Terms and Conditions

YTT Code of Conduct
Your Talent Team (YTT) is committed to providing an enjoyable experience for all students and families. YTT will not tolerate the following forms of unacceptable behaviour:
verbal or physical abuse;
intimidation by a student of another student and/or intimidation by a Parent or Guardian of any student (including the student that is a child of the parent or guardian);
discrimination in all its forms as defined under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977(NSW); and
harassment or threats of any nature towards students, parents and guardians, or any employees or sub-contractors or third parties attending Your Talent Team.

The behaviours described above extends to those behaviours occurring at any location attended by YTT and during any performances (including before the commencement of any performance and after any performance) made by students of the YTT.

If any student and or parent/guardians are found to breach the Your Talent Team Code of Conduct the following process is in place;

First Occurrence – YTT will verbally advise those involved that they are in breach of the Code of Conduct and note the breach for internal record keeping and mediate a resolution of conflict for those involved.
Second Occurrence – YTT will provide a formal warning to those involved that they are in breach of the Code of Conduct and that any further offences will result in termination of tuition without refund of tuition fees and mediate a resolution of conflict for those involved.
Third Occurrence – YTT will provide written notice of cancellation of tuition as a result of a breach of the Code of Conduct and forfeit of tuition fees paid for the remainder of the term.
Tuition fees cover the significant costs involved in running classes including teacher wages, equipment, studio costs, music rights, insurance, utility bills, administration times, printing and class materials just to name a few.
Fees are charged on a Term by Term basis (APPROX. 10 weeks). Invoices will be sent prior to the term commencing via email. Fees are due within 2 weeks of classes commencing each term. Payment plans can be arranged in accordance with YTT’s Payment Plan terms and conditions but must be arranged within the first two weeks of the term. To ensure fee-paying students receive the attention they deserve.
New students will be charged term fees pro-rata (i.e. only for the remaining number of weeks of the term from the date they join).

Missed class policy
Where a student is unable to attend a lesson as a result of illness or injury, YTT offers the student an equivalent make-up class if a Doctor’s Certificate is provided. It is the sole responsibility of the Student to arrange a make-up class within 28 days of the missed class. YTT is not required to provide a make-up class where the request is made more than 28 days after the missed class or the class was missed as a result of a reason other than illness or injury.

Cancelled class policy
If a class is cancelled by YTT for any reason, YTT in its sole discretion will decide whether it is appropriate to offer a make-up class or provide a refund as an alternative.

Cancellation of Enrolment by Parent/Guardian
Your Talent Team requires invoices to be finalised by the end of Week Two of the term. This two week period provides both students and families to decide if they would like to proceed with an enrolment of Your Talent Team or withdraw their student with no penalty. After this two weeks prior has elapsed, students will not be entitled to a refund of fees paid due to change of mind regardless of whether enrolment fees have been paid in full or a payment plan has been established.

Cancellation of Enrolment by Your Talent Team
Your enrolment at Your Talent Team will be cancelled where any of the following occurs:
where invoices remain unpaid and no resolution to resolve the account has been made,
where student/s and or parents/guardians fail to comply with any reasonable direction issued by any staff member of Your Talent Team which compromises our ability to provide our services to students or compromises the safety and welfare of others;
where students and/or parents/guardians have breached the YTT Code of Conduct policy;
have acted or behaved in a way that draws negative attention to and/or misrepresents Your Talent Team;
if in our sole discretion Your Talent Team considers it is no longer appropriate to provide services.

Use of Photo/Video Footage:
Photos and videos may be taken by staff during classes and performances for various purposes. This can include but is not limited to, promotion of the studio (such as via Facebook or Website), as learning materials for students or teachers or for memorabilia. If a parent/guardian does not consent to their child’s images being taken and used, they are to contact and discuss with studio owner Miss Stephanie Perry.
Non-staff members (including parents and family members) are not to take any photos or videos of students without expressed permission from the studio owner (Stephanie Perry) and any other parties involved (e.g. parents of other students in the images).

Your Talent Team’s photo and video policy:
Please refrain from taking photos/videos of students during class without prior permission from the studio owner and the parents/family members of other parties involved.
Photos and/or videos of your own children must be taken clearly away from any other party and must only contain your own child/ren and family members.
Upon enrolment, parents/guardians have given permission for Your Talent Team and staff/representatives to take images and videos for purposes including (but not limited to) school memorabilia, learning resources for students and teachers and marketing (including social media). This also includes the video of the end-of-year concert. Any variations of these permissions need to be discussed with the studio owner Miss Stephanie Perry.

All complaints must be directed to the studio owner (Stephanie Perry) in writing. Please provide an email address for the response. A response will be issued in writing, via email, within 7 days. We will endeavour to resolve any issues as quickly as possible and aim to come to an agreement that is beneficial to both parties. If an agreement/resolution cannot be reached, a mediator or legal council may be sought by Your Talent Team.