Class fees are to be paid half-termly via an invoice that will be emailed to you. Class fees are not PAYG and are non refundable. We reserve the right to increase class fees in line with inflation, rising hall hire and running costs. Customers will be informed 6 weeks prior to a price increase. If a student decides that they no longer wish to attend their classes with us, we require a minimum of 4 weeks’ written notice during which time fees are to be paid as usual whether the student chooses to attend or not. If there are special circumstances to be considered as to why you are providing notice or unable to attend your remaining session please contact us so we can assist you.

Please note, we are a VAT registered business; as per your follow up email after attending your trial, class fees stated exc VAT. 


Steppin' UP reserves the right to ask participants to leave the group if they fail to pay class fees, continue to display disruptive behaviour or are disrespectful to other members or equipment. We will always endeavour to run classes at the specified time, date and location as advertised. However, if illness, room hire issues or other unforeseen circumstances mean the class cannot go ahead we will always attempt to rearrange the class, or carry any credit from missed sessions to the next half-term’s fees. No refunds will be provided for participant absences. Weekly attendance is not required to participate but is highly recommended, particularly if you are rehearsing for a performance. If you know your child will be absent or you have a holiday planned, it would be much appreciated if you could let their teacher know so they can plan accordingly. If your child misses 2 or more classes in a row without letting us know, we will be in touch to ensure they are alright and intending to return. 


Please note that any payments made to the company are NON-REFUNDABLE; this includes class fees, event ticket purchases and merchandise/shop orders. 


Unless you have opted into joining our mailing list, you will only receive communication regarding matters relevant to your child's class. Your teacher has an e-mail address if ever there are any issues you would like to discuss with them regarding your child or their class; this is [email protected]. If you require further assistance regarding billing or other administration concerns, please contact us at [email protected]


steppin’ UP Dance have published this brand new policy to the company in order to protect our freelance staff, students and valued customers.

This policy has been put into place to give our students and teachers the best experience in the class, giving each and everyone a space to feel safe and welcomed.

Below is our Behavioural Policy structure, of which is being followed as of immediately:

- Should a student in the class reach 3 strikes/warnings within the Steppin’ UP session, there will be a phone call home and a request for pick up [please find the outlined list of warnings below, as examples].

- It is then agreed between the customer and staff member that the student is given 2 more opportunities to prove that their behaviour is acceptable to continue at Steppin’ UP.

Should this not be the case, the customer and student is asked to leave Steppin’ UP as of immediately, via our Principal. Examples of warnings/strikes:

- Disrespect towards the teacher and/or assistant - Inappropriate and explicit language used towards teachers, assistants and/or other students

- Being a constant and negative influence to other students, causing extreme distraction

- Disrespecting teachers and venue’s property

- Poor attitude towards the exercises carried out by the teacher in class Immediate exclusion cases: [No warnings or opportunities]

- Physical violence towards staff and other students

- Bullying towards staff and other students There may be scenarios that are not stated above, but the teacher and/or assistant will make this decision based on the severity of the circumstances.

All cases will be reported to the Principal as soon as possible after the session, and the customer will be contacted via email to discuss cases specifically.

Should a student reach 1 or 2 warnings within the class, staff have been advised to speak with the adult of whom is picking up the student to inform them of the behaviour they have witnessed, so they are aware of the situation and it is resolved immediately.

Should the customer not agree with this policy upon registration, we cannot accept your registration into the Steppin’ UP family for the safety of our staff and other students within the class.

Steppin’ UP is about self expression, giving young people the opportunity to be themselves and find a space where they feel safe and comfortable to do so. Students that are going to impact this for our staff and students will not be accepted into the dance family, thus the publication of this new policy.

Should you feel there is anything we should be aware of, anything we should be doing better or putting into place to protect our staff and students further, please feel free to get in touch and we can discuss this more.

By continuing your registration, you are agreeing to have read and accepted our Terms and Conditions. 

Date Last Updated: 24/06/2024