Lesson trials allow you to try any available free or paid class lessons.

Delanoy Dazzlers Lesson Trials

Here you can select any available upcoming class lesson to try. Please pay attention to class age limit.

No available trial lessons

Delanoy Dazzlers (Weekly)

20mins of ballet, 20mins tap, 20mins modern dance

Delanoy Dazzlers is a 60minute class aimed at 4-5 year olds (Reception) consisting of Ballet, Modern and Tap. It is a drop off and pick up class but for trials and until your child is comfortable with you leaving, a parent/guardian can wait in the waiting area at the back of the hall. What to wear: Anything your child can move freely in. Bare feet for Ballet and Modern and outside shoes for Tap. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or request a call: [email protected]

Trial price £5.00


11/09/2023 - 17/12/2023


Saturday 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


£7.50 (lesson)


St. Mary's Parish Hall

North Bar Within


HU17 8DL


Fiona Rosario

Age limit

4 to 5