True Colours Performing Arts

Privacy Policy

GDPR Data Policy

The following is in relation to the holding of Data we need to as a Performing Arts School in relation with the new GDPR guidance.


The designated persons responsible for data collection and compliance are Peter Corrigan & Katie Corrigan - Joint principals.

Permission of access is given to;

Full access of data of students and parents for invoicing purposes is Mr Peter Corrigan & Mrs Katie Corrigan.

3rd Party hosting invoicing service is by Class Manager who are GDPR compliant and

have sent us their guidelines .

Full access of data of students and parents is given to Mr Peter Corrigan, Mrs Katie Corrigan & Miss Jocelyn Burles, in regards for information to enter candidates for

exams with the IDTA ,the associations require Date of Births , Full name, ethnicity, any special need requirements if any and medical issues if relevant.

Full names with date of births and email addresses are also needed for festival entries

to be processed. No further information is passed onto festival organisers.

Safeguarding Lead Officer Miss Jocelyn Burles also has access if required to contact a

parent or it has relevance to an ongoing support of a student.

We will supply to NHS track and trace with the relevant information should we be required. You have the right to opt out of this by informing us in writing. If you have opted out then True Colours Performing Arts will contact you with any relevant information that we have been given by NHS Track and Trace.


We are required by (3rd party) Milton Keynes council and neighbouring councils to ask

for children details when applying for exemptions certificate for the shows or


These are required by law. The council then are compliance with deleting data after the

event as are we. The exemption certificates are then destroyed.

Registration, medical information & Consent forms;

We request this information as it is needed for us to be able to invoice, know of any

illness, and have emergency contact details . We keep these electronically on Class Manager on a device with a passcode so only teachers who have the past code can access.

The printed version of emergency numbers and completed signed forms are kept securely in the principles home office unless needed.

A copy of emergency numbers are also kept in a folder which is taken to Hanslope Village Hall at each day we have classes and then returned to our home office.

Displaying of childrens names;

We will email or hand out printed timetables at exam time with their times and names we will continue to do this unless you specifically ask a teacher to have your Childs name removed from the general list.

No full names of the child will ever be shared publicly.

Live online classes;

We will record live online classes for the safeguarding of our students and our teachers.

These recordings will be stored in a seperate file in our home office and deleted after 1 year.




A )The right to be informed;

This is in the information above . Why we use the data we have and by whom.

B) The right of access;

If incorrect information on an individual you have the right to have the data corrected.

( new email address, change of surname etc)

C) The right to erasure :

Having the right to be deleted .

At True Colours Performing Arts on Class Manager you are classed as a member while you are actively with us.

Every term we go through the registers and will delete students and their information if

they have left True Colours. On Class Manager, the registers are deleted automatically at the end of each term and registration starts again.

If previously registered with Class Manager, your information will be stored by them for easy re-registration. If you book another term with us, True Colours will then again have access to your information.

Please note on leaving, a months notice on the 1st of the month is to be given so that we are aware that you will be leaving. If notice of leave is given mid month then you be liable to a subscription payment charge for the following month to cover the notice period.

D ) Right to restrict processing;

This means that the individual can limit the way that an organisation uses their data.

This is an alternative to requesting the erasure of the data.

E) Right to data portability

Exam records of pupils for example if you leave you have the right to take any

information, certificates etc with you. PIN number to be handed over to new school.

F) The right to object

As a member of True Colours Performing Arts we will send our current students information in a email via Class Manager regarding topics such as, or info on, summer schools, new classes , shows and other events. If you do not want to receive information we would need to be emailed to withdraw. ( however then you would not know what is happening within the school) but you have the right.

G) The right not to be subject to automated decision making including profiling

This one I believe does not apply to us! As all decisions are made by humans!

All children under the age of 16 need parental consent which is being given when filling out the forms during registration via Class Manager.

Peter & Katie Corrigan