Lesson trials allow you to try any available free or paid class lessons.

Mini Movers Mixed - Saturdays Lesson Trials

Here you can select any available upcoming class lesson to try. Please pay attention to class age limit.

Saturday 8th March 2025

Dance Majic

08:55 AM - 09:25 AM

Mini Movers Mixed - Saturdays (Weekly)

Mini Movers 1 Saturday (2-4 years)

Trials are held over two consecutive weeks. Please pick the start date only for your trial above 💕

Trial price £10.00


01/01/2025 - 20/04/2025


Saturday 08:55 AM - 09:25 AM


£5.00 (week)


Dance Majic

Newtown Liberal Hall

316 Rongwood Road

BH14 0RY


Pauline Vines

Amelia Jemison

Age limit

2 to 5