Tanner Dance Academy

Terms and Conditions

Once you have enrolled you are committing to payment for the full term. No refunds are given on any term fees or enrolment fees regardless of attendance over the period of the term. Any overdue invoices will receive late fees of $10.00per week. Each term enrolments will automatically roll over into the next. Any changes to classes must be made prior to the beginning of term. Any accounts still outstanding from the previous term must be paid before a student is able to return for the new term.

Partial term classes are only offered to new students or students adding on a new class part way through a term. Catch up classes will only be offered in the case of classes being cancelled. If a student is unable to attend their class, no refunds or catch-up classes will be allowed. If a student has a credit applied to their account, this is non transferrable and must by that account only. 

Once a student leaves our premises, they are no longer in our care. This includes car parks and all surrounding areas. It is your responsibility to make sure your child is safe and picked up on time. 

All care and responsible practices will be adhered to during classes. Please note no responsibility is taken for any injuries or accidents during classes or performances.

I understand that once I have committed myself or my child to competitions, shows or concerts I am responsible for all payments of additional fees and costumes in full. 

I acknowledge no refunds are given and $10.00 late fees per week will be added. Any invoices more than 5 weeks overdue will not be able to return to class       

I acknowledge and agree to all terms and conditions of enrolment and in the TDA information handbook (found on our website). I declare all information I have provided is correct at time of signing. I am aware that I am responsible for my own or my child’s behaviour and conduct at the studio and at any competitions or dance related events. Any misbehaviour or unpaid fees may lead to the removal of me or my child from the studio and/or competition and concerts.