TPF Academy Of Performing Arts

Privacy Policy

TPF Academy Of Performing Arts (TPF Stage School, TPF Dance School, TPF Music School, TPF Management)

(Registered name: The Performance Factory (Wales) Ltd) | [email protected]

* We, the named above, who shall for the rest of this policy be known as TPF only collects data from prospective or current students parents. This information includes: Name, DOB, Home address and contact details. 

* The information is requested on our online registration form via  

* We will only use this data to contact parents with information of classes, rehearsals, productions or events. Or from time to time in an emergency. 

* Customers can opt out at any time by informing us via email that they wish to do so. 

* The data that we collect is not shared with third-parties 

* Customer data will be deleted as soon as a student stops attending TPF classes.