Oxford School of Ballet Ltd

Terms and Conditions

By participating in our classes, you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with them before you or your child participates in an activity with us. We reserve the right to modify, cancel or amend these Terms and Conditions and upon doing so shall provide you with notification that there has been a change. On purchase of any product or service, the most recent Terms and Conditions shall apply.


-          Oxford School of Ballet Ltd offers a free trial providing there is availability in the class, at the discretion of the principal and teacher.

-          Parents and guardians must provide correct and up to date contact information and health details as requested.

-          If a child is unable to take part in the trial, further free trial lessons may be arranged at our discretion.

Fees and enrolment

-       After the trial and with confirmation that the pupil wishes to continue classes, the pupil will be enrolled, and fees will be due for the full term or what remains of it upon joining. The term is usually 11 or 10 weeks long and dates can be found on the website: www.oxfordschoolofballet.co.uk/term-dates

-       Fees are due in full by the second lesson of term, or the second lesson of attendance for new pupils.

-       Discounts are not applied for personal absences e.g child illness, Covid 19 or a clash with other commitments.

-       Each pupil has a space reserved in the class for the full term therefore payment is for the full term or what remains of it.

-       Any fee changes due to teacher illness, Covid 19 or absence, will be adjusted accordingly by the Principal.

-       A half term’s notice must be given via email to [email protected] if the pupil wishes to withdraw from classes. Fees will be due to the nearest half term break or full break if withdrawing.

Equality and Diversity

Oxford School of Ballet Ltd (OSofB) is committed to treating all participants (staff, teachers, volunteers, parents and pupils) equally and fairly, regardless of the following:


                     Sexual orientation



                     Marital status or civil partnership

                     Pregnancy or maternity

                     Disability (physical or learning)

                     Socio-economic status

                     Religion or beliefs

                     Race (origin, colour, ethnicity, nationality, culture)


Oxford School of Ballet staff, volunteers or anyone engaged to work by the school:

                     Appreciate diversity and individuality in all pupils and ensure that all involved in dance sessions are able to participate to their full potential without disadvantage, within the reasonable parameters of health and safety.

                     Are fully committed to creating a safe and inclusive dance working environment that is void of discrimination (direct, indirect, harassment or victimisation) so that all participants feel respected and valued.

                     Uphold a strict anti-bullying and anti-harassment code of conduct to ensure that participants of classes are safeguarded.

                     Will take positive action to counteract, report or eliminate any discrimination, bullying or harassment that occurs.

                     Will regularly review practicing methods.

                     Will undertake relevant training to ensure the above aims are consistently met.

Any concerns should be reported to the Principal and Designated Safeguarding Lead:

[email protected]


Health and Safety

                     Pupils participate in lessons at their own risk.

                     All parents/guardians and participants are required to give information regarding any medical conditions when they enrol, and are instructed to update this information if anything changes.

                     Parents and guardians must ensure that any medication that their child takes to help them with a particular condition is available to them during lessons.

                     Pupils must wear suitable clothing and footwear at all times, including recommend uniform where applicable.

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Oxford School of Ballet Ltd is committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of all children, young people, and adults. We undertake the following measures to help protect the children in our care:

                     We ensure that all staff members e.g. teachers, pianists, assistants have a valid DBS check to prove suitability for work with children and young people. These checks must be done prior to teaching or active involvement in the classroom. Requests to view checks can be made to the school Principal at any time.

                     We take a register for every class and report any child safeguarding concerns or concerns relating to absence to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (school Principal). Esme 07805594608 or [email protected]

                     All staff are trained to be alert to the signs of abuse and the course of action to take should they suspect abuse. This training is reviewed and maintained annually or bi-annually.

                     We ensure that our Health and Safety Policy and Equality and Diversity Policy is implemented.

                     Any concerns about any member of the school community must be brought to the attention of the DSL immediately.

                     If the concern is regarding the Principal contact : https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/residents/children-education-and-families/childrens-services/concerns-over-professionals

Appropriate Physical Contact

Teaching dance is a physical activity and therefore a teacher or assistant will sometimes need to make physical contact with a student to show an idea or to correct the pupil’s position. This can include:


                     Adjusting arms, legs, rib cage, hips, feet, hands

                     Moving one student in relation to another

Where contact is needed, we remain sensitive to the pupil’s wishes and put their welfare first. In all cases, staff or assistants will ask permission and say why and how they will be making contact to the student before doing so.

*In the case of Covid 19 restrictions under government legislation, physical contact is prohibited and therefore will not occur.


                     We do not permit parents and guardians to be in the room during lessons (except for watching weeks), unless it is their trial lesson and the pupil may be nervous and verbal consent has been given by the teacher in charge.

                     All parents must remain on site whilst lessons take place for children under 10 years of age.

Written consent is obtained upon enrolment, for children under 10 to be permitted to leave the premises without parental supervision.