West London Gymnastics follows British Gymnastics policies and guidelines. All our coaches are DBS checked.
Safeguarding and Protecting Children:
- West London Gymnastics adopts British Gymnastics’ Safeguarding and Compliance Policies. Further information for parents can be found here.
- Should you wish to raise or report a welfare concern; please contact the Club Welfare Officer: [email protected]
- Or Regional welfare officer: [email protected]
- Registration must be completed before the first lesson. The form can be found on our website here.
- As a condition of the club’s affiliation to its Governing Body all club members are required to join British Gymnastics.
- British Gymnastics, London Gymnastics and Club Membership is compulsory and non-refundable for all participants.
- This fee is set annually; membership runs from 1st October to 30th September. The price is the same, regardless of what point of the year you join.
Payments, Classes and Attendance:
The monthly fee for all classes is calculated on the number of sessions a gymnast will receive throughout the academic year, pro-rated across 11 months.
Class fees will be collected by direct debit, online card payment or cash on the 20th of each month for the next month (e.g. 20th of September for October fees) from September to July.
If the fees are not received by the 27th of each month we will assume your child no longer wants to continue the classes and her space will be given to the next child on the waiting list.
- Payment for classes is due in advance.
- Fees must be paid in full every month to enable your child to keep their place in the class.
- Please be aware that places not paid for by the fees due date, may be offered to participants on the waiting list.
- WLG will not refund or credit any fees if you miss a class. Pay as you go payment is not acceptable (please bear in mind that the regulation of WLG’s cash flow is essential for continued booking of professional staff and training facilities).
- If a gymnast joins the club after the start of the month, proportional payment for the remainder of the month will be applied. (This rule does not apply to gymnasts who have already participated in WLG’s lessons/Late registration will be regarded as missed classes and therefore you will be charged with the full month's fee if your place is still available).
- In the event of severe illness or injury, where your child will be absent for a number of weeks, the club will need to be informed immediately to keep your child's space available. A signed doctors note will need to be produced upon returning to be accepted back into the class.
- Make-up classes are not available due to coach/gymnast ratios. In the event of a class cancellation, a make-up class will be offered at the club’s discretion.
- As stated, before the end of the month you will receive a new payment request for the next month.
- Failure to pay for the payment request within the prescribed timeframe will result in the space being offered to the next person on the waiting list. After this, WLG cannot guarantee the child a space in any class, and the child may need to back onto the club’s waiting list.
When we can make a refund:
- WLG will always make a refund when we have made an error in calculating any amount due. We will also make a refund where you have made an overpayment error, to the extent of the overpayment.
- In the event that a class needs to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, WLG will try to provide a replacement class. In the situation where no alternative can be found a financial refund is available.
When we cannot make a refund:
- Refunds unfortunately cannot be given for any sessions missed due to holiday, illness, injury or retrospectively for sessions missed before notice of the decision to leave is notified. You will understand that in such cases we are obliged to pay out the staff and establishment costs of that session and there is no opportunity to offer the missed sessions to another child.
- WLG is unable to make a refund where a payment has been made to a third party and that party does not or will not make a refund to the Club. The refund policy of the third party will determine eligibility for a refund. For example, British Gymnastics do not refund competition entry fees unless you can provide a Doctor’s note exempting from competing.
- Any entry fees paid for events such as shows or competitions cannot be refunded. We advise that you are sure you can attend before committing to an event.
- Where classes are cancelled due to adverse weather conditions, we will offer gymnasts a suitable make-up session. We will not refund these sessions.
- In the event that classes need to be cancelled due to natural hazards (geophysical events that pose threats to human life or health), we will not be able to offer any refunds. We will endeavour to resume classes as soon as practicable under the circumstances.
Parents/Guardians Obligations:
- The Parents warrant that the information provided on the Registration Form is accurate and up to date. It is the Parents/Guardians’ responsibility to ensure that they update WLG in writing of any change in your address, phone number, email address or any change in your child's medical condition or behaviour.
- It is the Parents/Guardians’ responsibility to inform WLG of any special medical conditions at the point of booking.
- Parents/Guardians agree to accept the sole responsibility for their child immediately before and after the end of the class.
- It is the Parent/Guardian responsibility to ensure their child's safety while in the changing rooms, toilet, reception and waiting areas as well as the safe entry of their child to the sports hall and vice versa.
- We cannot accompany children to the toilet, but will allow them to go if needed. If you are not happy for your child to visit the toilet alone a parent/guardian MUST stay in the waiting area in case they need to go.
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for bringing their child on time for the class. Warm up is essential part of the training and the child’s potential absence from the first part of the lesson could result in injuries.
- Only gymnasts, coaches and authorised individuals are allowed in the gym in normal circumstances. If you wish to speak to a coach, please make arrangements to discuss any matters with the management.
- Parents/Guardians are advised to accept official judgments regarding their child’s behaviour and development. WLG strongly discourages challenging and arguing with club coaches and officials.
- Should you wish your child to train at another club or organisation (even on a trial basis) then you must notify the club prior to doing so.
As a member of West London Gymnastics, gymnasts must agree to adhere to the following:
- Be punctual to training and be ready to start on time. Attending the warm up is an essential part of the training that helps the prevention of injury.
- Always listen carefully to your coaches and do only the things they tell you to do.
- Gymnasts should follow carefully all instructions by the coaches and behave in appropriate manner before, during and after the sessions.
- Take care of and be respectful towards the club’s equipment and facility.
- Gymnasts are not allowed to leave the premises without permission from the coach for safety and security reasons.
- All gymnasts should respect the club coaches, officials and fellow gymnasts. Rudeness, insults, racist behaviour, physical or mental abuse are prohibited and their use by any gymnast could result in termination of their participation.
- Food, fizzy drinks, chewing gum and sweets are NOT permitted in the training hall. A water bottle is allowed and even recommended.
- Gymnasts are responsible for storing belongings carefully in the gym. No valuable items should be brought to classes. The Club will not be responsible for the loss or damage to personal belongings.
- West London Gymnastics adopts the British Gymnastics Child Protection Policy, does not tolerate bullying and operates as an equal opportunity Club.
Hair, Clothing and Equipment:
- All hair must be tied back neatly, preferably in a bun and all jewellery must be removed prior to class.
- All gymnasts must wear WLG uniform. It is compulsory for the WLG t-shirt or leotard to be worn with black leggings/shorts and white socks/gym shoes to all training sessions. Uniform must be purchased upon joining the club.
- Prior to this any leotard/t-shirt with leggings/shorts that allows freedom of movement while at the same time not being too open or loose for safety and performance reasons may be worn.
- All gymnasts may borrow apparatus from WLG. Using personal apparatus is allowed and even recommended for advanced gymnasts.
Coach Obligations:
- Coaches must hold the appropriate, valid qualifications and insurance cover.
- All coaches must ensure that a safe environment is provided at all times.
- Coaches must consider the well-being and safety of participants before the development of performance.
- Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part and ensure all participants are suitably prepared physically and mentally when learning new skills.
- Gymnastics is a sport, which requires a high level of safety and discipline. Therefore, coaches are allowed to use appropriate level of verbal discipline if they deem necessary to avoid accidents and minimise injuries.
- Coaches are allowed to use British Gymnastics supporting techniques when helping the gymnast understand the correct position, shape or movement.
- Coaches reserve the right to sit a gymnast out of class, if she does not follow the club’s rules and safety regulations.
- Coaches must always report any incidents, referrals or disclosures immediately, following the appropriate guidelines set out in the British Gymnastics Child Protection procedures.
Media Release:
- Images and videos taken during gymnastics training and events, may be used for WLG promotional advertising (the club website, Facebook or Instagram page), gymnast training or coaches/judges’ educational purposes.
- Use of flash photography during training hours is strictly forbidden for the safety of our gymnasts.
If anyone wants to make a complaint regarding any aspect of the club they should, in the first instance, contact the Club Management. If you have any issues with our services please contact the club via email: [email protected]
- If the complainer feels that the complaint has not been dealt with in a satisfactory manner, they should then approach the club welfare officer: [email protected]
- If the solution is not to the satisfaction of the complainer, they may wish to take their complaint to British Gymnastics with whom the club is registered.