Oxford School of Ballet Ltd

Privacy Policy

This Data Protection and Privacy Policy is in place to ensure the privacy and security of personal information, collected from any participants at Oxford School of Ballet Ltd (OSofB): (staff, volunteers, parents or pupils). It is in accordance with The Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
●     GDPR compliance ensures the following conditions are met when handling participants personal data:
-       It is used fairly, lawfully and transparently.
-       It is used for specified, explicit purposes.
-       It is used in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary.
-       It is accurate and kept up to date if necessary.
-       It is kept for no longer than necessary.
-       It is handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, protecting against unlawful processing, access, loss, destruction or damage.
●     It is necessary to collect personal data as part of pupil enrolment, in order to secure a working environment that is safe, equal in opportunities, discrimination free and diverse.
●     Oxford School of Ballet Ltd will not share personal information with any third party, unless under specific circumstances e.g. NHS Track and Trace. Consent must be obtained and can be withdrawn at any time.
-       To enter a pupil for an examination, festival, competition or any form of public performance.
-       For promotional publicity e.g. website, notice board, social media.
-       Child protection concerns.
●     Any participant (staff, parent or pupil) has the following rights under GDPR:
-       To be informed about how the data is being used.
-       To access personal data.
-       To have incorrect data updated or to have data erased.
-       To stop or restrict the processing of data.
-       To object to how your data is processed under certain circumstances.

-       Data portability (allowing you to get and reuse your data for different services).