TCPA = True Colours Performing Arts
Within these terms and conditions True Colours Performing Arts with be referred to as TCPA.
a) As from 1st September 2024 all payments will be moving to our new booking system Class Manager. This will be a subscription which will run month by month until cancelled by TCPA.
b) Subscription payments will start on 1st January and run until 1st December.
c) We reserve the right to suspend your child’s classes and withhold Examination and Festival entries and results until any overdue payments have been received.
d) Statements are available via your Class Manager account.
2) DISCOUNTS and scholarships.
These are at the discretion of the Principals.
a) Fees are not waived in respect of family holidays, school trips, school exams or short term sickness or injury, adverse weather cancellation or government instruction.
b) Instances of long-term sickness or injury will be addressed on an individual basis.
a) Timetabled Classes are paid by subscription payments spread over 12 months
a) Invoices for Examinations and Festival Entries are distributed on an Ad Hoc basis. You will be issued an invoice.
b) All Examination and Festival Entry invoices must be settled within 10 days of the Invoice Date as Entry Fees will already have been paid by TCPA.
c) The principals have the right to withdraw a student from an exam. If there is opportunity for a later exam session and payment has been made then the fee will be carried over. If a student is withdrawn on the basis the student has left the school then the fee will not be reimbursed.
d) Festival entries and exam entries and withdrawals are all at the discretion of the teachers.
a) If a pupil wishes to give notice of leave to TCPA the notice period is one month. Notice of leave must be given on the 1st of the month for subscription cancellation. Notice of leave given after the 1st of the month will result in the following months payment being taken in full.
b) Absence of notice or late notice for exceptional circumstances will be addressed on an individual basis.
c) In the event of a pupil leaving TCPA with fees still outstanding, TCPA reserve the right to pursue recovery of the debt by all legal means including court action.
d)If a student is asked to leave the school all fees will not be refunded.
e) If a pupil wishes to give up a class TCPA must receive this notice before a monthly payment is made. If the monthly payment has already been made and then the student cancels the class no refund will be given.
a) Occasionally it is necessary to temporarily change the venue of a class, or postpone it until a later date. Where this occurs TCPA will try to notify Parents either by email, text, FB page, website, letter, phone or word of mouth.
b) We reserve the right to cancel any classes at any time up to and including the date that the class starts. Should this occur we will endeavor to give you as much notice as possible.
c) If a class is cancelled an alternative may be offered at the discretion of the principal.
d) If an alternative private class is offered and the student is unable to attend then the class fee will not be refunded.
e) Classes may be cancelled in the event of adverse weather conditions Snow, Ice, extreme heat, short term sickness, injury, closure or health & safety issues regarding the hall/building or government instruction, without refund as this is beyond our control and the safety of teachers and students travelling /dancing will be assessed.
a) All teachers are qualified, CRB checked and insured and are fully aware of our child protection policy. (Available on request and displayed on our website) Due to the nature of teaching performing arts however, it is sometime necessary to correct positions physically. This is always conducted with the utmost care and will not be forced.
b) Phones /ipads and other electronic devices at TCPA are not allowed for children under the age of 13 and are not to be kept in bags. Children will be required to hand in devices which will be kept in the studio on the table for safe keeping on view and then returned at the end of class. This is for safeguarding and concentration issues.
c)We expect students to respect one and other and to be engaged and focused within their training.
d) correct uniform is to be worn with hair tied back and no jewellery.
e) Live online classes will be recorded fot the safeguarding of both students and teachers.
The designated safeguarding person (DSL) within our organisation is Jocelyn Burles.
Our comprehensive safe guarding policy and child protection is displayed on our website.
a) TCPA do not accept responsibility for loss, damage or injury arising from errors or omissions on the registration form whether completed by you or the person in charge of your child at the time of enrolment.
b) TCPA do not accept liability for death or personal injury to any child attending class, with the exception of such injury being caused by negligence or default of any member of our staff or any other default on our part.
c) TCPA do not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.
d) TCPA do not accept responsibility for any loss or expense due to circumstances beyond our control including, transport, fire, weather ,flood and other such actions.
e) TCPA is only responsible for students while they are in their class. Children cannot be supervised whilst they are outside class.
a) This policy constitutes an agreement between you and us in connection to classes or any services superseding any prior agreement.
b) Attendance at class is deemed to be acceptance of the current policy.
c) It is the responsibility of the Parent or Guardian to notify TCPA of any illness or injury that may affect the child’s participation at class.
d) It is the responsibility of the Parent or Guardian to ensure that we have the correct details for you and your child and keep us updated of any changes to health.
e) It is the responsibility of the Parent or Guardian to regularly read the FB group page and emails in order to be fully aware of all upcoming events.
f) In the event that we consider you to be in breach of these terms & conditions or that your child/parent is disruptive to other pupils or staff, teachers or venue staff, we reserve the right to exclude your child from any activity within TCPA.
g) TCPA hire premises from Hanslope Village Hall and Old Stratford Community Hall, therefore all TCPA Staff, Parents, Guardians and pupils must abide by the codes of conduct as set out by both Halls. These can be found on their website and
h) Photographs and video footage of pupils taken by TCPA may be used on our website, Facebook page, and Instagram and for publicity purposes. If you do not wish your child’s image used for these purposes you must inform TCPA at registration via Class Manager
All of our policies are available to view at anytime on our website